Top Items:

Read Verizon's statement — The wireless carrier denies reports that it provided the government with access to customer phone calls. — NEW YORK ( - Verizon Communications Inc. denied Tuesday reports that it provided the National Security Agency with customer phone records.

Hatch: Court Briefed on Bush Surveillance — WASHINGTON - Two judges on the secretive court that approves warrants for intelligence surveillance were told of the broad monitoring programs that have raised recent controversy, a Republican senator said Tuesday, connecting a court to knowledge …

Spy Tools In Need Of a Law — Let's take a hypothetical problem: An al-Qaeda operative decides to switch cellphones to prevent the National Security Agency from monitoring his calls. How does the NSA identify his new cellphone number? How does it winnow down a haystack …

Mexico Threatens Suits Over Guard Patrols — CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico - Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants. — Mexican border officials also said they worried that sending troops …

DHS Does About-Face In Backing Use of National Guard to Seal Border — In December of 2005, Fox News talking head Bill O'Reilly floated an unlikely — even brash — idea to the Homeland Security secretary to seal off the porous southwest border. — "Why don't you put the National Guard …

Press Briefing by Tony Snow — MR. SNOW: I feel so loved. — Q Welcome to the White House Press Office. — MR. SNOW: Thank you very much. Well, it's good to be here. Thank you one and all. — Very quickly, as you know, President Bush today met with Prime Minister John Howard of Australia.

'Da Vinci Code' Misses the Mark for Critics — CANNES, France - "The Da Vinci Code" drew lukewarm praise, shrugs of indifference, some jeering laughter and a few derisive jabs Tuesday from arguably the world's toughest movie crowd: critics at the Cannes Film Festival.
Super Fun Power Hour

Albinos Condemn 'Da Vinci' Assassin
Outside The Beltway

Senate Casts First Votes on Immigration — WASHINGTON, May 16 — Senators cast their first votes on immigration legislation this afternoon, just as President Bush vowed to work closely with skeptical members of Congress on a comprehensive bill to fix a system that does not work.

Termination, suspension possible for Churchill Governor calls for controversial professor to resign — University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill plagiarized, fabricated and falsified material and was disrespectful of American Indian traditions in his writings, a report released today said.

Republican Leadership Approval Hits All-Time Low — Public confidence in Republican governance has plunged to the lowest levels of the Bush presidency, with Americans saying they now trust Democrats by wide margins to deal with Iraq, gasoline prices, immigration and more …

FBI Secret Probes: 3,501 Targets in the U.S. — Brian Ross and Maddy Sauer Report: — The Department of Justice says it secretly sought phone records and other documents of 3,501 people last year under a provision of the Patriot Act that does not require judicial oversight.

Forever Pregnant — Guidelines: Treat Nearly All Women as Pre-Pregnant — New federal guidelines ask all females capable of conceiving a baby to treat themselves — and to be treated by the health care system — as pre-pregnant, regardless of whether they plan to get pregnant anytime soon.
ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Pacific Views, Ezra Klein, Feministe, Shakespeare's Sister, Pen-Elayne on the Web, Bitch Ph.D., Feministing, Pandagon and Truthdig

Midnight in the garden of Moe and Curley — It is growing very dark in the increasingly shoddy and ethereal Scooter Libby investigation, where Patrick Fitzgerald, bumping into the furniture, stubbing his toes, muttering something about it making no sense, but regardless of the mounting absurdity …

Senate readies vote on $70B tax cut — MAY. 11 1:13 P.M. ET President Bush and his GOP allies on Capitol Hill anticipated a long-sought election year victory Thursday as senators debated a bill awarding tax relief to investors and 15 million taxpayers with above-average incomes.
David Sirota

It's all about me: Why e-mails are so easily misunderstood — Michael Morris and Jeff Lowenstein wouldn't have recognized each other if they'd met on the street, but that didn't stop them from getting into a shouting match. The professors had been working together on a research study …