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Please help us plan Stage II: The attack on Disney/ABC starting on Tuesday Sept 12 — I've talked with some of the other organizers of the anti-Disney/ABC campaign, and we've decided, quite rightly, that if Disney/ABC runs this defamatory show tomorrow night, we are launching an all-out war against both companies.

What We Do Now — Despite the vociferous and righteous public outcry …
Front Page Magazine

Greenwald Propagates the Myth that "Path to 9/11″ Publicists …

At a Secret Interrogation, Dispute Flared Over Tactics — Abu Zubaydah, the first Osama bin Laden henchman captured by the United States after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was bloodied and feverish when a C.I.A. security team delivered him to a secret safe house in Thailand for interrogation in the early spring of 2002.

Bin Laden Trail 'Stone Cold' — U.S. Steps Up Efforts, But Good Intelligence On Ground is Lacking — The clandestine U.S. commandos whose job is to capture or kill Osama bin Laden have not received a credible lead in more than two years. Nothing from the vast U.S. intelligence world …
Talking Points Memo

In a Pivotal Year, GOP Plans to Get Personal — Millions to Go to Digging Up Dirt on Democrats — Republicans are planning to spend the vast majority of their sizable financial war chest over the final 60 days of the campaign attacking Democratic House and Senate candidates over personal issues …

To Hold Senate, G.O.P. Bolsters Its Most Liberal — With a barrage of television advertisements and the mobilization of its get-out-the-vote machine, the national Republican Party has lined up to beat back a conservative primary challenge to the most liberal Republican in the Senate, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island.

CINDY SHEEHAN: CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MOM — The right-wingers who think nothing but the worst of Cindy Sheehan probably won't change their minds after reading Peace Mom. In the book, which hits bookstores September 19, the antiwar icon admits she has fantasized about going back in time and killing …

Captured document:: AP employee spied for Saddam — Document (link) dated July 25 2000 is a report from an Iraqi Intelligence officer to different Iraqi Intelligence Directorates talking about information provided to them from a trusted source that works in the Associated Press (AP).

Time to send message to Iran — Former Iranian President Khatami, welcome to Boston. — On the occasion of your speech at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, and considering your advocacy for an Islamic bomb, terrorism and the destruction of Israel, let us consider our nation's policy toward Iran.
The Moderate Voice

Families Of Kidnapped Persian Jews Sue Khatami In US Court — Law suit alleges visiting Iranian implemented anti-Semitic policy of torture and imprisonment — NEW YORK, Sept. 9 /PRNewswire/ — Seven Jewish-Iranian families have filed suit in an American federal court against former President …

TEACHING LAW AND THE SACRED TRUST — Over at PrawfsBlawg, Bobby Chesney asks whether it is appropriate— from a student's point of view— for a Professor to cancel classes in order to attend conferences and otherwise pursue their research agenda. While I am unwilling to go quite so far …

More Muslims Arrive in U.S., After 9/11 Dip — America's newest Muslims arrive in the afternoon crunch at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Their planes land from Dubai, Casablanca and Karachi. They stand in line, clasping documents. They emerge, sometimes hours later …

Cheney's Power No Longer Goes Unquestioned — From those first moments five years ago when Secret Service agents burst into Vice President Dick Cheney's office on Sept. 11, lifted him off his feet and propelled him to the underground Presidential Emergency Operations Center …
The Heretik

Man arrested in airport knife scare — ROMULUS, Mich. - A man with a one-way ticket to Yemen attempted to board a plane with a knife hidden in a book, authorities said. — Mohammed Ghanem, 21, of Hamtramck, was jailed Saturday on $500,000 after being arraigned on a charge of possessing a weapon in the sterile area of an airport.

Woman in a Wheelchair Shoots an Attacker — As muggings go, it began like many others. A 56-year-old woman was leaving her building in her wheelchair, her only company the small dog perched on her lap. — Her attacker came from behind, the police said, and there was no one else around.

Can the West defeat the Islamist threat? Here are ten reasons why not — LET US SUPPOSE, for the sake of argument, that the war declared by al-Qaeda and other Islamists is under way. Let us further suppose that thousands of "terrorist" attacks carried out in Islam's name during …

Sen. Lieberman Violates His Own Privacy Policy — Seems that way: … He forgot: "(4) in a laughable attempt to discredit a political opponent to whom I may have already lost in a primary election by leaking an email of his to the New York Times.": … Which "campaign aide" violated Sen. Lieberman's privacy policy?

Ned Lamont Discovers Our Superficial Press Corps
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