Top Items:

Mr. Bush Unvarnished — PRESIDENT BUSH should hold more news conferences. In his hour-long exchange with reporters at the White House yesterday, he was considerably more effective in explaining and defending his commitment to the war in Iraq than in the three carefully worded speeches he has delivered in the past week.

Bush Concedes Iraq War Erodes Political Status — President Bush at his White House news conference yesterday. He said he was convinced that the United States would succeed in Iraq. — WASHINGTON, March 21 — President Bush said Tuesday that the war in Iraq was eroding his political capital …

President Professes No Doubts on Iraq — Bush: 'Future Presidents' Will Decide When Americans Forces Leave — President Bush said today that if he had any doubts about U.S. success in Iraq, he would pull out U.S. troops immediately. But he said he harbors no such doubts …
LiberalOasis, Outside The Beltway, Penraker, The Washington Monthly and The Left Coaster

BUSH DEFENDS HIS OPTIMISM: You know what I've said about Cheney and Rumsfeld's analysis.

Late Nite FDL: Aw Shucks, Brady, You Shouldn't Have — Update: They are having some fun with Bughouse Ben already over at the Ben seems to be yet another home school Intelligent Design afficionado, a barking Yellow Elephant, and as Red Dan mentioned, the blogger "Augustine" over at Red State Racists.
Washington Post, The Sideshow, Outside The Beltway, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, AMERICAblog, Talking Points Memo, FishBowlDC, skippy the bush kangaroo, The Left Coaster, UNCoRRELATED, Hullabaloo, Brad DeLong's Semi …,, Crooks and Liars, Your Logo Here, Confederate Yankee, Pharyngula, Danny Carlton, The Agonist, RedState and Hyscience

Meet Young Ben Domenech — SHOW: CNN DAYBREAK SATURDAY 06:00 am ET — May 31, 1997; Saturday 6:19 am Eastern Time — HEADLINE: A Look At One Family's Efforts At Home Schooling — GUESTS: LEXIS-NEXIS Related Topics Full Article Related Topics Overvie — This document contains no targeted Topics.

Ben Domenech: creationist — Let us continue our Ben Domenech bashing. He's got this somewhat high profile gig at the Washington Post, and one has to wonder what his qualifications are. I think we can rule out "intelligence." — GWW made an interesting discovery: he's a creationist.

Afghan Convert May Be Unfit to Stand Trial — KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan man facing the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity may be mentally unfit to stand trial, a state prosecutor and presidential adviser said Wednesday. — Abdul Rahman, 41, went on trial last week in Kabul.
Jihad Watch, Booman Tribune, Rantings of a Sandmonkey, Below The Beltway and The Big Pharaoh

Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues — Federal Programs Direct At Least $157 Million — For years, conservatives have complained about what they saw as the liberal tilt of federal grant money. Taxpayer funds went to abortion rights groups such as Planned Parenthood to promote birth control …
Discussion:, Think Progress, Pam's House Blend, Air America Radio and The Democratic Daily Blog

GALLUP POLLING DROPS CNN AFTER 'LOW RATINGS'; FULL MEMO REVEALED — The GALLUP polling company has dropped CNN as its outlet for electronic distribution. — GALLUP, CNN and USA TODAY have been polling partners since 1992. — "CNN has far fewer viewers than it did in the past …
Discussion:, Captain's Quarters, The Strata-Sphere,,, Daimnation! and

THE U.N. ATTEMPTS A WHITEWASH — Well, well, well. The United Nations has removed its anti-Danish poster from its website. This morning, it was featured prominently as a graphic and available as a special download in PDF. — It was also available in Arabic: — Now, no trace of it at all.
Agora, PoliBlog,, Ace of Spades HQ, No More Mister Nice Blog, Rantings of a Sandmonkey, RedState and Atlas Shrugs

Hypersensitivity (Lego Edition)
Elephants in Academia, JunkYardBlog, In the Bullpen, Solomonia, Secular Blasphemy and Vital Perspective

Of Moose, Mice and Men — The Moose plays the devil's advocate and mischievously suggests that the Congressional Democrats are a bunch of spineless politicians who are unmanly and refuse to take risks and avoid conflict. — Has the Moose gone beserk and been transformed into a kossak?

Fears grow over new Dubai revolt — By Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and James Boxell in London — Arab and US officials are growing nervous at the prospect of a second congressional uprising against the acquisition of American assets by a Middle Eastern-controlled company in the wake of the Dubai Ports World debacle.

My McCain 2008 PRO & CON Analysis — PROS: — 1. Has always been fiscally responsible, voting against pork, excessive spending, etc. He is currently working with Sen. Coburn to highlight each individual earmark. — 2. Has consistently favored higher defense spending …

Microsoft to Delay Next Version of Windows — Microsoft's long effort to deliver the next version of its Windows operating system suffered another setback yesterday when the company said that the system would not be ready for consumer personal computers for the holiday sales season.

U.S., Iraqi Forces Capture 50 Insurgents — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Insurgents attacked a police station Wednesday for a second day in a row, but U.S. and Iraqi forces captured 50 of them after a two-hour gunbattle. — About 60 gunmen attacked the police station in Madain, south of Baghdad …