Top Items:

White House compares illegal immigration to speeding — WASHINGTON - The White House on Friday said a Senate bill that would grant legal status to illegal immigrants is analogous to a traffic law that allows a speeder to pay a fine and continue driving. — "If you had a traffic ticket …

Top Bush Aide at Justice Dept. Was Set to Quit — WASHINGTON, May 26 — Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and senior officials and career prosecutors at the Justice Department told associates this week that they were prepared to quit if the White House directed them to relinquish evidence seized …

A Defiant Stance In Jefferson Probe — Justice Dept. Talked of Big Resignations If White House Agreed to Return Papers — The Justice Department signaled to the White House this week that the nation's top three law enforcement officials would resign or face firing rather than return documents seized …

There's a right way — If the information we have read about the behavior of Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., seems as obvious to a jury as it does to me, he deserves to be vigorously prosecuted. I do not want to do anything that will interfere with that prosecution.

Suddenly, It's a Steel-Cage Match With the White House — For years, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, a genial former wrestling coach, has stood on the sidelines as President Bush seized power from a quiescent legislative branch. But this week, with the unlikeliest of provocations …

Why All the Fuss? — It's amusing, frankly, that the Republicans …

Probe Finds Marines Killed Unarmed Iraqi Civilians — SAN DIEGO — Marines from Camp Pendleton wantonly killed unarmed Iraqi civilians, including women and children, and then tried to cover up the slayings in the insurgent stronghold of Haditha, military investigations have found.

Top Marine Visits Iraq as Probe of Deaths Widens
The Carpetbagger Report

Bush Aide Confirmed to U.S. Bench — Senate Vote Puts Kavanaugh on Court of Appeals for D.C. Circuit — White House aide Brett M. Kavanaugh won Senate confirmation as an appeals judge yesterday after a three-year wait, a new victory for President Bush in a drive to place a more conservative stamp on the courts.
The Democratic Daily

Bush's C.I.A. Pick Confirmed by Senate — WASHINGTON, May 26 — The Senate handed President Bush a pair of victories this morning, easily confirming his nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency and giving more narrow approval to a judicial nomination that had been stalled for three years.

Senate Overwhelmingly Confirms General to Be Director of C.I.A. — WASHINGTON, May 26 — The Senate overwhelmingly confirmed Gen. Michael V. Hayden on Friday as director of the Central Intelligence Agency, despite some senators' criticism of his role in overseeing a domestic electronic surveillance program.
The American Street

JESSE MACBETH'S DD-214 — Someone has posted a scanned copy of what appears to be a DD-214 for one Jesse Adam MacBeth. My initial read of it tells me that he most likely dropped out of boot camp. — Blocks 11 and 13 appear to have been crudely "modified" after the fact. — Block 11 reads as follows:

Jesse Macbeth(?) posts his discharge form
JUST CITIZENS …, BLACKFIVE, protein wisdom, Blue Crab Boulevard and Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

Rayburn Reopens After Gunfire Report — Police Sources: Construction Caused the Noise of Shots — The Rayburn House Office Building was opened shortly after 3 p.m. after being locked down for more than four hours following a report—unconfirmed by police—of gunfire in the building's garage.

Iraqi Minister Backs Iran on Nuclear Research — Iraq supports Iran's right to pursue nuclear research, its new foreign minister said today, taking a position at odds with that of the Bush administration. — The foreign minister, Hoshyar Zebari, spoke during a visit to Baghdad by Iran's foreign minister …

U.S. Is Debating Talks With Iran on Nuclear Issue
Decision '08

Memorial Day Weekend — Many people have become aware of a recent serious photo copyright infringement. The photo in question is that of Major Bieger holding a little Iraqi girl named Farah who was killed by a suicide car bomber in Mosul, Iraq. I first became aware of the infringement …

Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection — The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. — The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles …
The Huffington Post, Ezra Klein, Concurring Opinions, Secular Blasphemy and Outside The Beltway

Looking Back at Iraq — A war to be proud of. — National Review Online — There may be a lot to regret about the past policy of the United States in the Middle East, but the removal of Saddam Hussein and the effort to birth democracy in his place is surely not one of them.