Top Items:
Afghan Court Drops Case Against Christian — KABUL, Afghanistan - An Afghan court on Sunday dismissed a case against a man who converted from Islam to Christianity because of a lack of evidence and he will be released soon, officials said. — The announcement came as U.S.-backed President …
ABDUL RAHMAN TO BE RELEASED — ***scroll for updates...Video: Condi Rice thinks Afghanistan has "come a long way" because when the Taliban ruled, they "wantonly" executed people for playing music (as opposed to now, you know, where executions of people for abandoning Islam are contemplated …
Under the Scimitar of Damocles — Abdul Rahman faced death at the hands of our Afghan allies for the "crime" of converting to Christianity. This fate is no fluke, not a brutal Afghan variant on the practice of "tolerant" Islam. Death for apostacy is part and parcel of Islamic scripture and tradition.
Rahman Unbound — ABC News reports this morning that the …
Below The Beltway
Supreme Court: Detainees' Rights-Scalia Speaks His Mind — Scalia at the New England School of Law on March 15 — April 3, 2006 issue - The Supreme Court this week will hear arguments in a big case: whether to allow the Bush administration to try Guantánamo detainees …
Justice Scalia Announces Opposition to Trials in Civil Courts …
Bench Memos …
CNN RELIABLE SOURCES — Are Media Turning Against War in Iraq? — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — HOWARD KURTZ, HOST (voice over): Souring on the war. As President Bush goes toe to toe with White House reporters, are news organizations turning against the war in Iraq?
Lara Logan smacked down the "negative Iraq War Coverage" charges — Lara Logan smacked down the "negative Iraq War Coverage" charges — She's outraged over these chargers... I'll have the video up a little later. The media was assailed all week by the administration trying to pass the meme that the press is too negative.
Markos of Daily Kos on "Reliable Sources"
Daily Kos, Brilliant at Breakfast, CorrenteWire, AMERICAblog and Media Blog on National …
The Post and the Whole Picture in Iraq — When the Iraq war started, more than 700 reporters were "embedded," traveling with U.S. troops in the field. Embedding brought a newfound respect between reporters and soldiers. Members of the media and the military hoped that this would bring …
Busy, Busy, Busy
Harris puts her faith in religion … As Katherine Harris' rocky Senate campaign takes an increasingly evangelical Christian bent, her remaining top campaign staffers are preparing to jump ship. — Colleagues say Harris' closest confidante lately appears to be spiritual adviser Dale Burroughs …
Campaign says Harris won't turn to inheritance
The Sideshow
Putin accused of plagiarising his PhD thesis — THE career of President Vladimir Putin of Russia was built at least in part on a lie, according to US researchers. A new study of an economics — thesis written by Putin in the mid-1990s has revealed that large chunks of it were copied from an American text.
The Forgotten War In Central Asia Continues — More fighting in Talibanistan, and Helmand province, Afghanistan — Miranshah by air. — The current fighting in Pakistan and Afghanistan are not isolated events, but intricately linked to the rise of the Taliban in Pakistan's lawless tribal belts.
'I have 600 suicide bombers waiting for your soldiers'
In the Bullpen
America, the Global Target — Hoping to lower tensions between the Muslim world and the West, British Prime Minister Tony Blair maintained the other day that the world confronts "a clash about civilization," not "a clash between civilizations." But the overriding lesson of events since Sept. 11 …
Iraqi Doctor Admits to Killings — BAGHDAD, March 26 — A doctor in the northern city of Kirkuk has admitted to killing at least 35 Iraqi police officers and Army soldiers by giving them lethal injections, reopening their wounds and engaging in other deadly acts as they were being treated in Kirkuk Hospital …
You Punish Doctors, You Punish Women — Says Patterico, in criticizing an eye-opening post in which Ampersand argues that many abortion opponents just want to punish women for having sex: … This is only correct if prison is the only kind of punishment — in other words, it's quite far from the truth.
Size of L.A. March Surprises Authorities — LOS ANGELES - Thousands of immigration advocates marched through downtown Los Angeles in one of the largest demonstrations for any cause in recent U.S. history. — More than 500,000 protesters — demanding that Congress abandon attempts …
New York Times, Vox Baby, Wampum, The Glittering Eye, The American Street, David E's Fablog, Pam's House Blend and TalkLeft
30 Beheaded Bodies Found; Iraqi Death Squads Blamed — BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 26 — The bodies of 30 beheaded men were found on a main highway near Baquba this evening, providing more evidence that the death squads in Iraq are becoming out of control. — Interior Ministry officials …
A Poverty of the Mind — SEVERAL recent studies have garnered wide attention for reconfirming the tragic disconnection of millions of black youths from the American mainstream. But they also highlighted another crisis: the failure of social scientists to adequately explain the problem …