Top Items:

Kerry knocks Bush on handling of Mideast conflict — U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D- Mass., who was in town Sunday to help Gov. Jennifer Granholm campaign for her re-election bid, took time to take a jab at the Bush administration for its lack of leadership in the Israeli-Lebanon conflict.

Failure to solve Palestinian question empowers Iran — Afew years back, when folks talked airily about "the Middle East peace process" and "a two-state solution," I used to say that the trouble was the Palestinians saw a two-state solution as an interim stage en route to a one-state solution.

Israel Signals It May Accept Foreign Forces on Border — KIRYAT SHMONA, Israel, July 23 — As Israel again pounded south Lebanon from the air and ground on Sunday and the Hezbollah militia rained dozens more rockets on Israel's north, diplomatic efforts increased with growing discussion …

IDF: Terrorists running out of rockets — IDF Military Intelligence (MI) believes the army has 10 days left before diplomatic pressure puts an end to operation Change of Direction against Hizbullah, The Jerusalem Post learned on Sunday. — In addition, MI - reflecting its latest strategic assessment …

Into the Fray — After years of pulling away from Mideast diplomacy, the White House is forced, reluctantly, to undergo sudden immersion — President George W. Bush has always done the middle East his way. — When he became the first President to formally call for the creation of a Palestinian state …

ANALYSIS: Hezbollah unit based in Tyre wreaking havoc on Haifa — We can say without a doubt that the war of attrition against the city of Haifa and its residents is a tale of two cities: Tyre in Lebanon versus Haifa in Israel. The Hezbollah unit deployed in Tyre and its environs …

U.S. Must Deal With Damascus and Hezbollah to Ease Mideast Crisis, Syrian Says — DAMASCUS, Syria, July 23 — The Bush administration's approach of indirectly pressuring Syria to end its support for Hezbollah is doomed to failure, a top Syrian minister said Thursday.

Two killed in rocket strikes on Haifa; city comes under repeated fire — Israel Defense Forces officials admitted Sunday that efforts at reducing or preventing Hezbollah rocket fire have yet to bear fruit. — The IDF believes that unless the pace of the army's anti-Hezbollah operations …

Arabs press Syria to help end violence — SIDON, Lebanon - Mideast diplomats were pressing Syria to stop backing Hezbollah as the guerrillas fired more deadly rockets onto Israel's third-largest city Sunday. Israel faced tougher-than-expected ground battles and bombarded targets in southern Lebanon, hitting a convoy of refugees.

Big Muddy — Twelve days in, and even Ralph Peters thinks the Israelis are losing:
The News Blog

Stop now, immediately — This war must be stopped now and immediately.
Once Upon a Time

Pakistan Expanding Nuclear Program — Plant Underway Could Generate Plutonium for 40 to 50 Bombs a Year, Analysts Say — Pakistan has begun building what independent analysts say is a powerful new reactor for producing plutonium, a move that, if verified, would signal a major expansion …

Surveillance We Can Live With — President Bush's electronic surveillance program has been a festering sore on our body politic since it was publicly disclosed last December. Civil libertarians, myself included, have insisted that the program must be subject to judicial review to ensure compliance with the Fourth Amendment.

Saddam Hussein taken to hospital — Iraq's former leader Saddam Hussein has been taken to hospital as a result of a hunger strike, prosecutors at his trial in Baghdad say. — Saddam Hussein is thought to have begun refusing food on 7 July in protest at the murder of his lawyer.

Legal Group Faults Bush for Ignoring Parts of Bills — WASHINGTON, July 23 — The American Bar Association said Sunday that President Bush was flouting the Constitution and undermining the rule of law by claiming the power to disregard selected provisions of bills that he signed.

Study: Ex-Rep. Made Use of 'Black' Budgets — WASHINGTON - An independent investigation has found that imprisoned former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham took advantage of secrecy and badgered congressional aides to help slip items into classified bills that would benefit him and his associates.

Mayhem at the Defend Hizballah Rally! — This past Friday, the Muslim American Society held their "Justice for Palestine and Lebanon Protest" at Boston's City Hall Plaza referred to at the end of this post. The Boston Globe has its report here: Muslims, Christians protest bombardment of Lebanon
Kesher Talk

Suicide bombers kill 8 in Afghanistan — KABUL, Afghanistan - Suicide bombers killed eight people, including two U.S.-led coalition soldiers, in Kandahar Saturday, officials said. A purported Taliban spokesman claimed responsibility for the blasts and warned of more as NATO prepares to take control of the volatile southern region.

DELAYED-BLOGGING MISS UNIVERSE — No live-blogging this year, as we have house guests—my youngest brother, the Rocket Prof, and his family. But, through the miracle of Tivo, we preserved the pageant finale to watch after dinner. — The initial impression is that this was an evening of upsets.

U.S. Cuts in Africa Aid Said to Hurt War on Terror — WASHINGTON, July 22 — The Bush administration and Congress have slashed millions of dollars of military aid to African nations in recent years, moves that Pentagon officials and senior military commanders say have undermined American efforts …