Top Items:
Some Readers See Red Over's New Blogger — The Washington Post Co.'s Web operation has touched off an online furor by hiring as a blogger a 24-year-old former Bush administration aide who co-founded a conservative site and recently referred to Coretta Scott King as a "communist."
Oliver Willis, TPM Muckraker, Riehl World View, Media Blog on National …, First Draft, Your Logo Here, The Carpetbagger Report, FishBowlDC, UNCoRRELATED, Suburban Guerrilla, TAPPED, Don Surber, Media Matters for America, Simianbrain, AMERICAblog, Roger Ailes, The Heretik, Eschaton, WTF Is It Now??, skippy the bush kangaroo, The All Spin Zone, Brendan Nyhan and Preemptive Karma
THE DOMENECH DEBACLE — I just got home from Pittsburgh and am late heading out the door for the Abdul Rahman event in D.C., but I can't let this blog sit silent about the plagiarism debacle now engulfing young conservative Ben Domenech, the Washington Post's "Red America" blogger.
We Must Defend. — It's true. Ben Domenech is Augustine. And I stand behind him 100%. He has said nothing filled with racism or hate, or bigotry. In fact, Ben has been a leader in keeping those he dubs the "evilcons" off RedState. Unbeknownst to all of you, RedState continually self-polices …
Hullabaloo, The Strata-Sphere, Your Logo Here, This Modern World, First Draft and Lawyers, Guns and Money
Plagiarism — I really hadn't intended to write another post on puzzling things conservatives have recently said or done. However, the story of Ben Domenech (aka Augustine)'s apparent plagiarism made me change my mind. If you haven't seen it yet, here are some of the examples:
Bush Is Facing a Difficult Path on Immigration — WASHINGTON, March 23 — In the days before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, immigration policy was going to be President Bush's signature issue. It was central to his thinking as the former governor of a border state, key to his relationship …
Immigration Debate Is Shaped by '08 Election — Presidential Hopefuls Offer Their Proposals Ahead of Senate Vote — President Bush's effort to secure lawful employment opportunities for illegal immigrants is evolving into an early battle of the 2008 presidential campaign …
Of Course It's a Civil War — Today's big debate over Iraq seems to be: Is there or is there not a civil war? Yes, say the defeatists, citing former prime minister Ayad Allawi, a man with an ax to grind against the current (elected) government, which excluded him.
Stonewalling At Yale — Yesterday, Evan Maloney was on the Yale campus hoping to interview administrators and allow them to give a fuller accounting of their decision to admit an ex-Taliban official with very little previous education to the hallowed halls of one of America's elite universities.
Good versus evil isn't a strategy — Bush's worldview fails to see that in the Middle East, power politics is the key. — THE BUSH administration's newly unveiled National Security Strategy might well be subtitled "The Irony of Iran." Three years after the invasion of Iraq and the invention …
Top Muslim clerics: Convert must die — Religious leaders urge courts to ignore West, hang Christian — KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Senior Muslim clerics are demanding that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity be executed, warning that if the government caves …
STATE BANS ABSTINENCE PROGRAM — PROVIDENCE - Rhode Island education officials have banned from public schools a federally funded abstinence program that civil rights advocates said embraced sexist stereotypes and included a voluntary student health survey that violated privacy laws.
Pundit In Chief: An Interview with Fred Barnes — Well I am a day late but here is "The big story" I was working on. Yesterday I was very honored to have the opportunity to speak for a bout 45 minutes with Fred Barnes (whose notable work will be detailed in just a moment) about his new book Rebel in Chief.
Captain's Quarters
Challenge for U.S.: Iraq's Handling of Detainees — CAMP JUSTICE, Iraq — The blindfolded detainees in the dingy hallway line up in groups of five for their turn to see a judge, like schoolchildren outside the principal's office. — Each meeting lasts a few minutes.
Belarusian police round up protesters — MINSK, Belarus - Police barged into the opposition tent camp in the Belarusian capital early Friday and rounded up hundreds of demonstrators who had spent a fourth night protesting President Alexander Lukashenko's victory in a disputed election.
Bush shuns Patriot Act requirement — In addendum to law, he says oversight rules are not binding — WASHINGTON — When President Bush signed the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act this month, he included an addendum saying that he did not feel obliged to obey requirements …