Top Items:

Snow: Polls won't influence Iraq strategy — WASHINGTON - President Bush understands there is growing U.S. concern over his handling of the Iraq war but will not rely on polls to determine when to withdraw troops, his spokesman said Sunday. — "The president understands how a war can wear on a nation …

Democrats set to call for phased pullout — Congressional debate on war enters 2d week — WASHINGTON — Congressional Democrats, seizing on public discontent over the war in Iraq, will offer legislation this week calling for a phased withdrawal of troops from Iraq and a shifting of forces …
The Strata-Sphere

Iraq and Congress — The Murtha withdrawal policy is a counsel of defeat.
Power Line, Hit and Run, Althouse, The Right Place, PrairiePundit and Middle Earth Journal

Senate Democrats want vote on Iraq withdrawal
The Democratic Daily

Al Qaeda-linked group claims it kidnapped 2 U.S. soldiers — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — An al Qaeda-affiliated group on Monday claimed it kidnapped two U.S. soldiers south of Baghdad, although the captives were not named. — The group — Mujahedeen Shura Council — made the unverified claim in a statement posted on a Web site.

A.C.L.U. Warned on Plan to Limit Members' Speech — A lawyer in the New York state attorney general's office informally warned the American Civil Liberties Union that his office had concerns about proposed standards that would limit the group's board members from speaking publicly about policies …

Doubts About Duke — The prosecutor insists his rape case is strong. One big problem: the facts thus far. — June 29, 2006 issue - The order had come, signed by a judge, requiring that the Duke lacrosse team give DNA samples. The prosecutor was trying to identify the three players …

ABC NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Durham Republicans to Challenge District Attorney Over Duke Case — Frustration Over Duke Lacrosse Team Rape Investigation Weighs Heavily in GOP Challenge — June 19, 2006 — The Durham Republican Party will field a candidate to run against the district attorney leading …
Captain's Quarters

Mideast Analysis, Fast and Furious — WHEN an Iraqi insurgent group releases a new videotape or claims responsibility for an attack, Western reporters in Baghdad rarely hear about it firsthand. Nor do they usually get the news from their in-house Iraqi translators.

Zoellick Leaving State Department, to Join Goldman (Update1) — June 19 (Bloomberg) — Robert Zoellick resigned as deputy U.S. secretary of state and said he will take a job with Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., the world's biggest securities firm by market value.

CNN RELIABLE SOURCES — Coverage of Rove's Role in Plame Leak Investigation; Interview With Jim Lehrer — THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. — HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: Rove's reprieve. After years of media speculation …

Trying to Get Even — Democrats keep betting on failure in Iraq. — During last week's congressional debate over the war in Iraq, critics of the Bush administration's policy made three arguments: that President Bush more or less lied when claiming Saddam Hussein was a threat to the U.S. …

Lauder Pays $135 Million, a Record, for a Klimt Portrait — A dazzling gold-flecked 1907 portrait by Gustav Klimt has been purchased for the Neue Galerie in Manhattan by the cosmetics magnate Ronald S. Lauder for $135 million, the highest sum ever paid for a painting.

Decisions: Clean Water Act reach limited — A pluarlity of the Supreme Court concluded on Monday that the Clean Water Act's protection of "waters of the United States" is limited to those bodies of water that are "permanent, standing or continously flowing," and thus does not embrace channels through …
How Appealing

NBC's chief confident on 'Today,' Brian Williams vs. Couric — E-mail Peter Johnson at [email protected] — Just two weeks after CBS Evening News-bound Katie Couric said a tearful goodbye to NBC's Today, her old boss now sings the praises of her successor, Meredith Vieira …
The Heretik

Can this spread be stopped? — Lawmaker wants schools to put a lid on Fluff — The escalating war on junk food in schools has targeted a new enemy — that gooey, sugary, and often irresistible sandwich spread known to children everywhere as Fluff. — Outraged that his son …