Top Items:

Andrew Card Resigns as White House Chief of Staff — White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. plans to announce his resignation this morning after nearly 5-1/2 years as President Bush's top aide and will be replaced by Joshua B. Bolten, the director of the Office of Management and Budget, a senior administration official said.
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The First Change? White House Chief Of Staff Andy Card Resigns — After weeks of calls from some Republicans for changes in the White House staff, White House Chief of Staff Andy Card has resigned — although White House officials insist it is his decision, not the president's:
UNCoRRELATED, The Hotline's Blogometer, The Uncooperative Blogger and Middle Earth Journal

White House Chief of Staff Card Resigns — WASHINGTON - White House chief of staff Andy Card has resigned and will be replaced by budget director Joshua Bolten, President Bush announced Tuesday amid growing calls for a White House shakeup and Republican concern about Bush's tumbling poll ratings.

Bush Holding Off-The-Record Meetings With Reporters — NEW YORK In an apparent effort to mend his relationship with the press, President George Bush has been holding off-the-record meetings with White House reporters for the past few days, an apparent first since he took office.
FishBowlDC, The Left Coaster, The Carpetbagger Report, Donklephant, Daily Kos, Firedoglake and Rising Hegemon

Off the Record, Bush Makes Media Inroads — Private Sessions Rare for Administration — As he defends his Iraq policy with a public campaign of speeches and a recent news conference, President Bush also has been waging a private campaign that has included off-the-record sessions with White House reporters, sources said yesterday.

For Bush and Press, Informal Talks — President Bush has been holding informal off-the-record sessions with major news organizations over the last several days. — Starting Thursday, he began meeting with groups of about a half-dozen reporters from newspapers, television, news agencies and magazines.

President Thanks Andy Card, Announces Bolten as New Chief of Staff — THE PRESIDENT: Earlier this month, Andy Card came to me and raised the possibility of stepping down as Chief of Staff. After five-and-a-half years, he thought it might be time to return to private life, and this past weekend I accepted Andy's resignation.

Card's Departure — My sources tell me that White House Chief …
Riehl World View

Top White House aide Card resigns
Daily Kos, The Left Coaster, Coldheartedtruth, The Carpetbagger Report, State of the Day and Pam's House Blend

The Senate's Illegal Immigration Horror Show — Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head and wonder what goes on in the vast empty space between the ears of some of the Republicans in the Senate. For example, that sort of head scratching might happen after you saw the nightmarish concoction …

Decency to 'Those People' — Half a million people poured …
Just a Bump in the Beltway

U.S. Officials Defend Raid Following Shiite Backlash — Accounts of Deadly Attack Diverge Sharply — BAGHDAD, March 27 — Facing a scathing backlash from Shiite Muslim leaders a day after a deadly U.S.-Iraqi raid in Baghdad, U.S. military officials defended the mission Monday, saying it was a …

Shiites Say U.S. Is Pressuring Iraqi Leader to Step Aside — BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 28 — Senior Shiite politicians said today that the American ambassador has told Shiite officials to inform the Iraqi prime minister that President Bush does not want him to remain the country's leader in the next government.

McCain to speak at Liberty graduation — U.S. Sen. John McCain - a likely 2008 presidential candidate who once labeled the Rev. Jerry Falwell an "agent of intolerance" - will be Liberty University's graduation speaker on May 13. — "I was in Washington with him about three months ago," Falwell said.

A Maverick No More? — In April 2004 I put in a call to John McCain's office to see if he would respond to a group of House Republicans who had attacked his fellow Vietnam veteran John Kerry. — In a preview of coming assaults, the Republicans accused Kerry of, among other things …

Invisible Men — Did Lindsey Graham and Jon Kyl mislead the Supreme Court? — It's not within the Supreme Court's power to decide the constitutional challenges brought by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the Guantanamo detainee whose case will be argued before the court tomorrow, say Sens. Lindsey Graham …

Abdul Rahman Vanishes - Deathfans and Fascists afoot — This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. - Deut 30:19 — This doesn't feel too good to my gut.
Associated Press, All Things Beautiful, Michelle Malkin, Dr. Sanity, In the Bullpen, Maverick Views and Freedom Folks

Citizen Action Steps: Phase Two — UPDATE: Keith in Orlando (who for some reason has become the stamp chosen one) received another missive: … I've verified the above with the stamp company. You have to be certain to type in SPRING (in all caps) to get the discount. Thanks everyone and thanks to Keith!

Only 47 percent of Israeli voters cast ballots thus far — As of 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, only 47 percent of Israel's five million eligible voters had turned out at Israel's 8,000 polling stations to cast their ballots. The figure is the lowest in election history for the same hour …

ISSUES & — INSIGHTS — Religion Of Peace? — War On Terror: In the wake of the cartoon jihad and mosque-on-mosque violence in Iraq, most Americans now think Islam has more violent believers than any other faith. Yet many still view it as a "peaceful religion."
Clarity & Resolve

Document: ISGZ-2004-028179 — In the Name of God the Most Compassionate The Most Merciful — The respectful Mr Director of the Apparatus — Subject: The Frenchman Le Floch and the German Dieter Holzer — In the date of 10/1/2003 the two mentioned above arrived to the country in visit …

Black Marriage — I'm no expert on marriage (its benefits or detriments) or children or women or black people; my impressions are based on almost four decades of interaction with and observation of marriage and children and women and black people. — This post will addresses the well-linked article …

Government investigators smuggled radioactive materials into U.S. — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Two teams of government investigators using fake documents were able to enter the United States with enough radioactive sources to make two dirty bombs, according to a federal report made available Monday.
In the Bullpen, QandO, Donklephant, Brilliant at Breakfast, Pacific Views, AMERICAblog and Shakespeare's Sister

Interpol says Al Qaeda preparing for biological warfare — Ronald Noble, secretary-general of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), told a conference in Singapore that captured terrorist suspects have admitted that their groups are plotting potential biological attacks.