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03/02/06 FOX Poll: Most Oppose Port Deal; Republicans Lose Ground — NEW YORK — Most Americans oppose allowing a Dubai company to run some U.S. ports, even as a majority understands the U.S. would continue to control port security, according to a new FOX News poll.

Poll Finds Americans Overwhelmingly Disapprove of Port Deal — WASHINGTON — Americans, by a greater than 3 to 1 margin, oppose the proposed deal that would allow a state-owned Arab firm to assume control of operations at several U.S. ports, a Times/Bloomberg poll has found.

Americans oppose port deal — WASHINGTON — Americans overwhelmingly oppose the proposed sale of cargo operations at six major U.S. seaports to a Dubai firm, calling it a threat to the nation's security, according to a USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken Tuesday and Wednesday. (Related:Ports poll results)

AFTER THE PORT DEAL, HOW ELSE DOES THE TIPPING POINT AFFECT OUR POLITICS? [03/02 06:53 PM] — I'll be traveling for a couple of days, so here's some food for thought until we get back. — More polls showing strong, strong opposition to the DPW ports deal - 66 percent opposed in the USA Today poll …

New Video Shows Blanco Saying Levees Safe — WASHINGTON (AP) — In the hectic, confused hours after Hurricane Katrina lashed the Gulf Coast, Louisiana's governor hesitantly but mistakenly assured the Bush administration that New Orleans' protective levees were intact, according to a new video obtained …

Reporting on Bush pre-Katrina briefing, NY Times, Wash. Post …

Senate Approves Patriot Act Renewal — WASHINGTON - The Senate on Thursday gave its blessing to the renewal of the USA Patriot Act after adding new privacy protections designed to strike a better balance between civil liberties and the government's power to root out terrorists.

Senate Approves Renewal of Antiterrorism Bill — WASHINGTON, March 2 — The Senate voted overwhelmingly today to extend the Patriot Act, clearing the way for the House to wrap up its work on the anti-terrorism bill and send it to President Bush before it expires on March 10.

Cartoonist's Daughter Hunted by 12 Jihadists — Update: I have now posted the transcript of the interview with Jens Rohde at the bottom of this post. — Update: See below for comments from the Police Intelligence Service — Hmmm.. It seems that all I had to do to get back to blogging was getting my indignation recharged.

Jay Bennish - Communist Agent for Colorado Schools — Thursday Thirteen - Thirteen Books for Read Across America Week — Read Across America and Dr. Seuss's Birthday — Worst Meal I've Ever Prepared! Plus It Stunk Up The House — Why Education is Important — Carnivals!

Bush goes on 'trial' in Morris
Rocky Mountain News, Generation Why?, Classical Values, The Belmont Club and Riehl World View

Italian Panel: Soviets Behind Pope Attack — An Italian parliamentary commission concluded "beyond any reasonable doubt" that the Soviet Union was behind the 1981 attempt to kill Pope John Paul II _ a theory long alleged but never proved, according to a draft report made available Thursday.

The President's Indian Fantasy — The rash nukes pledge is typical of Bush's strategic shortsightedness. — It takes a great strategic mind, something like a chess master's, to think three or four moves ahead in plotting international diplomacy. It would be nice if the Bush administration, now and then, could think one move ahead.

What Bush Was Told About Iraq — Two highly classified intelligence reports delivered directly to President Bush before the Iraq war cast doubt on key public assertions made by the president, Vice President Cheney, and other administration officials as justifications for invading Iraq …

We Can't Force Democracy — Creating Normality Is the Real Mideast Challenge — The whiff of incipient anarchy in Iraq in recent days has provided a prospect so terrifying as to concentrate the minds of Republicans and Democrats, Iraq's sectarian political factions, and even the media.

Iraqi WMD Mystery Solved — Frontpage Interview's guest today is Ryan Mauro, who spoke at the recent 2006 International Intelligence Summit on Iraq. He is the 19-year old author of Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq and founder of
Transterrestrial Musings

Harper's Publishes AIDS Denialist — The latest issue of Harper's Magazine contains a stunning 15-page article by well-known AIDS denialist Celia Farber (formerly of Spin magazine) that extensively repeats UC Berkeley virologist Peter Duesberg's discredited theory that HIV does not cause AIDS.