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CIA boss Goss is cooked — Tied to contractor's poker parties - hints of bribes & women — WASHINGTON - CIA Director Porter Goss abruptly resigned yesterday amid allegations that he and a top aide may have attended Watergate poker parties where bribes and prostitutes were provided to a corrupt congressman.

TURF WAR?....After hours of blogospheric speculation yesterday that Porter Goss was forced to resign as CIA director because of some mysterious (and still undetermined) connection to Hookergate, the conventional wisdom in the press today has congealed around something very different …

Goss: CIA resignation 'one of those mysteries' — Bush expected to tap former NSA chief as replacement — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Porter Goss said Saturday that his surprise resignation as CIA director is "just one of those mysteries," offering no other explanation for his sudden departure after almost two years on the job.

Hayden to Replace Goss — That's the word, anyway. Bush is likely to announce Michael Hayden as Goss' CIA successor on Monday. Out of the frying pan; into the fire. … Of course he defended it—since he was the NSA director under whose authority it was implemented.

New C.I.A. Chief Will Find Agency Hobbled on Iran — WASHINGTON, May 6 — As the Central Intelligence Agency undergoes its latest round of turmoil, legislators and former intelligence officials say that serious gaps in the United States' knowledge of Iran are among the most critical problems facing a new director of the spy agency.
FP Passport

So, the verdict is in. According to the WP, the NYT, Time, etc.
Firedoglake, The Mahablog, The Sideshow, AGITPROP, State of the Day, CorrenteWire, Hullabaloo and The Left Coaster

Iraqis, British Troops Spar After Crash — BAGHDAD, Iraq — A British military helicopter apparently was hit by a missile Saturday and crashed in Basra, triggering a confrontation in which jubilant Iraqis pelted British troops with stones, hurled firebombs and shouted slogans in support of a radical Shiite Muslim cleric.

HILLARY CLINTON: TOO MUCH OF A CLINTON DEMOCRAT? — Hillary Clinton has a few problems if she wants to secure the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination. She is a leader who fails to lead. She does not appear "electable." But most of all, Hillary has a Bill Clinton problem.

Not All See Video Mockery of Zarqawi as Good Strategy — An effort by the American military to discredit the terrorist leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi by showing video outtakes of him fumbling with a machine gun — suggesting that he lacks real fighting skill — was questioned yesterday by retired and active American military officers.

Still Not Gettin' It — Now the New York Times has an article quoting …

You Just Flunked Out Of Feminism 101. Wait, Stupid Also Just Failed Out Of Moron. — Now, I post this with a heavy heart, because the truth is, that despite any previous complaints about puppies, I actually regard Eugene Volokh as an intelligent, thoughtful person with whom I would love to have a beer or two.

U.S. Explains Itself to U.N. on Torture Charges — GENEVA, May 5 — A delegation of American officials came before a United Nations panel on torture today to account for the conduct of the United States in the fight against terrorism since Sept. 11, 2001. — The American officials …

"LOS RANGERS" — I'm not a baseball fan, but several readers wrote in about the Yankees-Rangers game last night. A sample: — Reader K... Reader Steve... The Mexican consul approved of the jerseys: … I understand the Rangers wanted to do something innocuous to recognize a holiday celebrating historical and cultural pride.

Israel foils plot to kill Palestinian president — A HAMAS plot to assassinate Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has been thwarted after he was tipped off by Israeli intelligence. — Hamas's military wing, the Izza Din Al-Qassem, had planned to kill Abbas at his office in Gaza, intelligence sources said.

Where's Our Fox News? — I don't watch Fox News. In fact, upon having cable installed a couple of months ago I put a parental block on the channel so that I need to punch in a security code if I ever want to turn on the channel — a trick I learned from my brother-in-law …

What Can We Do About Iraq and Iran? — President Bush's job approval ratings continue to plummet, as increasing numbers of Americans recognize that the Administration lacks the clear thinking required to deal with the critical issues that confront America, such as Iraq and Iran.

'Countdown with Keith Olbermann' for Jan. 24th — KEITH OLBERMANN, HOST: Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow? — The CIA leak indictment. It not only says Libby on the label, it also says top secret. Why Scooter wants to keep part of the trial out of the public eye.

MI3 Box Office Disappoints. Cruise's Fault? — I'm told that, according to rival studio estimates, Paramount's MI3 will gross in the mid-$40 millions — $45 mil-to-$46 mil — for this opening weekend, much lower than the pre-Friday estimates of $63 mil from 4,054 theaters.
One Hand Clapping

UPDATED: Iran's nuclear mullahs and the UN: closer to sanctions? /A look at the Strait of Hormuz — Saturday, May 6: Fox is reporting that Russia and China may support the US and UK resolution, as long as the UN continues to stress "diplomacy." A Chapter 7 resolution allows for sanctions or war or both.

Mandate for ID Meets Resistance From States — Reacting to the Sept. 11 attacks, Congress passed the Real ID law last year, intending to make it tougher for terrorists to obtain driver's licenses and for people without proper identification to board planes or enter federal buildings.