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Washington Post Article About A Blogger — A couple months ago I got a cryptic email from someone claiming to be a reporter from the Washington Post; he asked me to call him in regard to a story he wanted to write. — I looked him up on the Internet... turns out David Finkel …

If you're at all like me, you just don't have time in your day to check out the lefty blogosphere. I can see what they're talking about through various aggregratfors and by what the MSM chooses to focus on without having to wade through all that venom and Bush Derangement Syndrome.
chez Diva,, SEIXON, A Chequer-Board of Nights …, Riehl World View, The Gun Toting Liberal and Ed

The Fever Swamps, Exposed — Today's Washington Post reports on our more extreme left-wing counterparts of the blogosphere and the measured tones of debate they promote. The David Finkel piece focuses on Maryscott O'Connor, whose life provides an example of the balance and stability so evident in the fever swamps:
Billmon, The Huffington Post, QandO, The Sundries Shack, Don Surber, culturekitchen, Flopping Aces, Six Meat Buffet and Norwegianity

Our Left Wing — Sister blogger Maryscott O'Connor of My Left Wing is featured on the front page of the Washington Post today. The article, by David Finkel, is titled "The Left, Online and Outraged: Liberal Blogger Finds an Outlet and a Community." Maryscott blogs about the writing of the article here.

Mistaking caricature and generalization for journalism — (updated below) — The Washington Post published yet another article today — this one entitled The Left, Online and Outraged, by David Finkel — seeking to depict the liberal blogosphere as being nothing more than the venting ground …

Who Leaked The Report First? — Murray Waas wrote a rather sensational story for the National Journal yesterday about the Scooter Libby case in which he alleges that Dick Cheney told Libby to leak a classified report to the press. Again, as with so much in this case, the truth of the matter depends …

Two Views of the Libby Leak Case — The lead editorial and a front-page story last Sunday on the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby leak case left many Post readers confused. — The front-page story by reporters Barton Gellman and Dafna Linzer, drawing on legal papers filed by Special Prosecutor …

Deborah Howell and Fred Hiatt: Fact Free and Loving It — I go back and forth on the Deborah Howell conundrum — ignorant or craven? I always find myself touching down on the Upton Sinclair quote: … And so we find ourselves with Lil' Debbie, failing to disappoint with this week's excuses about last week's Fred Hiatt column:

Bush Speaks Out for Rumsfeld — President Bush interrupted his Easter vacation yesterday to offer an unequivocal vote of confidence in Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, in a move aimed at countering a growing wave of criticism from retired generals calling for the Pentagon chief to resign over his leadership of the Iraq war.
Betsy's Page, Just World News, Just a Bump in the Beltway, Think Progress and Upper Left

YOUR WORLD TODAY — Top Iranian Government Officials Speak Out Against the West; Sectarian Attacks Drive Iraqis From Their Homes; Calls for Rumsfeld's Resignation — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — JIM CLANCY, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR …

The Strange Case of William Howard Hobbs — NOTE: This post has been updated. See below. — What to make of all this Bill Hobbs/Mike Kopp/John Spragens/rest of the world junk? Should I even chime in at all? I've been asked to and, after sleeping on it, I've decided to.
NashvilleFiles Blog

A Political Web — One local blogger's crude cartoon …
Blue Crab Boulevard, Six Meat Buffet, Captain's Quarters, Riehl World View and Plus + Ultra

Law to Segregate Omaha Schools Divides Nebraska — OMAHA, April 14 — Ernie Chambers is Nebraska's only African-American state senator, a man who has fought for causes including the abolition of capital punishment and the end of apartheid in South Africa. A magazine writer once described him as the "angriest black man in Nebraska."
Balkinization, The American Street, Blue Crab Boulevard, Booman Tribune and

Social Issues Top GOP Pre-Election Agenda — WASHINGTON - Protection of marriage amendment? Check. Anti-flag burning legislation? Check. New abortion limits? Check. — Between now and the November elections, Republicans are penciling in plans to take action on social issues important …

Fran O'Brien's Loses Lease — Steakhouse Caters to Walter Reed Patients — The steaks are great, of course. — But it isn't the T-bones, the porterhouses or the rib-eyes that will be sorely, even painfully, missed when Fran O'Brien's Stadium Steakhouse loses its lease and closes its doors this month.
Blue Crab Boulevard

Iran issues stark military warning to United States — Iran said it could defeat any American military action over its controversial nuclear drive, in one of the Islamic regime's boldest challenges yet to the United States. — "You can start a war but it won't be you who finishes it," …
Riehl World View, Gateway Pundit, State of the Day, Blue Crab Boulevard and Blogs of War

Once Again, Scalia's the Talk of the Town — Justice Renders Frank Out-of-Court Opinions on 2000 Presidential Election, 'Sicilian' Gesture — Justice Antonin Scalia is at it again. — "For Pete's sake, if you can't trust your Supreme Court justice more than that, get a life!" …

Unhinged Teachers & Professors Of The Week. Let's Get Ready To Hate Bush! — When it comes to news on liberal lunacy on college and high school campuses, this week has been one to remember. The following is a compilation of stories about nutty professors and teachers that have severe cases …

E-Mails Tie Former GSA Official to Abramoff — Safavian Attorney Objects to Disclosure — Federal prosecutors last night released hundreds of e-mails documenting the business and personal ties between former White House aide David H. Safavian, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, and a network of congressional representatives and staffers.
The Stakeholder