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Democrats will propose eliminating federal gas taxes for sixty days; 18 cents a gallon — Mulling proposal to give feds more power to target price gougers — Democrats are set to introduce a measure that would create a "federal gas tax holiday" by eliminating the federal tax on gas and diesel for sixty days, RAW STORY has learned.

Bush Eases Environmental Rules on Gasoline — WASHINGTON - President Bush on Tuesday ordered a temporary suspension of environmental rules for gasoline, making it easier for refiners to meet demand and possibly dampen prices at the pump. He also halted for the summer the purchase of crude oil for the government's emergency reserve.

Bush takes aim at rising gasoline prices — Summer deposits to national oil reserve halted — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Calling the oil issue a matter of national security, President Bush outlined a plan Tuesday to cut gasoline costs and temporarily stopped deposits to the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Mad about gas prices? Blame government, not Big Oil — D espite strong economic growth, the poll numbers of national Republicans dove this month as gasoline prices soared above $3 a gallon. — As opportunistic Democrats pile on, Republicans defensively point to their passage last year …

Bush Orders Probe Into Gas Pricing — President Bush has asked the Energy and Justice departments to investigate whether gasoline prices have been illegally manipulated, he announced in a speech this morning. — The White House is also asking states to guard against unfair pricing.

Bush Announces Short-Term Steps to Ease Oil Prices
Democrat Taylor Marsh …

Zarqawi Releases Video Tape (Updated) — Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaeda's commander in Iraq, has released "the first [videotape] to contain a 'message'... U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News." The tape is titled A Message to the People. This is his first video without a mask …

"TROUBLES" BEHIND THE ZARQAWI VIDEO? — Zarqawi's new videotape comes one day after the Sinai's attacks and two days after Bin Laden's "state of the world Jihad" audiotape aired on al Jazeera. Many questions are fusing: Why now and is there a connection between the three events?

Zarqawi appears in rare Web video — Believed to be first 'message' from al-Qaida in Iraq leader, officials say … MSNBC TV — CAIRO, Egypt - In a rare video posted on the Internet, al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi accused the West and the United States of waging a "crusader" …

Is There A Double Standard On Leak Probes? — When the CIA announced on Friday that it had fired an employee who the agency claims "knowingly and willfully shared classified intelligence" with a newspaper reporter, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kansas …

CIA Officer Fired for Leaking Classified Data — Post, Others Received Information; CIA Investigations Ongoing — Washington Post staff writer Dafna Linzer was online Tuesday, April 25, at 11 a.m. ET to discuss the firing of CIA intelligence officer Mary McCarthy for leaking classified information …

JustOneMinute, A Blog For All, Gateway Pundit, Outside The Beltway, The Hotline's Blogometer, Media Blog on National …, The Political Pit Bull, The Truth Laid Bear, Big Lizards, Betsy's Page, Washington Post, The Politburo Diktat, The Strata-Sphere, Varifrank, Captain's Quarters and The Belmont Club

President Discusses Energy Policy — Washington, D.C. — Fact Sheet: President Bush's Four-Part Plan to Confront High Gasoline Prices — In Focus: Energy — THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Bob, thanks for the introduction. It's always good to be introduced by somebody who is referred to as the "Promoter in Chief."

Blogs link families with children at war — Carla Lois started an online diary - a weblog - just before the army sent her son Noah to Iraq in January 2005. — Eight months later, it paid off in a way she must always have prayed it would not, when she posted a terse item headlined: "My Son Has Been Injured."
Discussion:, The Gunn Nutt, Austin Bay Blog, Mudville Gazette and Blue Crab Boulevard

Snow In May? — A week after White House press secretary Scott McClellan suddenly resigned, and — nothing. — Late last week, White House chief of staff Josh Bolten directly (firmly but politely) asked senior administration officials to stop unburdening themselves to the process-hungry Washington press corps.

Monday's act heroic after 30 years — Outfielder recalls protecting country's honor from protesters — LOS ANGELES — It was 1976, a fun year for America. It was the country's bicentennial, the war in Vietnam had ended a year earlier and everyone really wanted to put all the problems from the 1960s …

Lone Lawmaker Blocks Flight 93 Monument in Pa. — For emotional wallop, there are few rivals to the windswept, grassy field outside of Shanksville, Pa., where United Airlines Flight 93 crashed on Sept. 11, 2001. — But for three years, that field has made do with a makeshift monument …