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Hamdan Summary — And HUGE News — As I predicted below, the Court held that Congress had, by statute, required that the commissions comply with the laws of war — and held further that these commissions do not (for various reasons). — More importantly, the Court held that Common Article 3 …
The Belmont Club, Scared Monkeys, Sister Toldjah, ACSBlog, The Glittering Eye, TPMCafe, AMERICAblog, The Anonymous Liberal, Confederate Yankee, Think Progress, Elephants in Academia, MoJo Blog, The Reaction —, Andrew Sullivan, Balkinization, Viking Pundit, Blogs of War, Daily Kos, Wizbang and The Agonist

Hamdan as a Democracy-Forcing Decision — The key to understanding Hamdan is that the Court did not tell the President that he could under no circumstances create military tribunals with very limited procedural guarantees (in this case, without any right to know what the charges are or the right …

Supreme Court Rejects Guantanamo War Crimes Trials — In 5-3 Decision, Justices Rebuke Bush's Anti-Terror Policy — The Supreme Court today delivered a stunning rebuke to the Bush administration over its plans to try Guantanamo detainees before military commissions, ruling that the commissions are unconstitutional.
Unclaimed Territory, NewsHog, The Strata-Sphere, DownWithTyranny!, Macsmind, The Sundries Shack, PoliBlog, Stop The ACLU, AMERICAblog, Rantingprofs, Thoughts of an Average Woman, The Left Coaster, The RCP Blog, The Heretik, Media Blog on National …, The Democratic Daily, Obsidian Wings, The Washington Monthly, Eschaton, The Carpetbagger Report and Think Progress

Justices revise part of Texas redistricting — Court also rules state legislators may draw new maps as often as they like … WASHINGTON - A fractured Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that states are free to redraw congressional districts whenever they want, largely blessing Tom DeLay's …
Democratic Underground

In Rebuke for Bush, Court Block Trials at Guantanamo — WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Bush overstepped his authority in ordering military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees. — The ruling, a rebuke to the administration …
Power Line, Bring it On!, Hyscience, The Horse's Mouth, Democrat Taylor Marsh …, Cold Fury, Real Clear Politics, Booker Rising, Wonkette, Balloon Juice, THE ASTUTE BLOGGER,, PrairiePundit, Lawyers, Guns and Money, Dean's World, TAPPED, The Mahablog, FP Passport and Riehl World View

Redrawing likely to have wide impact — Changes ordered in Bonilla's district likely to be felt in other parts of state — AUSTIN - Legislative efforts to protect a Republican Hispanic congressman from Latino voters were rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday, triggering changes …

The significance of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld — (updated below) — The Supreme Court today, by a 5-3 decision (.pdf) in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, held that the Bush administration's military commissions at Guantanamo (a) exceed the president's legal authorization given by Congress and (b) …
Think Progress, MSNBC, Obsidian Wings, Hullabaloo, TBogg,, AMERICAblog and Eschaton

Guest Blogger: Hamdan and the Youngstown Framework — By Aziz Huq, Associate Counsel of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law — It is not too early to mark the Supreme Court's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld as a landmark. Nor is it too early to wonder what shadow this monument will cast.

Court Ruling on Redistricting May Boost Dems — Look for several states to rejigger congressional districts in the wake of the Supreme Court's 7-2 ruling upholding the Texas legislature's 2003 decision to draw a new map. The Court made it clear that states can rewrite boundaries whenever they want …

A Governing Philosophy Rebuffed — Ruling Emphasizes Constitutional Boundaries — For five years, President Bush waged war as he saw fit. If intelligence officers needed to eavesdrop on overseas telephone calls without warrants, he authorized it. If the military wanted to hold terrorism suspects without trial, he let it.
The Strata-Sphere

Prediction: Bush & Congress Will Override the Supreme Court's Gitmo Decision (updated) — The news networks are proclaiming that the Supreme Court handed the President a "strong rebuke" in the Hamdan case by declaring the proposed Gitmo trials are illegal under U.S. law and international Geneva conventions.

(FLASH) Instrument of Surrender Signed by SCOTUS — This morning, the United States of America signed the instrument of surrender with al Queda and all affiliated terror organizations. The signatories representing the United States were Anthony Kennedy, Steven Bryer, John Paul Stevens, Ruth Ginsburg and David Souter.

Justices, 5-3, Broadly Reject Bush Plan to Try Detainees — WASHINGTON, June 29 — The Supreme Court on Thursday repudiated the Bush administration's plan to put Guantánamo detainees on trial before military commissions, ruling broadly that the commissions were unauthorized by federal statute and violated international law.

Decisions: Hamdan decided, military commissions invalid
Outside The Beltway, Captain's Quarters, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Obsidian Wings, the talking dog, Althouse, Right Wing Nut House, JustOneMinute, Patterico's Pontifications, The Real Ugly, Wizbang, The Jawa Report v3.0 Beta, A Blog For All, Unclaimed Territory and Legal Fiction

OH-18: Crumbling — About 20 minutes ago the liberal House Clerk reported on the liberal House floor that the liberal President Bush's Justice Department has subpoenaed Bob Ney's district director. — And now the liberal media is hurling false liberal attacks by reporting these liberal facts.

Fatah official: Hamas brought violence — A senior Fatah member said on Thursday that although Israel should be condemned for its incursion into the Gaza Strip and the arrest of senior Hamas officials, it was Hamas who brought these actions upon the Palestinian people.
Captain's Quarters,, A Blog For All, Assorted Babble and Liberty and Justice

Robert Cox: Americans deserve better than Keller's open letter — WASHINGTON - Who can argue when Bill Keller of The New York Times writes, as he did last Sunday, that the Founders "saw an aggressive, independent press as a protective measure against the abuse of power in a democracy …

A Much-Needed Shield for Reporters — Journalists reporting on high-profile legal or political controversies cannot function effectively without offering some measure of confidentiality to their sources. Their ability to do so yields substantial benefits to the public in the form of stories …

My Advice for This Year's Elections — Alright, let's pretend, just for the sake of argument, that the Repubs are right, as are most Democrats and the media, when they insist that the election was legitimate. Fine. — We're going to give them one more chance to hold elections that are credible.

The Jawa Report is Back — After nearly two weeks of fighting a cyberterrorist attack launched by Turkish Islamists, and then wrestling with a new server, The Jawa Report is back! — We promise to continue the reporting the news the only way we know how—with mediocre analysis & plenty of offense.