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Some clerics call for killing Afghan Christian — Man on trial for converting from Islam; Bush, Rice weigh in on case — KABUL, Afghanistan - Senior Muslim clerics said Thursday that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity should be killed regardless of whether a court decides to free him.
Media Matters to Wash. Post brass: Fire bigoted blogger — CEO and Chairman of the Board, The Washington Post Co. — CEO & Publisher, Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive — Dear Messrs. Brady, Downie, Jones, and Graham, and Ms. Little: — I write today to request …
Meet Coffin. — As if we didn't have enough evidence that Ben Domenech was not the smartest hire at the Post, here is one more example. — It would appear that Ben Domenech is a plagiarist. — Thanks to Oregon Guy and anon, we find out that Ben's lyrical stylings on a real party …
CPT Statement: CPTers Released — Our hearts are filled with joy today as we heard that Harmeet Singh Sooden, Jim Loney and Norman Kember have been safely released in Baghdad. Christian Peacemaker Teams rejoices with their families and friends at the expectation of their return to their loved ones and community.
Three Christian Activists Rescued in Iraq
The Corner on National …, Hyscience, Sister Toldjah, Secular Blasphemy and Rantings of a Sandmonkey
Another Bad Slip for 'NY Times': Katrina Victim Unmasked — NEW YORK For the second time in less than a week, The New York Times today admitted to a serious error in a story. On Saturday it said it had misidentified a man featured in the iconic "hooded inmate" photograph from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Woman Claiming to Be a Victim of Katrina Is Charged With Fraud
Harsh reality: The Bush administration's own assessment of the situation in Iraq — Repeated suggestions by the White House and friendly commentators that the news media's selective displays of terrorist attacks in Iraq are warping American public opinion seem to belie even the unclassified assessments …
Breaking the Silence — A prominent former insider is criticizing the administration's handling of Iraq's reconstruction. And there's more to come. — Marwan Naamani / AFP-Getty Images — Bremer reviews Iraqi troops in 2003 — March 22, 2006 - Andrew Natsios has taken a lot of flak over his role in Iraq.
Former first lady's donation aids son — Katrina funds earmarked to pay for Neil Bush's software program — Former first lady Barbara Bush donated an undisclosed amount of money to the Bush-Clinton Katrina Fund with specific instructions that the money be spent with an educational software company owned by her son Neil.
"WORSE THAN A FOOL" — Among the many peculiarities of this president is his utter refusal to listen to those within his own orbit in the oil realm. It's understandable, if unacceptable, that Bush would ignore the warnings of environmentalists regarding Peak Oil and global warming …
Are Late Innings the Time for a Relief Pitcher? — Karl Rove, center, in the Cabinet Room last week with Senators Rick Santorum, left, of Pennsylvania and George Allen of Virginia. "I'm an idiot one day and a genius the next," he said about experts' views of him.
ABC NEWS EXEC: 'BUSH MAKES ME SICK'; E-MAIL REVEALED — A top producer at ABC NEWS declared "Bush makes me sick" in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT. — John Green, currently executive producer of the weekend edition of GOOD MORNING AMERICA, unloaded on the president in an ABC company email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.
Insurgent doctor killed dozens of wounded soldiers — When policemen, soldiers and officials in Kirkuk who were injured in insurgent attacks arrived in the emergency room of the hospital, they hoped their chances of surviving had gone up as doctors tended their wounds.
Now the bloody Yanks are offended — A major conservative American lobby group is set to unleash a campaign of protest against Australian tourism's "where the bloody hell are you?" TV advertisement. — The controversial commercial has made its US debut in front of 20 million American TV viewers …
The Right and Individual Rights — Interesting piece in the NY Times that spends a lot of time on Judge Roberts writing a testy dissent. What is more interesting is the following: … The right wing of the Republican party has sold the libertarian/centrist wing of the party a bill of goods …
The obligation of unwanted fatherhood — REAL MEN - good men - take responsibility for the children they father. If they get a woman pregnant, they do the right thing: They stand by her. They support their child. They don't try to weasel out of a situation they co-authored.
Summary of Findings — Public acceptance of homosexuality has increased in a number of ways in recent years, though it remains a deeply divisive issue. Half of Americans (51%) continue to oppose legalizing gay marriage, but this number has declined significantly from 63% in February 2004 …