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SECURITY & TERRORISM — UAE terminal takeover extends to 21 ports — WASHINGTON, Feb. 24 (UPI) — A United Arab Emirates government-owned company is poised to take over port terminal operations in 21 American ports, far more than the six widely reported.
Discussion:, Daily Pundit, The Left Coaster, King of Zembla, The All Spin Zone, Norwegianity and WTF Is It Now??

Taste of the Future — "Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." The acidulous wisdom of Mark Twain speaks to us across the ages, and never more than this week during the great congressional mobilization to save America's ports from the dreaded hand of Dubai.

A Dubai Finesse — If only Churchill were alive today, none of this would be happening. The proud imperialist would have taken care that the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., chartered in 1840 by Victoria ("by the grace of God . . . Queen defender of the faith" on …

Of Ports and Potty-Mouths — By now, hundreds of comments, of pretty much every conceivable opinion, have been posted here at Polipundit regarding the sale of P&O Ports to Dubai Ports World. Essentially, there have been two camps established in the main, with two additional camps playing …
Blogs for Bush, The Anchoress, Gateway Pundit, Hugh Hewitt, Macsmind, The RCP Blog, Daily Kos and The Huffington Post

New Rasmussen Poll: Dems Favored Over Bush On National Security — Everyone has been saying the politics of the Dubai Ports World deal is bad news for President Bush. Well, now we have an idea of just how bad. Rasmussen Reports has just released a poll showing that Americans now trust Democrats …
Democrat Taylor Marsh …, MyDD, The Moderate Voice, Thoughts from Kansas and IntoxiNation-News …

A Rally for Freedom — Thanks to the inspiration of Christopher Hitchens, Washingtonians showed their peaceful solidarity on Friday with the people of Denmark. A sampling of the rally for freedom at the Embassy of Denmark below. — UPDATE: Video is now available.
Wonkette, Captain's Quarters, Michelle Malkin, The Big Pharaoh, Hyscience, Squiggler, TigerHawk and GOP Bloggers

Rallying For Denmark And Free Speech — I just got back from the Danish solidarity rally organized by Christopher Hitchens outside Denmark's Embassy in Washington. And let me just say, it was in every way the polar opposite of all the other "rallies" you have seen in reaction to the Mohammad cartoons.

VITAL PERSPECTIVE has posted photos from the Danish Embassy march today. There are quite a few, but I thought that this one was the most emblematic. — We're promised video later; I'll let you know. — I hope that this event gets the attention it deserves; it would be a poor reflection …

Photoblogging — Some days, it's really good to be a blogger. In the last few minutes, Chris Huckenpoehler and Patrick Rockefeller both emailed pictures to me of today's protest at the Danish Embassy. — Here are a few from Patrick - — Yes, that's Christopher Hitchens. — Sully was there, too.

As Violence Ebbs, U.S. Envoy Warns of Danger to Iraq's Future — BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 24 — The American ambassador to Iraq said today that sectarian violence this week was a threat to the future of Iraq, and that Iraqi leaders would have to come together and compromise if they wanted to save their homeland.
The Fourth Rail, Los Angeles Times, Outside The Beltway, Body and Soul, Washington Post, Hullabaloo and A Blog For All

Fierce streetfighting at my doorstep for the last 3 hours. Rumor in the neighbourhood is that men in black are trying to enter the area. Some armed kids defending the local mosque three blocks away are splattering bullets at everything that moves, and someone in the street was shouting for people to prepare for defending themselves.
The Belmont Club

Standoff in Iraq — The insurgency in Iraq has no military capability either to drive the United States military from Iraq or to stop the American training of Iraqi police and security forces — or, for that matter, to derail the formation of a new government.
New York Times, Sadly, No!, Dr. Sanity, Obsidian Wings, Andrew Sullivan, Blogs for Bush and MaxSpeak

After Shock of Golden Mosque Bombings, Iraqis Hold Unity Protests
Gina Cobb

Terrorists Attack Saudi Oil Facility (updated) — LAST UPDATE AT 2:55 pm ET. One of the "nightmare scenarios" in the counterterrorism community almost happened, with an attempted terrorist attack on a major oil refinery in Abqaiq (a.k.a. Buqayq) in eastern Saudi Arabia today.

Wal-Mart to Loosen Health Insurance Limits — Wal-Mart Stores, facing a raft of state legislation that would require it to increase spending on employee health insurance, will lift several of its long-standing — and most-criticized — restrictions on eligibility over the next year, the giant retailer said this morning.

Livingstone suspended over 'Nazi' jibe — Ken Livingstone was today suspended from office for four weeks by a disciplinary tribunal for likening a Jewish Evening Standard reporter to a Nazi concentration camp guard. — The three-man Adjudication Panel for England said the mayor of London should step down from his duties on March 1.

Students Hail Harvard President — Their strong support for Lawrence H. Summers is seen by some as a sign of a shift in campus politics. — CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — If Harvard University President Lawrence H. Summers was worried about how the undergraduates would greet him Wednesday night …

10 Texas GOP delegation members endorse DeLay — Ten Republican members of the Texas congressional delegation, including a few who owe their jobs to redistricting engineered by U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, came to Houston on Thursday to endorse the incumbent. — "We're not here because Tom DeLay …

Lawmaker's proposal: Bar Republicans from adopting — AKRON, Ohio - If an Ohio lawmaker's proposal becomes state law, Republicans would be barred from being adoptive parents. — State Sen. Robert Hagan sent out e-mails to fellow lawmakers late Wednesday night, stating that he intends to …

Ilan Halimi, Z"L: "Religion of Peace's" Latest Western Victim — Over the last week or so, I've been getting a lot of mail about Ilan Halimi, who was tortured and murdered by Muslim gang members in Paris for the crime of being a Jew. Each press account—from the Jewish and Israeli media—of how he was tortured to death is disturbing.

Only on Fox: "All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?" … A segment about escalating sectarian violence in Iraq on the February 23 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto featured onscreen captions that read: " 'Upside' To Civil War?" and "All-Out Civil War in Iraq: Could It Be a Good Thing?"