
Political Web, page A1 … for 6:55 PM ET, February 19, 2006
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Top Items:

The Shot Heard Round the World  —  He peppered a man in the face, but didn't tell his boss.  Inside Dick Cheney's dark, secretive mind-set-and the forces that made it that way.  —  Feb. 27, 2006 issue - Dick Cheney has never been your normal politician.  He has never seemed as eager to please …
Drudge Report:
MAIN PRESS PLANS ANOTHER WEEK OF CHENEY SHOOTING COVERAGE  —  If the nation's top magazines have the pulse of the country — get ready for another exhaustive week of exhaustive Cheney shooting coverage!  —  This just in... Both TIME and NEWSWEEK are planning high impact covers of Cheney …
Chris Wallace / Fox News:
Transcript: Former Sen. Simpson Discusses His Friend, Dick Cheney
Captain Ed / Captain's Quarters:
The Misguided And Cowardly Outrage Of The Press
ReddHedd / firedoglake:   The Rules Do Apply...Or Do They?
Flemming Rose / Washington Post:
Why I Published Those Cartoons  —  Childish.  Irresponsible.  Hate speech.  A provocation just for the sake of provocation.  A PR stunt.  Critics of 12 cartoons of the prophet Muhammad I decided to publish in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten have not minced their words.
Alasdair Palmer / Telegraph:
'The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state'  —  For the past two weeks, Patrick Sookhdeo has been canvassing the opinions of Muslim clerics in Britain on the row over the cartoons featuring images of Mohammed that were first published in Denmark and then reprinted in several other European countries.
Realigning tolerance: Our options in the collision between free speech and Islam
Discussion: GM's Corner
Deborah Howell / Washington Post:
Crossing the Line on a Cable Show?  —  Dana Milbank can be controversial with readers.  The Post reporter has his fans — and I can be one of them — but I think his appearance on MSNBC last week was a mistake in judgment.  —  Milbank wore hunting gear — an orange stocking cap and striped vest …
Jane Hamsher / firedoglake:   Dana Milbank Gets Froomkined by Lil' Debbie
Crooks and Liars:
Lady MaCheney squares of with Gregory  —  Lady MacCheney squares of with Gregory and Dowd  —  Mary got into it with David Gregory and Maureen Dowd over Cheney's bungled handling of the Harry Whittington shooting on MTP.  (It's always odd to see two guests go after one conservative on the bobble head shows.)
James Wolcott:
Discussion: firedoglake
Adam Liptak / New York Times:
New Clerk for Alito Has a Long Paper Trail  —  JUSTICE SAMUEL A. ALITO JR., who was so bland and self-effacing at his Supreme Court confirmation hearings last month, made a bold decision on arriving at the court.  He hired Adam G. Ciongoli, a former top aide to Attorney General John Ashcroft …
Paul M. Weyrich /
Rumors of a Third Nominee to the Supreme Court
New York Times:
They Served, and Now They're Running  —  FOR Democrats struggling to win back Congress, it seemed like the most obvious of election strategies: erase the Republican advantage on national security by running real-life combat veterans as candidates.  —  In theory, at least, a candidate with a uniform …
Michael Janofsky / New York Times:
Bush's Chat With Novelist Alarms Environmentalists  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 — One of the perquisites of being president is the ability to have the author of a book you enjoyed pop into the White House for a chat.  —  Over the years, a number of writers have visited President Bush …
Michael / Michael Bérubé Online:
Bush's chat with novelist alarms environmentalists, Christian groups
Sonja Barisic / Associated Press:
Pat Robertson Accused of Damaging Movement  —  NORFOLK, Va. - Fellow conservative religious leaders have expressed concern and even open criticism over Pat Robertson's habit of shooting from the hip on his daily religious news-and-talk television program, "The 700 Club."
Discussion: Ezra Klein and The American Street
William Safire / New York Times:
Blargon  —  Every walk of life and field of endeavor generates its own insiders' lingo.  Those of us in the MSM — that's the superannuated, archaic mainstream media — have our own jargon, of which the first sentence of an article is the lede, the early edition is the bulldog and the guys working …
Discussion: Daniel W. Drezner and PunditGuy
Michelle Malkin:
WORLD ON FIRE: ISLAMISTS GONE WILD  —  Your weekend Cartoon Jihad photo album (click on thumbnails for full-size images; via Yahoo! News):  —  Pakistan...  India...  Indonesia...  Philippines...  Malaysia...  Libya...  Nigeria...  Next?
Ali Kotarumalos / Associated Press:
Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia  —  JAKARTA, Indonesia - Hundreds of Muslims protesting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad tried to storm the U.S. Embassy on Sunday, smashing the windows of a guard post but failing to push through the gates.  Several people were injured.
Philip P. Pan / Washington Post:
The Click That Broke a Government's Grip  —  BEIJING — The top editors of the China Youth Daily were meeting in a conference room last August when their cell phones started buzzing quietly with text messages.  One after another, they discreetly read the notes.  Then they traded nervous glances.
New York Times:
Lawmakers Increase Criticism of Dubai Deal for Ports  —  WASHINGTON, Feb. 19 — Legislators from both parties continued today to sharply criticize the Bush administration's approval of a recent sale that would give a Dubai company control over shipping facilities at six leading American ports …

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More Items:

George Megalogenis / The Australian:
Howard hits out at 'jihad' Muslims
Discussion: Tim Blair
Judd / Think Progress:
Cheney Advisor Won't Say If "A Beer" Is "Literally One Beer"
'Of Course I'm Afraid'  —  In an interview from his jail cell …
Kenneth R. Timmerman /
Ex-Official: Russia Moved Saddam's WMD
Leon Wieseltier / New York Times:
The God Genome  —  THE question of the place of science …
Discussion: Leiter Reports
David Sirota / Sirotablog:
The stealth agenda of Congress's earmark "reform" zealots
Discussion: Sirotablog and Prairie Weather
Paul Hipp / The Huffington Post:
Cheney's Victim Sings
On tape, Hussein talks of WMDs

Earlier Picks:

Ian Fisher / New York Times:
Italian Quits Over Cartoons; 15 Die in Nigeria
Michelle Malkin:
Iranian fatwa approves use of nuclear weapons
David S. Broder / Washington Post:
Trillion-Dollar Gimmick  —  Extending Bush's Tax Cuts Through Sleight of Hand
The Back-Channel Chatter After Katrina
Jeffrey H. Birnbaum / Washington Post:
Promise to Shore Up Ethics Loses Speed
Discussion: firedoglake, MyDD and The Sideshow
National Review:
A Mullah's-Eye View of the World
Simon Jenkins / Times of London:
Bush and Blair have brilliantly done Bin Laden's work for him
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