Top Items:

Hamas leaders arrested; Israeli executed — GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip - Israeli forces rounded up dozens of Palestinian Cabinet ministers and lawmakers from Hamas, increasing pressure on the Islamic militants to release a captured Israeli soldier, and witnesses said tanks moved into northern Gaza …
Haaretz, Right Wing Nut House, Reuters, Sic Semper Tyrannis 2006, Michelle Malkin, the talking dog,, Israel Matzav, Blogs for Bush, Captain's Quarters, Assorted Babble, Atlas Shrugs, Gateway Pundit, Daily Pundit, Liberty and Justice, Associated Press, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, The Raw Story, The Strata-Sphere, International, BBC, All Things Beautiful, Blue Crab Boulevard, The Reaction — and Flopping Aces

More than 30 Hamas man arrested, Palestinians say — Israel Defense Forces troops launched early Thursday a major arrest operation against Hamas officials, detaining more than 30 of the ruling militant group's ministers and parliamentarians in the West Bank, Palestinian security officials said.
Kesher Talk

Hamas Provokes a Fight — The Palestinians who futilely threw up sand berms on Gaza's main roads to deflect Israeli troop movements were building their defenses in the wrong direction. The responsibility for this latest escalation rests squarely with Hamas, whose military wing tunneled …

France blasts Hamas members' arrest — French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy condemned on Thursday the arrest of over 60 Hamas members by Israeli forces early in the morning. He said that diplomacy was the only solution to the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians …
It Shines For All

Shy boy whose fate could change history — UNTIL he was captured by Palestinian militants last Sunday there was little to distinguish Gilad Shalit from the thousands of other teenagers doing military service in the Israeli army. — He was raised, the middle of three siblings in a small community …

Into Hamastan — Unless he is extraordinarily lucky …
Liberty and Justice

Behind Bush's Fury, a Vow Made in 2001 — WASHINGTON, June 28 — Ever since President Bush vowed days after the Sept. 11 attacks to "follow the money as a trail to the terrorists," the government has made no secret of its efforts to hunt down the bank accounts of Al Qaeda and its allies.
Thoughts of an Average Woman, INTEL DUMP, Defense Tech, Mia Culpa and Bark Bark Woof Woof

Bush Seeks to Use Media Leaks to His Advantage — Attack on Newspapers Continues as Some Democrats Accuse White House of Trying to Divert Attention — President Bush rallied Republicans with another attack on the media last night, in remarks that highlighted efforts at the White House …

The Daily Muck — DeLay: Who Can Resist The Call of the Shaved Beaver? — Ah, the freedom that comes from leaving elected office. — A few weeks after departing the House of Representatives, Tom DeLay served as charity auctioneer at a fundraiser for Safari Club International …
Think Progress

Justices Uphold Most Remapping in Texas by G.O.P. — WASHINGTON, June 28 — The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected a broad challenge to Texas's controversial Congressional redistricting plan, giving a victory to the Republican Party and the architect of the plan, Tom DeLay, the former House majority leader.

Effort to Secure Texas Led to Fall Of Tom DeLay
The Strata-Sphere

Iraq War Ends Silently for One American Soldier — RAMADI, Iraq, June 28 — A soldier was dead, and it was time for him to go home. — The doors to the little morgue swung open, and six soldiers stepped outside carrying a long black bag zippered at the top. — About 60 soldiers were waiting to say goodbye.

Pollution in Overdrive — New Report Cites U.S. Motorists For Production of Greenhouse Gases — When it comes to greenhouse gases, U.S. drivers are getting more of the blame. — Americans represent 5 percent of the world's population but contribute 45 percent of the world's emission of carbon dioxide …

Time for an "Agonizing Reappraisal" — Gazing across what Zbigniew Brzezinski once called the "arc of crisis," U.S. foreign policy appears to be disintegrating. — On the Horn of Africa, Islamic warriors have seized Mogadishu. The warlords, our allies, are on the run.
Outside The Beltway

Bush Should Welcome a Fight with the Media — The battle of Midway Island was the turning point of the Pacific War. Victory at Midway was possible because the U.S. had broken the Japanese naval code. The Chicago Tribune spilled the beans in a story that ran under the headline: "NAVY HAD WORD OF JAP PLAN TO STRIKE AT SEA."

BBC rejects call to change terminology — LONDON — The BBC has rejected a call made by an independent panel studying charges of bias in its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to change its editorial policies on the use of the word "terrorist" and appoint a senior editor to oversee its Middle East coverage.

Russia 'to kill Iraq kidnappers' — Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered special services to "find and destroy" the killers of four Russian diplomats taken hostage in Iraq. — The head of Russia's security services immediately pledged to see Putin's order carried out.

Awkward moments abound in penis pump trial — BRISTOW, Okla. - Serving on the jury in an indecent-exposure trial unfolding in this conservative Oklahoma town has been a giggle-inducing experience. — Former Judge Donald D. Thompson, a veteran of 23 years on the bench …
Blue Crab Boulevard