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Hitchens the Hacker; And, Hitchens the Orientalist — And, "We don't Want Your Stinking War! — Christopher Hitchens owes me a big apology. — I belong to a private email discussion group called Gulf2000. It has academics, journalists and policy makers on it.
The Political Pit Bull, Pacific Views, Decision '08, Brainster's Blog, and Feminist Law Professors
Iranian threats, "wiping Israel off the map," and the Hitchens v. Cole cage match — Iran yesterday repeated its threat to retaliate against Israel if the United States attacked it. There was no reaction from world leaders to this illegal and outrageous threat.
Plan for $100 Gas Rebate Appears to Be Dead — WASHINGTON, May 2 — A Republican proposal to provide taxpayers with $100 rebates to compensate for higher fuel prices appeared all but dead on Tuesday, with leading Congressional Republicans saying that it had quickly fallen flat.
The Rude Pundit
Democrats Push Fight for House in the Northeast — George Ruhe for The New York Times, left; Steven Lee Miller for The New York Times, right — Nancy L. Johnson, center, a 12-term Republican congresswoman in Connecticut, discussed issues recently with two constituents, Leo McIlrath and Alice Neville.
A Man Who Won't Sell His Soul — BRUSSELS — Sen. John McCain likes the moral high ground, and he takes palpable pleasure in delivering zingers to errant Russians, Iranians and Europeans, as he did at a conference here last weekend. But as the apparent front-runner in the 2008 presidential race …
Administration Is Singing More Than One Tune on Spanish Version of Anthem — President Bush declared last week that the national anthem should be sung in English not Spanish, but he evidently never told his own government or campaign organizations. — The State Department posts four Spanish versions of …
Discussion:, Brad DeLong's Semi …, Just a Bump in the Beltway, Demagogue, Think Progress and Brendan Nyhan
Federal Study Finds Accord on Warming — A scientific study commissioned by the Bush administration concluded yesterday that the lower atmosphere was indeed growing warmer and that there was "clear evidence of human influences on the climate system." — The finding eliminates a significant area …
Filling tanks, funding dictators — FREE-MARKET purists are getting a lot of mileage out of scoffing at all the hysteria about rising oil prices. From a strictly economic point of view, they've got a point. Even with crude selling at more than $71 a barrel and gasoline at about $3 a gallon, the U.S. economy continues to expand.
Acrimony Over Bush Judicial Nominations Resurfaces — Senate Democrats Threaten To Filibuster Conservative Duo — After months of relative quiet, senators raised the prospect yesterday of a return to bitter battles and a possible filibuster over judicial nominations …
Hugh Hewitt, The Carpetbagger Report, TalkLeft, Just a Bump in the Beltway, Brainster's Blog and Daily Pundit
After Press Dinner, the Blogosphere Is Alive With the Sound of Colbert Chatter — Mark Smith, a reporter for The Associated Press who is president of the White House Correspondents' Association, acknowledges that he had not seen much of Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central before he booked …
AMERICAblog, PSoTD, Daily Kos, JustOneMinute, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Washington Post, The Hill, Althouse and TalkLeft
Mexico to Allow Use of Drugs — Fox will sign the bill, one of the world's most permissive policies, in a bid to curb trafficking. U.S. officials say it will lead to more addiction. — MEXICO CITY — Mexican President Vicente Fox will sign a bill that would legalize the use of nearly every drug …
Taliban Threat Is Said to Grow in Afghan South — TIRIN KOT, Afghanistan, April 27 — Building on a winter campaign of suicide bombings and assassinations and the knowledge that American troops are leaving, the Taliban appear to be moving their insurgency into a new phase …
Voters Oust Backers of Immigrants In Herndon — Three Incumbents Lose Who Supported Center — Herndon voters yesterday unseated the mayor and two Town Council members who supported a bitterly debated day-labor center for immigrant workers in a contest that emerged as a mini-referendum …
The Privileges and Arrogance of the New York Times — New York Times editor Bill Keller did not return my call or my producer's call or respond in any way to my invitation to appear on the program today to discuss his extraordinary letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal.
Biden Offers Alternative Plan for Iraq — The Democratic senator wants autonomous regions for Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds. The White House quickly rejects the idea. — WASHINGTON — Three years after President Bush declared beneath a "mission accomplished" banner that major combat had ended in Iraq …
Keeping perspective on draft week — Readers e-mails on draft, the truth about New Orleans … I sense that we in this country have Katrina fatigue. The New York Times reported as much recently, saying that people in some of the areas that welcomed Katrina evacuees last September are sick …