Top Items:

The Right Call on Phone Records — The NSA's Program Safeguards Security — and Civil Liberties — On Thursday, USA Today reported that three U.S. telecommunications companies have been voluntarily providing the National Security Agency with anonymized domestic telephone records …

Newsweek Poll: Americans Wary of NSA Spying — Bush's approval ratings hit new lows as controversy rages. — May 13, 2006 - Has the Bush administration gone too far in expanding the powers of the President to fight terrorism? Yes, say a majority of Americans, following this week's revelation …

Democrats See an Opening to Debate Security Issues — WASHINGTON, May 12 — Senate Democrats intend to use next week's confirmation hearings for a new C.I.A. director to press the Bush administration on its broad surveillance programs, engaging Republicans on national security grounds …

Questions Raised for Phone Giants in Spy Data Furor — The former chief executive of Qwest, the nation's fourth-largest phone company, rebuffed government requests for the company's calling records after 9/11 because of "a disinclination on the part of the authorities to use any legal process," his lawyer said yesterday.

Verizon Sued for Giving NSA Phone Records — TRENTON, N.J. - Two New Jersey public interest lawyers sued Verizon Communications Inc. for $5 billion Friday, claiming the phone carrier violated privacy laws by turning over phone records to the National Security Agency for a secret government surveillance program.

Bush May Widen National Guard Patrols at Border — President Bush will push next week for a broad overhaul of the nation's immigration laws and plans to tighten security on the borders, possibly with a wider deployment of the National Guard, White House officials said yesterday.

NBC: Bush may deploy Guard along U.S. border
A Blog For All, California Conservative, The Daily Nightly, Stop The ACLU and Decision '08

Military May Augment Border Patrol
Riehl World View, Diggers Realm, Blue Crab Boulevard, Daily Pundit, Hot Air,, The Sandbox and OPFOR

Ousted CIA No. 3 Is Target of Raids — Foggo's Home and Langley Office Swept in Corruption Probe — Federal agents yesterday searched the CIA offices and Northern Virginia home of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, the spy agency's No. 3 official who was forced to resign this week amid …
The Mahablog, NO QUARTER, Talking Points Memo, The Cranky Insomniac and The Democratic Daily Blog

Spy Agency Watching Americans From Space — WASHINGTON (AP) - A little-known spy agency that analyzes imagery taken from the skies has been spending significantly more time watching U.S. soil. — In an era when other intelligence agencies try to hide those operations …

Corrections: For the Record — An article on Monday about the state-owned energy company of Bolivia misstated the position held at the company from 1969 to 1979 by Carlos d'Arlach, now an opposition senator, who expressed opposition to the government's recent nationalization of its oil and gas reserves.

Alabama candidate for AG disputes Holocaust, is coming to NJ — BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A Democratic candidate for Alabama attorney general denies the Holocaust occurred and said Friday he will speak this weekend in New Jersey to a "pro-white" organization that is widely viewed as being racist.

Information Please — Oh, sorry, it's not 1942. It's 2006, and these three phone giants are about to be excoriated for cooperating with the war on terror. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Arlen Specter has demanded that ATT, Verizon, and BellSouth testify under oath about their assistance …

Leviathan … If someone would just translate The Leviathan into modern colloquial English - or even better, turn it into a comic book - I think Shrub might discover a new favorite philosopher. Maybe not on same plane as Jesus Christ (and certainly not as politically advantageous) …
the talking dog

A Bitter Game: Beijing Battles With Vatican — SHENYANG, China, May 9 — From the moment in 1978 when China reopened itself, conditionally, to the outside world, the Roman Catholic Church has been painstakingly working to get back in. Hopes have been raised, then dashed …

U.N. Finds New Uranium Traces in Iran — Atomic inspectors have found traces of highly enriched uranium on equipment linked to an Iranian military base, raising new questions about whether Iran harbors a clandestine program to make nuclear bombs, diplomats said yesterday.

Conservative Battle Fatigue — Several of my favorite bloggers, self-described conservatives of various stripes, properly respected stalwarts of reasonability and probity, have offered considered reasons to split with George Bush. — Mark Tapscott's decades of dedication and contribution …

First baby in Britain designed cancer-free — A WOMAN is pregnant with Britain's first designer baby selected to prevent an inherited cancer, The Times can reveal. — Her decision to use controversial genetic-screening technology will ensure that she does not pass on to her child …