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Book Says Bush Ignored Urgent Warning on Iraq — The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, according to a new book by Bob Woodward, the Washington Post reporter and author.

Card Urged Bush to Replace Rumsfeld, Woodward Says — Former White House chief of staff Andrew Card on two occasions tried and failed to persuade President Bush to fire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, according to a new book by Bob Woodward that depicts senior officials of the Bush administration …

Remarks by the President at Bob Riley for Governor Luncheon — Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex — THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for coming. It is a joy to be back in Alabama. And I appreciate your warm welcome. I am proud to stand with one of the nation's finest governors …

Bush Criticizes Democrats on Terror War
Ankle Biting Pundits, The Moderate Voice, Preemptive Karma, Shot In The Dark, Confederate Yankee, Don Surber and PSoTD

Ugly Words — Past and present in the Virginia Senate race — DID REPUBLICAN Sen. George Allen use racial slurs years ago? Did his Democratic challenger, James Webb? Does it matter, in a race between two candidates with long public records and substantial differences on Iraq, health care, the economy and other critical issues?

Oberstar Fails The Pork Test — The House has considered a new Coast Guard appropriation (HR 5681), but they did so under a suspension of the rules. This parliamentary manuever allows Representatives to undermine the new rule just created that forces them to identify their earmarks in the Congressional Record.

Beltway Democrats are seriously flawed, but the election is still critically important — (updated below) — Now that the torture and detention bill will become law, it is necessary to focus on the political implications of what happened yesterday and, more broadly, what has been done …

Senate Narrowly Rejects Detainee Bill Provision
The Anchoress, Hit and Run, Associated Press, The Belmont Club, The Moderate Voice, Unclaimed Territory, Power Line, Captain's Quarters, The A-Team, FP Passport, DownWithTyranny!, Unqualified Offerings, The Heretik, The Volokh Conspiracy,, The Strata-Sphere, Inactivist, The Mahablog, The Daily Background, Balloon Juice, Macsmind and Blue Crab Boulevard

UNIFIL confronts Israeli troops — U.N. peacekeeping forces in south Lebanon intervened for the first time Thursday with Israeli forces who arrested journalists in violation of Resolution 1701. — Israel has not completed its total withdrawal behind the Blue Line dividing the two countries …

Abramoff Put White House Contacts at 400 — Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his colleagues billed their clients for more than 400 contacts with White House officials between 2001 and 2004, according to a report released yesterday by the House Government Reform Committee.

Wonkette smears Michelle again — I make this mistake when I do "head transfer" photoshops, too. You'd be surprised how hard it is to judge the size and how even minor adjustments to it can make the new image look absurd. Whoever was responsible for the fake Michelle bikini shot shrunk …

Students Start Petition To Remove UNH Professor For 9/11 Views — Professor Says Government May Have Had Knowledge Of Attacks — DURHAM, N.H. — A small group of students has started a petition to remove a University of New Hampshire professor who believes that Bush administration officials planned …

Wildlife Waste Is Major Water Polluter, Studies Say — Does a bear leave its waste in the woods? — Of course. So do geese, deer, muskrats, raccoons and other wild animals. And now, such states as Virginia and Maryland have determined that this plays a significant role in water pollution.

Media Anarchy Has Its Downside — We got freedom but lost standards. — We are talking past each other, the left and right in America. I suppose we always did, but I'm noticing it more. We have different intellectual styles (rather too emotive, arguably too linear), start with different assumptions, and recognize different data.

Democrats See Strength in Bucking Bush — The Democratic vote in the Senate on Thursday against legislation governing the treatment of terrorism suspects showed that party leaders believe that President Bush's power to wield national security as a political issue is seriously diminished.
The Next Hurrah, Big Brass Blog, Brilliant at Breakfast, JustOneMinute and Rising Hegemon

Iraqi Journalists Add Laws to List of Dangers — BAGHDAD — Ahmed al-Karbouli, a reporter for Baghdadiya TV in the violent city of Ramadi, did his best to ignore the death threats, right up until six armed men drilled him with bullets after midday prayers. — He was the fourth journalist killed …

TNR'S CLINTON PROBLEM. What is it that so infuriates the folks at The New Republic about the Clinton Global Initiative? I mean, here you have an ex-president who could be spending his years playing rainmaker and hitting the links channeling his considerable energies and contacts …

Squirrels Go On Attack At South Bay Park — MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — An aggressive squirrel pounced on a 4-year-old boy in an attack last week in Cuesta Park in Mountain View, Calif. — The attack happened as the boy's mother unwrapped a muffin during a picnic. — SLIDESHOW: Squirrel Attacks Child