Top Items:

Bush Says U.S. Spying Is Not Widespread — President Bush today denied that the government is "mining or trolling through the personal lives of innocent Americans," as Democrats expressed outrage over a news report describing a National Security Agency program that has collected vast amounts of telephone records.
Big Lizards, Defense Tech, TAPPED, Riehl World View, Lean Left, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Daily Kos and Michelle Malkin

Cafferty: Dictatorship — Jack Cafferty didn't hold back today: — Video-WMP Video-QT — Cafferty: We all hope nothing happens to Arlen Specter, the Republican head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, cause he might be all that stands between us and a full blown dictatorship in this country.
Firedoglake, Hullabaloo, In Search Of Utopia, Bench Conference, Pacific Views, Attytood and Thoughts of an Average Woman

Hyping USA Today's "Big Brother" Bombshell: TV Jumps on Stale NSA Database Story — Seismic! Shocking! Startling! A bombshell!! That's how the ABC, CBS and NBC morning shows described a front-page story in today's (Thursday's) USA Today that breathlessly touted how "NSA has massive database of Americans' phone calls."

Text: Bush's Comments on NSA Activities — Remarks by President Bush Thursday on reports of the National Security Agency building a secret database of U.S. telephone records, as transcribed by the White House: — After September the 11th, I vowed to the American people that our government …

No need for Congress, no need for courts — (updated below) — I just this morning read the obviously significant USA Today article detailing the fact that the NSA is maintaining a comprehensive data base of every call made by every American - both internationally and domestically …
JustOneMinute, TalkLeft,, Confederate Yankee, The American Mind, AMERICAblog, Firedoglake, Balkinization, The Anonymous Liberal, The Sideshow, Amygdala, The Mahablog, NewsHog, Decision '08, The Huffington Post, The Moderate Voice, TAPPED, CorrenteWire, Liberty Street, Feministe, Bark Bark Woof Woof and Eschaton

Bush defends NSA data collection program — WASHINGTON — Responding quickly to a USA TODAY report that his administration has collected information on tens of millions of domestic phone calls, President Bush today said everthing the National Security Agency has done is legal …

Bush: We're not trolling your personal life — Lawmakers demand answers on phone records report — WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional Republicans and Democrats demanded answers from the Bush administration Thursday about a government spy agency secretly collecting records …

NSA Collected Phone Records in U.S., Lott Says (Update1) — May 11 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. National Security Agency has obtained the phone records of millions of Americans in an effort to stop terrorists, a Senate Intelligence Committee member confirmed. — News of the program …

THOUGHTS ON THE LEGALITY OF THE LATEST NSA PROGRAM: Assuming that the newly-disclosed NSA surveillance program was described accurately in the USA Today story, is this program legal? Here is a very preliminary run down of the issues. It's not as complete as I would like …

Legal issues governing the Administration's newly disclosed surveillance program

Conyers, Harman introduce bill to kill NSA phone call database

NSA Call-Tracking Program Sparks Alarm
The Carpetbagger Report

Another Day, Another National Security Leak
Right Wing Nut House, Defense Tech, The Next Hurrah, MyDD, Macsmind, The Volokh Conspiracy, The American Mind, Comments From Left Field, Sister Toldjah, Daily Kos, The Cranky Insomniac, Flopping Aces, INTEL DUMP, Unfogged, protein wisdom, Riehl World View, lgf, Eschaton, Obsidian Wings, The Huffington Post, The American Thinker, The American Street, Blue Crab Boulevard, ReidBlog and Gateway Pundit

Seventy two in Congress join battle against wiretaps
Democrat Taylor Marsh …

Grand jury indicts Gov. Ernie Fletcher — The special grand jury that's been investigating state government hiring practices today indicted Gov. Ernie Fletcher on three misdemeanor charges of conspiracy, official misconduct and political discrimination. — The jury also indicted former …
Outside The Beltway

Lawyers, Guns and Money

The Glenn and Helen Show: Ken Mehlman and Michael Barone on 2006 and 2008 — It's a roundup of Republican problems and solutions in today's Glenn and Helen Show. First, we talk to Ken Mehlman, chair of the Republican National Committee, about polls, anger in the base, and issues like immigration, spending, taxes, and judges.

Snow issues detailed rebuttals to media coverage of the president — WASHINGTON - New White House Press Secretary Tony Snow is starting off in a combative mode against the press by issuing detailed rebuttals to what he considers unfair coverage of Bush. — "The New York Times continues …

Dean and Party Leaders in a Money Dispute — WASHINGTON, May 10 — Howard Dean was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee on an unusual promise: To send millions of dollars in contributions to build up state Democratic parties, even in states that vote solidly Republican.
Washington Post, The Hill, MyDD, Buckeye State Blog, Democrat Taylor Marsh … and AMERICAblog

President says his letter to President Bush was invitation to Islam — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.
protein wisdom, sugiero, Jihad Watch, A Blog For All, and Dinocrat

Don't defund troops for pork — Need proof of how pork-addicted Congress has become? Consider this: Some in the Senate are looking for ways to shift funds from the troops in Iraq to some of their favorite pet projects. — At risk is the $94.4 supplemental spending bill President Bush requested …

Gang balks on Judge Boyle — The outlook for Judge Terrence Boyle, nominated to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, became cloudier yesterday as Democrats reiterated opposition to him and some Republican members of the influential Gang of 14 declined to offer support.

A New Gesture From Iran? — A top Iranian official, in an open letter given to TIME, offers what could be a starting point for negotiations — The White House has brushed aside a new letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to President Bush that was designed …

Breakdown of Trust Led Judge Luttig To Clash With Bush — After Fight in Terrorism Case, — Conservative Star Gives Up — Court Seat for Boeing Job — New Task: Appease McCain — McLEAN, Va. — On Nov. 22, U.S. Circuit Judge J. Michael Luttig was at work in his chambers …

US military, intelligence officials raise concern about possible preparations for Iran strike — Use of Iraq terror group bypassed Congress, sources say — Concern is building among the military and the intelligence community that the US may be preparing for a military strike on Iran …