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What stinks about the whole "retired generals speak out" issue (UPDATED) — I'll probably be accused by some of the hardcore lefties who read this blog of "questioning the patriotism" of the six retired generals who've called for Rummy's ouster, but before I get started let me be clear: that is not what this post is about.
Dean's World, Big Lizards, Center for Sanity, The Wide Awake Cafe, Donklephant and JunkYardBlog

A "Pulitzer Prize for Treason" — (updated below with transcript of Bill Bennett's comments) — Several weeks ago, The Washington Post published an Op-Ed jointly written by Bill Bennett and his neoconservative comrade Alan Dershowitz, in which Bennett — of all people …
Donklephant, Liberty Street, The Carpetbagger Report, Eschaton, The Reaction, Midtopia, Norwegianity, The Moderate Voice, Running Scared and azerbic

Broad based rally for European bourses — European equities extended their early gains by mid-morning in a broadly-based rally on Wednesday following strong overnight gains on Asia and Wall Street, prompted by the latest minutes of the Federal Reserve which suggested that rising US interest rates were coming to an end.

China's Rising Need for Oil Is High on U.S. Agenda — WASHINGTON, April 18 — The competition for access to oil is emerging high on the agenda for President Hu Jintao's visit to the White House this week. President Bush has called China's growing demand for oil one reason for rising prices …

Bush, After Some Changes, Vows More Coming — WASHINGTON - Under pressure to revitalize his administration, President Bush reshuffled his economic team Tuesday with a new budget chief who is highly regarded on Capitol Hill and promised more changes were coming. He also named a new trade representative.
The Left Coaster

China Hopes Hu Makes Good Impression — The president lacks the spontaneity of his predecessors. But officials know the image he projects on U.S. visit could pay dividends. — BEIJING — Visiting Chinese leaders in the past have warmed American hearts by donning cowboy hats …

A Campaign Gore Can't Lose — Boring Al Gore has made a movie. It is on the most boring of all subjects — global warming. It is more than 80 minutes long, and the first two or three go by slowly enough that you can notice that Gore has gained weight and that his speech still seems oddly out of sync.

Angry/negative people can be bad for your brain — Everyone's favorite A-list target, Robert Scoble, announced the unthinkable a few days ago: he will be moderating his comments. But what some people found far more disturbing was Robert's wish to make a change in his life that includes steering clear of …
Outside The Beltway

Lieberman: US could attack Iran's nukes — The US is probably incapable of completely destroying the Iranian nuclear program, but as a last resort it could attempt to knock out "some of the components" in order to "delay and deter it," Senator Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic vice presidential candidate …
Firedoglake, AMERICAblog, Captain's Quarters, Balloon Juice, Dr. Sanity, LamontBlog, TAPPED, Daily Kos and Rising Hegemon

Ignore bloggers at your peril, say researchers — Bloggers and internet pundits are exerting a "disproportionately large influence" on society, according to a report by a technology research company. Its study suggests that although "active" web users make up only a small proportion …

Of Words — Urozgan and Heland Provinces, Afghanistan — More than a year ago, I wrote from the "Sunni Triangle" that Iraq was in the midst of a civil war, words that received little attention then. I had published that dispatch about three weeks after the unexpected but overwhelming success of the first Iraqi elections.

McKinney report cites assault with 'closed fist' — The official police report on Rep. Cynthia McKinney's clash with a Capitol Hill police officer three weeks ago says the DeKalb County congresswoman struck the officer "in his chest with [a] closed fist." — The "event report" …
The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta

Moving to the Right — Brit Hume's Path Took Him From Liberal Outsider to The Low-Key Voice of Conservatism on Fox News — It was a different era, a different administration and a very different Brit Hume. — Thirty-six years ago, as a long-haired reporter for columnist Jack Anderson …

Yale's Next Tenured Radical? — Yale University is on the verge of offering a faculty appointment to the University of Michigan Professor Juan Cole. That is the word around the campus here in New Haven. If Yale proceeds with the appointment, it will bring in one of the few professors …

News outlets resist Scooter Libby subpoenas — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A former White House aide fighting perjury charges should not get access to reporters' notes and other newsroom material because they have no relevance to his case, several news outlets told a U.S. judge on Tuesday.

With Friends Like These . . . WITH A LAND mass similar to Maryland's, Equatorial Guinea has the fortune to be Africa's third-largest oil producer. The money from black gold helps to explain how the president, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, has bought large homes in France and Morocco …

Rumsfeld: War Critics Being Manipulated By Zarqawi and Bin Laden's 'Media Committees' — Yesterday on Rush Limbaugh, embattled Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said that those who criticize the Iraq war are being manipulated by terrorists, including Zarqawi and bin Laden, through the U.S. media:
Firedoglake, The Doc Searls Weblog, The Carpetbagger Report, The Left Coaster, Eschaton and Daily Kos

They're Closing in on Pinch! — The New York Times shareholders' mutiny. — The Twilight of the Sulzbergers? The Class A shareholders are closing in on Pinch. According to … That seems at least as much of a revolt as six retired generals calling for Rumsfeld's resignation, no?

Baghdad street battle smacks of open civil war — BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Snipers held rooftop positions as masked Sunni Arab insurgents said they were gearing up for another open street battle with pro-government Shi'ite militiamen in Baghdad's Adhamiya district on Tuesday.

Limbs Lost to Enemy Fire, Women Forge a New Reality — Her body had been maimed by war. Dawn Halfaker lay unconscious at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, her parents at her bedside and her future suddenly unsure. A rocket-propelled grenade had exploded in her Humvee, ravaging her arm and shoulder.