Top Items:

Hizbullah wants soldiers moved to Iran — Israel has information that Hizbullah guerrillas who captured two Israeli soldiers are trying to transfer them to Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said. — Regev did not disclose the source of his information.
Captain's Quarters, The Dumb Ox, Associated Press, Thomas Joscelyn, Tel-Chai Nation, Power Line, Stop The ACLU and Blogs of War

Israel strikes Beirut airport, blocks ports — BEIRUT, Lebanon (CNN) — Israeli aircraft bombed Beirut International Airport on Thursday before blocking naval traffic in Lebanese waters as Israel expanded its military campaign against Hezbollah guerrillas who kidnapped two Israeli soldiers.

Israel: Hezbollah plans to move abducted IDF soldiers to Iran — Israel has concrete evidence that Hezbollah plans to transfer the two Israel Defense Forces soldiers abducted Wednesday to Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said Thursday. — "We have concrete evidence that Hezbollah plans …

Hezbollah Raid Opens 2nd Front for Israel — Israel Targets Lebanese Military Base, Beirut Airport in Response — BEIRUT, July 13 — Israel bombed Beirut's airport, a Hezbollah television station and other targets in Lebanon Thursday and imposed a blockade on Lebanon's ports and airspace …

Hizbullah: Bomb Beirut, we'll hit Haifa — Hizbullah warned Israel Thursday afternoon that if the IDF attacked southern Beirut, where the organization's leadership is based, they would target Haifa. — "The Islamic resistance warns against targeting civilians and the infrastructure," a statement read on Hezbollah TV said.

Is Lebanon The Right Target? — No one can blame Israel for the years of frustration in dealing with Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon. They have conducted border raids, shot missiles, and otherwise tried to provoke Israel into a response. This week, they took advantage …

Israel Wages War on Hezbollah as Jets Strike Airbase — BEIRUT, Lebanon — Israeli warplanes attacked a Lebanese army air base near the Syrian border, the first strike on the Lebanese army in Israel's fight with Hezbollah guerrillas. The attack followed an intense strike on Lebanon's airport …

Breaking: Israel attacks Lebanese army (Update: Hostages being moved to Iran?)

Israeli warplanes attack Beirut airport
TigerHawk, Kesher Talk, Rantings of a Sandmonkey, The Glittering Eye and The Beirut Spring

Specter touts deal on eavesdropping review — WASHINGTON - The White House has conditionally agreed to a court review of its controversial eavesdropping program, Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter said Thursday. — Specter said President Bush has agreed to sign legislation …
Think Progress

Breaking: Bush agrees to submit NSA wiretaps to FISA courts (Update: McCain says Gitmo gang will get courts-martial) — Announced by Arlen Specter, reported by CNN and Fox. Hasn't hit the wires yet but I should have a link soon. Specter called the negotiations with the White House "torturous."
Macsmind, Sister Toldjah, The Strata-Sphere, Stop The ACLU, Liberty and Justice, and Wizbang

Anti-Missile Test 'Phenomenal' — The Army had a "phenomenal" success in the latest test of the American anti-ballistic missile defense system. Jason Gibbs reports for the Las Cruces Sun-News that a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile intercepted and destroyed a warhead and its contents:

Novak Attack, Off by a Mile — Trying to dodge criticism for his role in outing Valerie Plame, columnist Bob Novak last night attacked a National Journal story by Murray Waas on Fox's Hannity & Colmes. "I know that the Murray Waas piece in the National Journal, which interestingly …

Total Dysfunction at the New York Times — The New York Times's publication of two classified anti-terrorist programs and the Times's nose-in-the-air defense of its actions have inflamed conservative anti-media passions to a temperature not reached since Watergate.

Not so SWIFT — WHY THE TIMES SHOULDN'T HAVE PUBLISHED ITS STORY. — In the latest battle between the press and the White House, opinions have tended to break along predictable lines. The ACLU, most Democrats in Congress, and Frank Rich contend that the New York Times did the right thing …

Mumbai Inquiry Focuses on Militants — NEW DELHI, July 12 — Senior police officials investigating Tuesday's murderous attacks on Mumbai's rail system said today that they were focusing on a Kashmiri militant group, Lashkar-e-Toiba, which has denied involvement in the attacks.

Cunningham to be honored — The U.S. Capitol Historical Society will hold a reception next week to honor a select group of lawmakers "for their hard work, service, time and the sacrifices made in upholding the office with which they were entrusted." — One of the people slated to receive …

Rep. King Designs Electrified Fence For Southern Border: 'We Do This With Livestock All The Time' — Rep. Steve King (R-IA) went on the House floor on Tuesday to discuss a fence that he "designed" for the southern boarder. (King constructed a model of the fence as he was speaking.)

'WaPo' Online Comments a Hit, Says Editor — Soon on All Stories — NEW YORK, taking a bold step, has enabled user comments on many of its stories for over a month now — and the move has been deemed a success by the site's editors. But soon the feature will be put …