Top Items:

Mr. Bush Unvarnished — PRESIDENT BUSH should hold more news conferences. In his hour-long exchange with reporters at the White House yesterday, he was considerably more effective in explaining and defending his commitment to the war in Iraq than in the three carefully worded speeches he has delivered in the past week.
Captain's Quarters, Knight Ridder, OxBlog, Let Freedom Ring Throughout …, Decision '08, Betsy's Page, AMERICAblog, PoliBlog, Sister Toldjah, Dinocrat, Daily Pundit, The Washington Monthly, All Things Conservative, Tennessee Guerilla Women, The Moderate Voice, Rising Hegemon, Middle Earth Journal and WTF Is It Now??

What if We Lose? — The consequences of U.S. defeat in Iraq. — The third anniversary of U.S. military action to liberate Iraq has brought with it a relentless stream of media and political pessimism that is unwarranted by the facts and threatens to become a self-fulfilling prophesy if it goes unchallenged.

Bush Concedes Iraq War Erodes Political Status — President Bush at his White House news conference yesterday. He said he was convinced that the United States would succeed in Iraq. — WASHINGTON, March 21 — President Bush said Tuesday that the war in Iraq was eroding his political capital …

Bush Troubled by Afghan Convert's Case — President Bush said Wednesday that he is "deeply troubled" that an Afghan man is being tried for converting to Christianity. — Abdul Rahman, 41, faces a possible death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity 16 years ago.

CNN, The Counterterrorism Blog, Hyscience, Stop The ACLU, CDR Salamander and

An Affront to Civilization
Captain's Quarters, RedState, The Political Pit Bull, IMAO, The Dread Pundit Bluto and Riehl World View

RNC Mischaracterizes Feingold's Censure Resolution — A GOP radio ad falsely characterizes Sen. Feingold's censure resolution as reprimanding the President for pursuing Al Qaeda — Summary — A GOP radio ad accuses Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin of proposing to censure President Bush …

Myth-making and excuse-making on the Feingold Resolution — In order to generate further support for the Feingold Censure Resolution, numerous bloggers are encouraging everyone to pay an actual physical visit to their Senators' local offices in order to urge support for censure.

Meet Young Ben Domenech — SHOW: CNN DAYBREAK SATURDAY 06:00 am ET — May 31, 1997; Saturday 6:19 am Eastern Time — HEADLINE: A Look At One Family's Efforts At Home Schooling — GUESTS: LEXIS-NEXIS Related Topics Full Article Related Topics Overvie — This document contains no targeted Topics.
Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Pharyngula, Outside The Beltway, TAPPED, Talking Points Memo, Your Logo Here, Jesus' General, Attytood, Expose the Left, The Rude Pundit,, MaxSpeak, The American Mind, Lawyers, Guns and Money, UNCoRRELATED, skippy the bush kangaroo, Brad DeLong's Semi …, Hullabaloo, RedState, Crooks and Liars and AMERICAblog

More Coalition & Insurgent Ops — In Babil province, another strike on a police station & Operation Iron Strike — A day after insurgents successfully overran a police station in Miqdadiyah, another attempt was made in the town of Madain, which sits at the tip of the "Triangle of Death" …

The Dabit opinion — The Supreme Court held in Dabit that holders of securities can't bring securities fraud class actions in state court. Peter Lattman has the story. — As I have discussed, the basic problem in this case is that when Congress, in the Securities Litigation Uniform Standards Act …

Grants Flow To Bush Allies On Social Issues — Federal Programs Direct At Least $157 Million — For years, conservatives have complained about what they saw as the liberal tilt of federal grant money. Taxpayer funds went to abortion rights groups such as Planned Parenthood to promote birth control …

The Washington Post's attempt at 'balance' — The New York Times' two most recent additions to its legendary stable of op-ed columnists are David Brooks and John Tierney, both conservatives. CNN's three most recent additions to the network's political coverage are former Republican congressman J.C. Watts …

THE U.N. ATTEMPTS A WHITEWASH — Well, well, well. The United Nations has removed its anti-Danish poster from its website. This morning, it was featured prominently as a graphic and available as a special download in PDF. — It was also available in Arabic: — Now, no trace of it at all.

To Hell with the "To Hell With The 'To Hell With Them' Hawks" Hawks — Just kidding there — actually, making the point that "The 'To Hell With Them' Hawks" is a really clunky way of identifying a faction. It used to be said of the mathematician Camille Jordan, whose papers were famously unreadable …

Sackcloth and Ashes: What's Wrong With Infanticide? — [Note: Sackcloth and ashes were a sign of deep mourning, among other things, in the Torah...nowadays, there are plenty of reasons to bring them back. When we run across those reasons, we'll feature them in a continuing series, of which this is the first installment.]

Called by God to Help — I'VE received a lot of criticism for stating last month that I would instruct the priests of my archdiocese to disobey a proposed law that would subject them, as well as other church and humanitarian workers, to criminal penalties. The proposed Border Protection …

Lies, Damn Lies, and (MSM) Statistics — On the third anniversay of the Iraq war, the MSM keeps bombarding us with stories and statistics trying to compare this war to the carnage in Vietnam, trying to make us think that US soldiers are dying at an alarming number due to Bush's failures.

IRS plans to allow preparers to sell data — Critics said the proposed regulation could lead to a loss of privacy for clients. — The IRS is quietly moving to loosen the once-inviolable privacy of federal income-tax returns. If it succeeds, accountants and other tax-return preparers …

Comments About Comments — A few notes are in order after the impressive reaction to the premiere of this blog. — First off, a note of thanks to the liberal side of's readership, which has weighed in on Red America in this comment thread.

Newspapers in Trouble? — Moody's is looking at downgrading the New York Times' credit rating. The Times' stock is doing badly. And other newspapers are in trouble, too — the staff of the San Jose Mercury News has resorted to launching a "save our paper" website.

Will Your Job Survive? — In case you've been worrying about how the war in Iraq will end, or the coming of avian flu, or the extinction of the universe as we drift into the cosmic void, well, relax. Here's something you should really fret about: the future of the U.S. economy in the age of globalization.

Iraqi Cameraman for CBS Faces Trial — An Iraqi cameraman working for CBS News when he was wounded and detained by the U.S. military will be tried next month, CBS officials said Wednesday. — Abdul Ameer Younis Hussein's trial was scheduled to begin Wednesday, but an Iraqi judge postponed …