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In Rebuke for Bush, Court Block Trials at Guantanamo — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Bush overstepped his authority in ordering military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees. — The ruling, a rebuke to the administration …
Real Clear Politics, The Horse's Mouth, Balloon Juice, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Hyscience,, Cold Fury, Booker Rising, Riehl World View, The Mahablog, TAPPED, Wonkette, FP Passport, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, lgf, Dean's World, Liberty and Justice and Oliver Willis

Hamdan Summary — And HUGE News — As I predicted below, the Court held that Congress had, by statute, required that the commissions comply with the laws of war — and held further that these commissions do not (for various reasons). — More importantly, the Court held that Common Article 3 …

Supreme Court Rejects Guantanamo War Crimes Trials — In 5-3 Decision, Justices Rebuke Bush's Anti-Terror Policy — The Supreme Court today delivered a stunning rebuke to the Bush administration over its plans to try Guantanamo detainees before military commissions, ruling that the commissions are unconstitutional.
The Left Coaster, NewsHog, DownWithTyranny!, The Heretik, Rantingprofs, The Sundries Shack, Media Blog on National …, The Strata-Sphere, Thoughts of an Average Woman, Think Progress, The Democratic Daily, The Carpetbagger Report, The Washington Monthly, The RCP Blog, Eschaton, Obsidian Wings and Street Prophets

Decisions: Hamdan decided, military commissions invalid — The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Congress did not take away the Court's authority to rule on the military commissions' validity, and then went ahead to rule that President Bush did not have authority to set up the tribunals at Guantanamo Bay …

High court blocks Gitmo military tribunals — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday strongly limited the power of the Bush administration to conduct military tribunals for suspected terrorists imprisoned overseas at the U.S. Navy base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
The Left Coaster, Running Scared,, Suburban Guerrilla and Feministe

Prediction: Bush & Congress Will Override the Supreme Court's Gitmo Decision (updated) — The news networks are proclaiming that the Supreme Court handed the President a "strong rebuke" in the Hamdan case by declaring the proposed Gitmo trials are illegal under U.S. law and international Geneva conventions.

The significance of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld — (updated below) — The Supreme Court today, by a 5-3 decision (.pdf) in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, held that the Bush administration's military commissions at Guantanamo (a) exceed the president's legal authorization given by Congress and (b) …

(FLASH) Instrument of Surrender Signed by SCOTUS — This morning, the United States of America signed the instrument of surrender with al Queda and all affiliated terror organizations. The signatories representing the United States were Anthony Kennedy, Steven Bryer, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Ginsburg and David Souter.
Dick Polman's American Debate, Silflay Hraka, Rantingprofs, Hugh Hewitt and No More Mister Nice Blog

Justices say Bush went too far at Guantanamo — 5-3 ruling in one of biggest presidential powers' cases since World War II — In this photo reviewed by U.S. military officials, an American flag waves within the razor wire-lined compound of Camp Delta prison at the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base, Cuba on Tuesday.

Bush vows to pursue detainee war trials
Outside The Beltway

Supreme Court Rules Against Military Tribunals; Geneva Applies to Al Qaeda (Updated)

The Belmont Club

Supreme Court Decision on Gitmo Undermines Bush's Legal Case …

SCOTUS: Hamdan ruling due any minute (Held: Bush overstepped …
Patterico's Pontifications, protein wisdom, A Blog For All, Hang Right Politics and Gateway Pundit

Robert Cox: Americans deserve better than Keller's open letter — WASHINGTON - Who can argue when Bill Keller of The New York Times writes, as he did last Sunday, that the Founders "saw an aggressive, independent press as a protective measure against the abuse of power in a democracy …
Blue Crab Boulevard

Redrawing likely to have wide impact — Changes ordered in Bonilla's district likely to be felt in other parts of state — AUSTIN - Legislative efforts to protect a Republican Hispanic congressman from Latino voters were rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday, triggering changes …

Ney hemorrhaging staff over Abramoff scandal — Top aides for Congressman Bob Ney (R-OH) are leaving in droves as the Representative's legal problems from the Abramoff affair continue to mount, Roll Call is reporting. — Excerpts from Roll Call's story follow:

Stop Spinning — Contrarian thoughts on Hillary, flag-burning, the Times and "The View." — Today I would like to depart from what I perceive as the common wisdom on several people and issues. — Hillary Clinton. Media people keep saying, as Hillary gears up for her presidential bid …

A Much-Needed Shield for Reporters — Journalists reporting on high-profile legal or political controversies cannot function effectively without offering some measure of confidentiality to their sources. Their ability to do so yields substantial benefits to the public in the form of stories …

The Jawa Report is Back — After nearly two weeks of fighting a cyberterrorist attack launched by Turkish Islamists, and then wrestling with a new server, The Jawa Report is back! — We promise to continue the reporting the news the only way we know how—with mediocre analysis & plenty of offense.
protein wisdom

Militants taunt Israel over kidnapped soldier — GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian militants involved in the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier taunted the Jewish state on Thursday by saying the conscript could be dead or alive. — Abu Mujahed, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees …

'Call to Renewal' Keynote Address — Good morning. I appreciate the opportunity to speak here at the Call to Renewal's Building a Covenant for a New America conference, and I'd like to congratulate you all on the thoughtful presentations you've given so far about poverty and justice in America.

Economy zips ahead at a 5.6 percent pace — WASHINGTON - The economy sprang out of a year-end rut and zipped ahead in the opening quarter of this year at a 5.6 percent pace, the fastest in 2 1/2 years and even stronger than previously thought. — The new snapshot of gross domestic product …

Bush Sharpens His Attack on Democrats — President Comes to Aid of Vulnerable Senator in Missouri, Seen as Bellwether State — CLAYTON, Mo., June 28 — President Bush attacked congressional Democrats and the news media at a Republican fundraiser Wednesday night, accusing the opposition of …