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My Leak Case Testimony — Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald has informed my attorneys that, after two and one-half years, his investigation of the CIA leak case concerning matters directly relating to me has been concluded. That frees me to reveal my role in the federal inquiry that …

Robert Novak Acknowledges Confidential Administration Sources — Syndicated columnist Robert Novak acknowledged for the first time today that he identified three confidential administration sources during testimony in the CIA leak investigation, saying he did so because they had granted …
The Strata-Sphere, PostWatch, Blue Crab Boulevard, Liberty and Justice, and Truthdig

Novak: Rove was a source in outing Plame — WASHINGTON - Columnist Robert Novak said publicly for the first time Tuesday that White House political adviser Karl Rove was a source for his story outing the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame. — In a column, Novak also says his recollection …

White House Lowers '06 Deficit Estimate — The Bush administration yesterday lowered its estimate of this year's federal budget deficit to $296 billion — a figure that prompted the White House to claim vindication for its tax cuts, and Democrats to issue new denunciations of the nation's fiscal problems.

Deficit's Good News Less Than Meets the Eye — WASHINGTON — When President Bush releases the traditional midsummer update on the budget today, he is expected to announce that federal revenue has soared above predicted levels and that the deficit is headed for a welcome decline from earlier estimates …

U.S. Terror Targets: Petting Zoo and Flea Market? — WASHINGTON, July 11 — It reads like a tally of terrorist targets that a child might have written: Old MacDonald's Petting Zoo, the Amish Country Popcorn factory, the Mule Day Parade, the Sweetwater Flea Market and an unspecified "Beach at End of a Street."

Pink Floyd's Barrett dies aged 60 — Syd Barrett, one of the original members of legendary rock group Pink Floyd, has died at the age of 60 from complications arising from diabetes. — The guitarist was the band's first creative force and an influential songwriter, penning their early hits.

Pink Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett dies — Troubled musician, 60, lived final years largely as recluse — LONDON - Syd Barrett, the troubled Pink Floyd co-founder who spent his last years in reclusive anonymity, has died, the band said Tuesday. He was 60.

LeT, SIMI hand in Mumbai blasts — [ 11 Jul, 2006 2329hrs IST TIMES NEWS NETWORK ] — NEW DELHI: The terror attack on Mumbai trains was carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba and local Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) activists and was designed to trigger communal conflagration …

DoD Memo on Terror Detainees - Jed Babbin — The new memorandum about the status of terrorist detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere - signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England on Friday — is being widely misreported. The memo, which is reproduced in full below …

Lieberman's Real Problem — I am about to become a traitor to my class. Among my estimable colleagues in the Washington commentariat, the idea that Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman is facing a serious challenge from a fellow Democrat over Lieberman's support for the Iraq war seems to evoke incredulity and exasperation.

Who's Making What In The White House — President Bush's most senior aides — the ones who hold the coveted title of "assistant to the president" — recently received a $4,200 cost-of-living bump-up in compensation and now earn a top pay rate of $165,200, according to an internal White House list of staff salaries.
Think Progress, The Reaction, Shakespeare's Sister, Democratic Underground, Daily Kos, AMERICAblog and Truthdig

Mumbai commuter train blasts least 170 — By Khozem Merchant in Mumbai and Jo Johnson in New Delhi — At least 170 people were killed and hundreds more injured on Tuesday after a series of co-ordinated explosions ripped through Mumbai's commuter transport network in the middle of the evening rush hour.

John Dean on Countdown: Conservatives Without Conscience — John Dean joined Keith Olbermann Monday to explain the theories in his new book, "Conservatives Without Conscience," which explains a lot of the behavior we see today. — Video -WMP Video -QT — To put it simply, Dean makes the case …

Prominent right-wing blogger today calls for the murder of Supreme Court Justices - the Right fails to condemn it — If your only source for news was reading right-wing blogs, you would have thought that the most significant world event in the last few days was that some crazy woman …
Riehl World View, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Sister Toldjah, liberal catnip, The Heretik, Lean Left, The Mahablog, Unfogged and In Search Of Utopia

Republican says US readying crackdown on leaks — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration is preparing a crackdown on intelligence leaks to the media and will try to pursue prosecutions in some recent cases, the chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee on Tuesday.
Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, The Left Coaster, Iowa Voice, War and Piece, Blah3, Macsmind and Angry Bear

LIFEbeat's Anti-Gay Death Concert — There are some things that defy imagining. For example, why would an AIDS organization that calls itself LIFEbeat promote a benefit concert where half the headliners are artists who've advocated anti-gay violence in their music? — Can't think of a reason?

Memo to the NYT: We're Not Buying It — I went to this evening's rally protesting the New York Times and its publishing of a legal secret government program designed to track the movements of terrorists in order to capture them. It happened across the street from the Times' office at 229 West 43rd Street.

Army to End Expansive, Exclusive Halliburton Deal — Logistics Contract to Be Open for Bidding — The Army is discontinuing a controversial multibillion-dollar deal with oil services giant Halliburton Co. to provide logistical support to U.S. troops worldwide, a decision that could cut deeply …