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IDF captures airstrip, gains foothold east of Rafah — Israeli fighter jets struck the northern Gaza Strip around 2 p.m. Wednesday, firing missiles at open areas. The strike is part of the army's "pressure pot" tactic, meant to turn up pressure on Gaza by placement of troops and weapons fire with a minimum of casualties.
Captain's Quarters, Power Line, Israel Matzav,, Liberty and Justice, Security Watchtower and Kesher Talk

Operation Summer Rains — Before dawn today, IDF tanks and troops went into Gaza. Their mission is clear: to secure the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit. As National Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer told Israel Radio: … According to an army source …

Israelis keep pressure on Palestinians
Blogs of War, Mia Culpa, Left I on the News, Counterterrorism Blog, Truthdig, Sister Toldjah and The Reaction —

Hamas resist Israel recognition
Atlas Shrugs, A Blog For All, Israel Matzav, FP Passport, PoliBlog, USS Neverdock, ThreatsWatch.Org and It Shines For All

Piling On the New York Times With a Scoop — Story on Secret Program Further Rouses Critics — President Bush calls the conduct of the New York Times "disgraceful." Vice President Cheney objects to the paper having won a Pulitzer Prize. A Republican congressman wants the Times prosecuted.

GOP bill targets NY Times — House Republican leaders are expected to introduce a resolution today condemning The New York Times for publishing a story last week that exposed government monitoring of banking records. — The resolution is expected to condemn the leak and publication …

Patriotism and the Press — Over the last year, The New York Times has twice published reports about secret antiterrorism programs being run by the Bush administration. Both times, critics have claimed that the paper was being unpatriotic or even aiding the terrorists.

Court Nixes Part of Texas Political Map — WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld most of the Republican-boosting Texas congressional map engineered by former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay but threw out part, saying some of the new boundaries failed to protect minority voting rights.

Decisions: No ruling on Hamdan; partisan gerrymander claim rejected — (NOTE: The Chief Justice announced that the Court will issue remaining decisions in the Term at 10 a.m. Thursday. The two still-undecided cases are the war crimes tribunal case (Hamdan v. Rumsfeld) …
Burnt Orange Report, Off the Kuff, Election Law, How Appealing, The Agonist, Eye on Williamson and Lawyers, Guns and Money

Bush's Use of Authority Riles Senator — WASHINGTON, June 27 — Senators on the Judiciary Committee accused President Bush of an "unprecedented" and "astonishing" power grab on Tuesday for making use of a device that gave him the authority to revise or ignore more than 750 laws enacted since he became president.

Senator considers suit over Bush law challenge — WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, Arlen Specter, said yesterday that he is ``seriously considering" filing legislation to give Congress legal standing to sue President Bush over his use of signing statements to reserve the right to bypass laws.

Bush's Challenges of Laws He Signed Is Criticized
Bench Memos …

Senate Rejects Flag Desecration Amendment — The Senate rejected by a single vote yesterday an effort to amend the Constitution to allow Congress to ban desecration of the American flag, after a two-day debate freighted with political calculations and sharp disputes over the limits of free speech.

Not Quite the Banner Day One Might Have Hoped For — As the Senate's flag-desecration debate heated up yesterday and the sparks began to fly — but before the smoke cleared — the amendment's backers were asked a burning question: Is this the most important issue facing the nation?
David Corn, The Carpetbagger Report, Balloon Juice, The Glittering Eye, Associated Press and Marc Cooper

Incumbent wins easily as Jacob's immigration challenge fizzles — LEHI - Incumbency overcame the anti-immigration wave in Utah's 3rd Congressional District Republican Primary. — Five-term Rep. Chris Cannon had a commanding lead over political newcomer John Jacob with 89 percent of the precincts reporting at press time.
CNN,, The Strata-Sphere, The Heretik, Hit and Run, The Corner on National … and The RCP Blog

Obama: Democrats Must Court Evangelicals — WASHINGTON — Sen. Barack Obama chastised fellow Democrats on Wednesday for failing to "acknowledge the power of faith in the lives of the American people," and said the party must compete for the support of evangelicals and other churchgoing Americans.

Bush jogs with wounded soldier — WASHINGTON - President Bush took a jog Tuesday with a soldier who lost part of both legs in Iraq, following through on a bedside promise even the president had doubts about at the time. — Despite a slight drizzle, Bush and Staff Sgt. Christian Bagge took …

we need to stop this... now — Guest Contributor: Sen. John McCain — Last week I had the honor of speaking to a group of my fellow Republicans at the presidential library of one of my heroes — President Ronald Reagan. — When I was first elected to Congress, I was one of many newly elected members …