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Hamdan as a Democracy-Forcing Decision — The key to understanding Hamdan is that the Court did not tell the President that he could under no circumstances create military tribunals with very limited procedural guarantees (in this case, without any right to know what the charges are or the right …

Hamdan Summary — And HUGE News — As I predicted below, the Court held that Congress had, by statute, required that the commissions comply with the laws of war — and held further that these commissions do not (for various reasons). — More importantly, the Court held that Common Article 3 …
Associated Press, The Peking Duck, Sister Toldjah, The Belmont Club, Scared Monkeys, Michelle Malkin, ACSBlog, Right Wing Nut House, JustOneMinute, TPMCafe, The Glittering Eye, The Anonymous Liberal, Patterico's Pontifications, Think Progress, AMERICAblog, Confederate Yankee, Elephants in Academia, The Reaction —, Wizbang, Balkinization, Blogs of War, Andrew Sullivan, Below The Beltway, Viking Pundit, The Agonist, Daily Kos and Macsmind

Guest Blogger: Hamdan and the Youngstown Framework — By Aziz Huq, Associate Counsel of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law — It is not too early to mark the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld as a landmark. Nor is it too early to wonder what shadow this monument will cast.

Reading Skimming Hamdan — Lawyers read. Ex-lawyers skim. Ex-lawyers for whom legal writing is apt to trigger PTSD flashbacks skim lightly. Even skimming lightly, though, it's easy to see that Marty Lederman got it right. — Here's the opinion; save it, open it up, and follow along.
SCOTUSblog, Patterico's Pontifications, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, protein wisdom, lgf and Wizbang

Justices, 5-3, Broadly Reject Bush Plan to Try Detainees — WASHINGTON, June 29 — The Supreme Court on Thursday repudiated the Bush administration's plan to put Guantánamo detainees on trial before military commissions, ruling broadly that the commissions were unauthorized by federal statute and violated international law.

Cutting Through the Hyperbole on Hamdan — With all the confusion, rushed judgments and overheated rhetoric created by the U.S. Supreme Court's Hamdan complex decision, it's perhaps best to first look at what it does not do. — It does not: — • Satisfy the supposed demands of …

The significance of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
Think Progress, Obsidian Wings, MSNBC, Hullabaloo, TBogg, and AMERICAblog

Prediction: Bush & Congress Will Override the Supreme Court's …
Balloon Juice, Hot Air, Don Surber, Blue Crab Boulevard, Middle Earth Journal and Wizbang

Supreme Court Rejects Guantanamo War Crimes Trials
CNN, Outside The Beltway, Captain's Quarters, SCOTUSblog, the talking dog, Stop The ACLU, Macsmind, Unclaimed Territory, NewsHog, PoliBlog, DownWithTyranny!, The Sundries Shack, The Strata-Sphere, AMERICAblog,, Rantingprofs, The RCP Blog, The Real Ugly, Thoughts of an Average Woman, Althouse, Obsidian Wings, The Heretik, The Democratic Daily, Media Blog on National …, The Left Coaster, The Washington Monthly, Eschaton and The Moderate Voice

(FLASH) Instrument of Surrender Signed by SCOTUS
Obsidian Wings, Dick Polman's American Debate, Silflay Hraka, Hugh Hewitt and Rantingprofs

Justices revise part of Texas redistricting — Court also rules state legislators may draw new maps as often as they like … WASHINGTON - A fractured Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that states are free to redraw congressional districts whenever they want, largely blessing Tom DeLay's …
Democratic Underground

Fatah official: Hamas brought violence — A senior Fatah member said on Thursday that although Israel should be condemned for its incursion into the Gaza Strip and the arrest of senior Hamas officials, it was Hamas who brought these actions upon the Palestinian people.

OH-18: Crumbling — About 20 minutes ago the liberal House Clerk reported on the liberal House floor that the liberal President Bush's Justice Department has subpoenaed Bob Ney's district director. — And now the liberal media is hurling false liberal attacks by reporting these liberal facts.

A Governing Philosophy Rebuffed — Ruling Emphasizes Constitutional Boundaries — For five years, President Bush waged war as he saw fit. If intelligence officers needed to eavesdrop on overseas telephone calls without warrants, he authorized it. If the military wanted to hold terrorism suspects without trial, he let it.
The Strata-Sphere

Wyden Blocks Telecom Legislation over Net Neutrality — Ron Wyden announced this afternoon that he has placed a "hold" on the telecommunciations legislation just passed by the Commerce Committee until clear language is included in the legislation that prevents discrimination in Internet access.

My Advice for This Year's Elections — Alright, let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the Repubs are right, as are most Democrats and the media, when they insist that the election was legitimate. Fine. — We're going to give them one more chance to hold elections that are credible.

Bin Laden hails slain al-Zarqawi as 'lion' — CAIRO, Egypt - Osama bin Laden defended attacks by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi against civilians in Iraq, purportedly saying in a taped Web message Friday that the slain al-Qaida in Iraq leader was acting under orders to kill anyone who backs American forces.

Fit and Unfit to Print — What are the obligations of the press in wartime? … So wrote the great legal scholar, Alexander Bickel, about the duties of the press in his 1975 collection of essays "The Morality of Consent." We like to re-read Bickel to get our Constitutional bearings …

A Much-Needed Shield for Reporters — Journalists reporting on high-profile legal or political controversies cannot function effectively without offering some measure of confidentiality to their sources. Their ability to do so yields substantial benefits to the public in the form of stories …

THE HIDDEN POWER — On December 18th, Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State, joined other prominent Washington figures at FedEx Field, the Redskins' stadium, in a skybox belonging to the team's owner. During the game, between the Redskins and the Dallas Cowboys …

Comeback talk creates Lott buzz — The prospect of former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) returning to leadership next year is creating more and more buzz on and off Capitol Hill, Republican insiders say. — The higher volume of talk has been fueled partly by his former aides …