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Lieberman campaign files forms to run as petitioning candidate — HARTFORD, Conn. — Democratic U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman filed paperwork Monday that will allow him to collect signatures to petition his way onto the November ballot if he loses an August primary. — Lieberman's campaign announced the move in an e-mail to reporters.
Cup of Irish Joe: Fair-Weather Friend to Democrats
spazeboy, Firedoglake, ConnecticutBLOG, Daily Kos, Connecticut Bob, Decision '08 and LamontBlog
Beheading Desecration Video of Dead U.S. Soldiers Released on Internet by al Qaeda (Video/Images) — A brutal video showing the desecration of the bodies of two U.S. soldiers has been released on the internet by an al Qaeda linked group. The Jawa Report has obtained a copy of the video.
Video: Tucker and Menchaca (Update: Jihadis claim revenge for rape victim) — Bryan and I have been debating for the past half hour or so whether I should post this. Michelle's away from the computer at the moment; when she returns, she might make an executive decision to have it removed.
Judge: FBI Raid on Lawmaker's Office Legal — WASHINGTON (AP) — An FBI raid on a Louisiana congressman's Capitol Hill office was legal, a federal judge ruled Monday. — Chief U.S. District Judge Thomas F. Hogan said members of Congress are not above the law.
Rove: Bush to veto DeGette bill — President Bush will likely cast the first veto of his presidency if the Senate, as expected, passes legislation to expand federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, White House aide Karl Rove said today. — "The president is emphatic about this," …
The Reaction, TalkLeft, Balloon Juice, The Democratic Daily, Pharyngula and Evangelicals for Mitt
The U.N. Sideshow on Korea — The United Nations Security Council certainly should register international condemnation of last week's North Korean missile launches. But if any serious progress is going to be made on this and the related North Korean nuclear issue, it will not be through Security Council resolutions or sanctions.
Japan considers strike against N. Korea
Captain's Quarters, AMERICAN FUTURE, Hot Air, Liberty and Justice,, QandO, Booman Tribune, THE NEWS BLOG, The Bullwinkle Blog,, TigerHawk, Shakespeare's Sister, The Democratic Party, Roger L. Simon, Outside The Beltway, FullosseousFlap's Dental Blog and Blue Crab Boulevard
The Kos Campaign — Liberal blogs like Daily Kos have made Joe Lieberman their first domino. But without a bigger vision, they may be the ones who fall. — M — arkos Moulitsas Zúniga, founder and chief firebrand of the liberal blog Daily Kos, sounded weary in a post …
Daily Pundit, The Blogging of the President, liberal catnip, Althouse, Don Surber, Brainster's Blog and Booman Tribune
Democrats would be weaker without Lieberman — WASHINGTON - The week's big news is the decision by Joe Lieberman to hedge his bets and gather the signatures he will need to run — and most likely win — as an independent. — I've not been a big fan of Lieberman's; he's one of the key votes …
TAPPED, Obsidian Wings, Silflay Hraka, Middle Earth Journal, Gay Patriot, Blue Crab Boulevard and Winds of Change.NET
Russia kills most-wanted warlord — MOSCOW, Russia (CNN) — Russia's most wanted man, Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev, has been killed by the country's special forces, the state security chief has told President Vladimir Putin. — FSB chief Nikolai Patrushev said on Monday that Basayev …
FREE GILAD NOW! NY RALLY! … It was something to see. An incredibly beautiful scene. — Roughly a thousand people (to my eye at the height.) Young (alot), old all walks of life. My only issue was the co-opting of this rally by the Democrats. Clearly Israel is a non-partisan issue.
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Officials: 15 Injured In Building Blast — NEW YORK — A four-story building on Manhattan's Upper East Side collapsed into a pile of rubble Monday after a thunderous gas explosion that hurled fireballs high into the sky and left the upscale block covered in bricks, broken glass and splintered wood.
KILL, DON'T CAPTURE — HOW TO SOLVE OUR PRISONER PROBLEM — July 10, 2006 — THE British military defines experience as the ability to recognize a mistake the second time you make it. By that standard, we should be very experienced in dealing with captured terrorists, since we've made the same mistake again and again.
Universal Says It Doesn't Think Coulter Plagiarized — NEW YORK Universal Press Syndicate said today that it doesn't think controversial columnist Ann Coulter is guilty of plagiarism. — When reached for reaction to Universal's statement, the head of the company the New York Post asked …
Wake up, Democrats: Ideas and vision do matter — Just waiting for the Republicans to self-destruct is a losing strategy. — SOMETHING HAPPENS to a political party when it is not just out of power but has had to play on the home field of its opponents for a generation: It loses faith in itself and becomes scared.
TAPPED, The Huffington Post, CorrenteWire, Ezra Klein, The American Scene and USS Neverdock
Online Wagering Under Attack in Congress — Gamblers who prefer their laptops to blackjack tables won't like what Congress is doing. On Tuesday, the House plans to vote on a bill that would ban credit cards for paying online bets and could padlock gambling Web sites.
Taylor Marsh: The Swiftboating of John Murtha — A Patriot Project Exclusive by Taylor Marsh — Everything was okay until November 17, 2005. — But then all hell broke loose. Scott McClellan kicked it off. … Never mind that on November 15, 2005, the Senate voted 79-19 that 2006 …