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A MANIFESTO AGAINST ISLAMISM — Danish reader P.H.N. sends an important document published today in the Jyllands-Posten from 12 brave intellectuals: — MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism — After having overcome fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism, the world now faces a new totalitarian global threat: Islamism.

Salman Rushdie, Ayaan Hirsi Ali et al Slam Islamic Totalitarianism — This just in, stay tuned as the story develops. I think we'll be seeing people die in the coming days. You know, from "reactions".... Update: This will be brought in the French weekly Charlie Hebdo tomorrow, Wednesday.

Militant Islam and Children — This subject is much broader and deserves more attention than a fleeting blog post, but two stories appeared in my inbox today that suggest militant Islam and even some of its mainstream cousins have absolutely no thought of the future and no regard for the lives of anyone, most especially children.

Poll of troops in Iraq sees 72% support for withdrawal within a year — WASHINGTON — Seventy-two percent of troops on the ground in Iraq think U.S. military forces should get out of the country within a year, according to a Zogby poll released Tuesday. — The survey of 944 troops …

Intelligence agencies warned about growing local insurgency in late 2003 — WASHINGTON - U.S. intelligence agencies repeatedly warned the White House beginning more than two years ago that the insurgency in Iraq had deep local roots, was likely to worsen and could lead to civil war …
The Moderate Voice, The Road To Surfdom, Informed Comment, The Washington Monthly and The Mahablog

GOP Unease Spreads to Security Issues — Port Deal Among Challenges to What Has Been Bush's Strength — The first heading on the issues page of Rep. Mark Foley's Web site brags that he is "one of President Bush's strongest supporters in Congress." The Florida Republican voted …

Arab boycott largely reduced to 'lip service' — The Arab boycott, established by the Arab League in 1951 as an economic tool to hurt Israel, is a dying animal. Ask Aramex. — The company, which provides delivery services around the world, is commonly used by Arab and Israeli companies …

Bush: U.S. Won't Get Into Iraq Civil War — President Bush Grants Elizabeth Vargas Exclusive, Wide-Ranging Interview — WASHINGTON, Feb. 28, 2006 — In an exclusive interview with ABC News' Elizabeth Vargas, President Bush offered his views on a range of topics, including the response …
AMERICAblog, The Mahablog, The Political Pit Bull, Left I on the News, Wonkette, Hoffmania!, Flopping Aces, The Heretik, Blogs for Bush and TBogg

Iraq's worst week — and Bush's — The catastrophe in Iraq, the scope of which is now apparent to even the most disengaged observer, and his mishandling of the Dubai port issue have sent President George W. Bush's public approval ratings to the lowest of his presidency.

At Least 75 Dead in String of Attacks in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq, Feb. 28 — At least 75 Iraqis were killed in a maelstrom of violence today as insurgents carried out one of their deadliest offensives in weeks. The vast majority of the victims died in five powerful bombings in Baghdad …

Prosecutors: Saddam Approved Executions — BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) — Prosecutors presented documents Tuesday they said show Saddam Hussein approved executions of more than 140 Shiites in the 1980s, the most direct evidence yet against the former Iraqi leader in his four-month trial.

MORE ON THE GAS TAX. These are all very sensible comments by Duncan, but I want to particularly underscore one: For many people, using less car is Just Not An Option. I tend to find gas taxes most appealing to people in dense, urban environments with highly-functioning public transport systems.

Shays Endorsing Lieberman — It's been the subject of whispered conversations among top Republican officials for the past month. Now, U.S. Rep. Chris Shays, R-4th District, has let slip the secret: GOP officials have discussed cross-endorsing Democratic Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman this fall.

Supreme Court Backs Abortion Protesters in Unanimous Ruling — WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 — Anti-abortion groups gained a victory in the Supreme Court today as the justices ruled, 8 to 0, that abortion clinics cannot rely on federal laws against racketeering and extortion to prevent demonstrations against abortions.

Poor and Muslim? Jewish? Soup Kitchen Is Not for You. — PARIS, Feb. 27 — More than 200 political demonstrators defied a police ban here on Thursday, scurrying across Boulevard St.-Germain and under the sycamore trees of Place Maubert to engage in their forbidden action: eating "pig soup" in public.