
Political Web, page A1 … for 1:25 AM ET, February 20, 2006
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Top Items:

James Wolcott:
MARY QUITE CONTRARY  —  I only caught the bitter end of Meet the Press so I'm not sure what provoked Mary Matalin's pout-fest (I'm sure Arianna will issue a full forensics report later), but she made quite a petulant spectacle of herself, shaking her head from side to side in silent …
Crooks and Liars:
Lady MaCheney squares of with Gregory  —  Lady MacCheney squares of with Gregory and Dowd  —  Mary got into it with David Gregory and Maureen Dowd over Cheney's bungled handling of the Harry Whittington shooting on MTP.  (It's always odd to see two guests go after one conservative on the bobble head shows.)
The Shot Heard Round the World  —  He peppered a man in the face, but didn't tell his boss.  Inside Dick Cheney's dark, secretive mind-set-and the forces that made it that way.  —  Feb. 27, 2006 issue - Dick Cheney has never been your normal politician.  He has never seemed as eager to please …
Jonathan Alter / Newsweek:
The Imperial (Vice) Presidency  —  Since Cheney doesn't have a real chance of moving up, he felt he could change the rules.  —  Feb. 27, 2006 issue - Fox News's exclusive interview with Vice President Dick Cheney was, as CNN's Jack Cafferty sniped, "like Bonnie interviewing Clyde," but Brit Hume posed some good questions.
Chris Wallace / Fox News:
Transcript: Former Sen. Simpson Discusses His Friend, Dick Cheney
ReddHedd / firedoglake:   The Rules Do Apply...Or Do They?
Jeff Jacoby / Boston Globe:
When fear cows the media  —  THE PHOENIX is Boston's leading ''alternative" newspaper, the kind of brash, pull-no-punches weekly that might have been expected to print without hesitation the Mohammed cartoons that Islamists have been using to incite rage and riots across the Muslim world.
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
The Misguided And Cowardly Outrage Of The Press  —  We have watched two separate news stories overwhelm the national press over the past fortnight.  The first is the deadly protests that have come from imams stoking Muslim ire over four-month-old editorial cartoons satirizing Islam and Mohammed.
Charles Babington / Washington Post:
White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe  —  But Some Republicans Say Bush Must Be More Open About Eavesdropping Program  —  At two key moments in recent days, White House officials contacted congressional leaders just ahead of intelligence committee meetings that could have stirred demands …
Bush Didn't Need to Get Court Approval for Wiretaps, Frist Says
Discussion: TalkLeft and Sisyphus Shrugged
Los Angeles Times:
Advise and assent  —  THAT THE UNITED STATES Senate has a body called …
Discussion: Norwegianity
Steven R. Hurst / Associated Press:
Bin Laden Vows Never to Be Captured Alive  —  CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden promised never to be captured alive and declared the United States had resorted to the same "barbaric" tactics used by Saddam Hussein, according to an audiotape purportedly by the al-Qaida leader that was posted Monday on a militant Web site.
Discussion: Gina Cobb and Clarity & Resolve
Francis Fukuyama / New York Times:
After Neoconservatism  —  As we approach the third anniversary …
Discussion: Legal Fiction and Balkinization
Leon Wieseltier / New York Times:
The God Genome  —  THE question of the place of science in human life is not a scientific question.  It is a philosophical question.  Scientism, the view that science can explain all human conditions and expressions, mental as well as physical, is a superstition, one of the dominant superstitions …
Brian Leiter / Leiter Reports:
Why review a book of philosophy when you can sneer at it? (Leiter)
Discussion: Pharyngula
Michelle Malkin:
WORLD ON FIRE: ISLAMISTS GONE WILD  —  Your weekend Cartoon Jihad photo album (click on thumbnails for full-size images; via Yahoo! News):  —  Pakistan...  India...  Indonesia...  Philippines...  Malaysia...  Libya...  Nigeria...  Next?
Tim Golden / New York Times:
Senior Lawyer at Pentagon Broke Ranks on Detainees  —  One of the Pentagon's top civilian lawyers repeatedly challenged the Bush administration's policy on the coercive interrogation of terror suspects, arguing that such practices violated the law, verged on torture and could ultimately expose senior officials …
New York Times:
Lawmakers Increase Criticism of Dubai Deal for Ports  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 — Legislators from both parties continued today to sharply criticize the Bush administration's approval of a recent sale that would give a Dubai company control over shipping facilities at six leading American ports …
Agence France Presse:
Hugo Chavez to Condi Rice: 'Don't mess with me, girl'  —  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez launched a new verbal attack against US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, bluntly warning her "don't mess with me, girl."  —  Responding to remarks before the US Congress last week in which Rice called Chavez a …

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More Items:

Bill Roggio / The Fourth Rail:
An Interview with Colonel Davis
Los Angeles Times:
Industries Get Quiet Protection From Lawsuits
Steve Clemons / The Washington Note:
The Jordan Imperative: Abu Musab al-Zarqawi vs. Prince Zeid Raad al-Hussein
Michelle Malkin:
Jyllands-Posten: "My Day in Florence"
Discussion: ¡No Pasarán!
Jason Burke / Observer:
Torturers' Iraq link
George Megalogenis / The Australian:
Howard hits out at 'jihad' Muslims
Discussion: Tim Blair
New York Times:
They Served, and Now They're Running

Earlier Picks:

Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:
Dana Milbank Gets Froomkined by Lil' Debbie
Michael / Michael Bérubé Online:
Bush's chat with novelist alarms environmentalists, Christian groups
Kenneth R. Timmerman /
Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD
Ali Kotarumalos / Associated Press:
Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia
Sonja Barisic / Associated Press:
Pat Robertson Accused of Damaging Movement
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
New Clerk for Alito Has a Long Paper Trail
Alasdair Palmer / Telegraph:
'The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state'
Iranian fatwa approves use of nuclear weapons
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