Top Items:

CIA Officer's Job Made Any Leaks More Delicate — The rare firing last week of a CIA officer accused of leaking information to the news media stems both from the sensitivity of the subjects she allegedly discussed and the Bush administration's forceful efforts to block national security disclosures …

BALANCE — WPOST STYLE — The WPost includes in this morning's predictably sympathetic portrait of Mary O. McCarthy, the CIA officer fired for leaking, the following: … OK. Let's leave aside that people with access to classified information take an oath not to disclose …

All Right, Not All Right — Today at Informed Comment, we are going to play the game of "All Right, Not All Right," known in Washington, DC, as "business as usual," but otherwise castigated by the moral philosophers as hypocrisy. — It IS all right for Bush campaign strategist Karl Rove

C.I.A. Director Has Made Plugging Leaks a Top Priority — WASHINGTON, April 22 — The firing of a veteran Central Intelligence Agency officer who has been accused of leaking classified information is a rare and dramatic move, yet C.I.A. officials say it is only the beginning of a campaign …

Making Excuses For The Leaks — An interesting offshoot of the exposure of senior CIA officer Mary McCarthy as a leaker is the excuse-making that has accompanied it. Even those who oppose leaks in general have found ways to rationalize her unauthorized disclosures in some manner …

Treason by association — Almost every Bush follower screeching …

Dana Priest's Husband Gets Joe Wilson Gigs
Power Line, Babalu Blog, Gateway Pundit, Ace of Spades HQ, and

Purported bin Laden tape slams West for 'crusader-Zionist war' — (CNN) — Parts of an audiotape purportedly from Osama bin Laden aired Sunday on an Arabic-language TV network in which the al Qaeda leader attacks the West for cutting off funds to the Palestinian Hamas-led government and referred to a …

In Tape, bin Laden Urges Fighters to Sudan — Osama bin Laden issued ominous new threats in an audiotape broadcast Sunday, purportedly saying the West was at war with Islam and calling on his followers to go to Sudan to fight a proposed U.N. force. — In his first new message in three months …

Corrections — A front-page article on Thursday about strain on government services in Texas caused by hurricane evacuees misstated the number of evacuee children in Houston public schools and the amount of Federal aid the state has received. The most recent count, in late February, showed 5,475 students, not 30,000.

OOPS! NEVER MIND — The reporters and editors who produce the New York Times seem pretty clearly to be word people, not numbers people. Of course, they often get the words wrong too. But their problems with numbers are hard to understand or excuse. — On April 20, the Times ran …

Call to Escort Service Began a Night of Trouble at Duke — DURHAM, N.C., April 22 — The Duke University lacrosse team's troubles began with a phone call. — A team captain using an assumed name called an escort service to hire two exotic dancers for a party on March 13.

New Plans Foresee Fighting Terrorism Beyond War Zones — Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has approved the military's most ambitious plan yet to fight terrorism around the world and retaliate more rapidly and decisively in the case of another major terrorist attack on the United States, according to defense officials.

Dump Cheney for Condi, Bush urged — REPUBLICANS are urging President George W Bush to dump Dick Cheney as vice-president and replace him with Condoleezza Rice if he is serious about presenting a new face to the jaded American public. — They believe that only the sacrifice …
Middle Earth Journal, TalkLeft, First Draft, State of the Day, Bring it On! and The Blogging of the President

Iraqi Lawmakers End Months of Deadlock — BAGHDAD, April 22 — Four months of political paralysis lifted on Saturday when a newly convened parliament chose seven top officials to run Iraq's first long-term government since the fall of Saddam Hussein. — In a largely ceremonial meeting …

Why the Euston group offers a new direction for the left — A disparate set of left-wing thinkers meeting in a London pub has reopened an essential debate on the nature of democracy — To be on the left is to be both temperamentally inclined to dissent and to be passionate about your own utopia, which can never be achieved.
Ace of Spades HQ

President's Radio Address — THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I am traveling in California, where I'm focusing on important issues for our Nation's future, including our economy, energy prices, the war on terror, and immigration reform. — America's economy is strong …

After Action Review — As most of you know, because of military duties I was unabale to attend the first ever Milblog Conference held in Washington D.C. yesterday, but I was able to participate via live video feed. The conference was a resounding success from my standpoint …

Old States, New Threats — You know these bad guys. But there is a whole other world of tyrants, dictators and despots. — Crossing a border has always carried a special drama. Moments after my train crossed from Hungary to Romania in the 1980s — from a country run by a liberal communist regime …

Young Officers Join the Debate Over Rumsfeld — WASHINGTON, April 22 — The revolt by retired generals who publicly criticized Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has opened an extraordinary debate among younger officers, in military academies, in the armed services' staff colleges and even in command posts and mess halls in Iraq.
Rantingprofs, Blue Crab Boulevard, The American Street, Outside The Beltway and THE NEWS BLOG

Another Los Angeles Times Columnist: Baghdad Bob Rutten — Sigh. — Los Angeles Times' columnist Tim Ruttten writes every Saturday about media, and this morning examines not the sins of his colleague Michael Hiltzik, but the opinions of Bill Bennett, Powerline's Scott Johnson, and me.