Top Items:

Poll: Democratic candidates open large lead in congressional races — WASHINGTON — Four weeks before congressional elections, a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows Democrats hold a 23-point lead over GOP candidates. That's double the lead Republicans had a month before they seized control of Congress in 1994.
Hot Air, Firedoglake, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog, The Next Hurrah, Swing State Project and MyDD

Poll: Majority think Hastert should resign … WASHINGTON (CNN) — A majority of Americans believe the scandal over former Rep. Mark Foley's contacts with teenage congressional pages should cost House Speaker Dennis Hastert his leadership post, according to a CNN poll released Monday.

Foley Scandal Is Hurting G.O.P.'s Image, Poll Finds — Americans say that Republican Congressional leaders put their political interests ahead of protecting the safety of teenage pages, and that House leaders knew of Mark Foley's sexually-charged messages to pages well before he was forced to quit Congress …
The Next Hurrah

Democrats' Midterm Momentum Mounts, Poll Finds — GOP Loses Ground Over Iraq Developments, Hill Scandal — Democrats have regained a commanding position going into the final weeks of the midterm election, with support eroding for Republicans on Iraq, ethics and presidential leadership …

DID HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP KNOW ABOUT FOLEY'S SEXUALLY EXPLICIT E-MAILS? — Yes — No — Forty-six percent think embattled House Speaker Dennis Hastert should resign for his handling of the Foley disclosures. Two-thirds of Democrats and 44 percent of Independents say Hastert should step down …

NORK NUCLEAR TEST: IT'S A DUD — Cross-posted at Arms Control — HA HA HA HA. — I — Jeffrey Lewis, crossposting from Arms Control Wonk — love the US Geological Survey. — They've published lat/long (41.294 N, 129.134 E) and Mb estimates (4.2) for the North Korean test.
INDCJournal, ArmsControlWonk, Confederate Yankee, Bradford Plumer, Associated Press, AMERICAblog, Times of London, Secular Blasphemy, The Carpetbagger Report, NewsHog, Mark in Mexico, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Matthew Yglesias, The Washington Note, Blog's …,, Ezra Klein, The Irish Trojan's Blog, Ed and Decision '08

Bush' Blunder In North Korea — Former U.S. National Security Advisor Donald Gregg - First: Don't panic. Kim Jong Il's objective is survival and eventual change in North Korea, not suicide. The diplomatic situation in Northeast Asia will be immensely complicated by the North Korea test …

Reported Test 'Fundamentally Changes the Landscape' for U.S. Officials — North Korea's apparent nuclear test last night may well be regarded as a failure of the Bush administration's nuclear nonproliferation policy. — Since George W. Bush became president, North Korea has restarted …
The Moderate Voice, Winds of Change.NET, The Huffington Post, Roger L. Simon, AMERICAblog, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Balloon Juice, alicublog, Political Animal, The Glittering Eye, Taylor Marsh, The Mahablog, Right Wing Nut House, USS Neverdock,, NewsHog, Riehl World View, Outside The Beltway, Reuters, Captain's Quarters, Counterterrorism Blog, Talking Points Memo, The Florida Masochist, Diggers Realm, The Democratic Daily and First Read

Was the nuke test a hoax? — This site does not profess conspiracy theories. — But from time to time, I do attempt to perform what I've called "agressive pattern-spotting." — Consider: — 1. About two years ago, there were rumors of an impending North Korean nuclear test.
Captain's Quarters, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, The Australian, Ace of Spades HQ, Wizbang and

World Leaders Condemn North Korea
Fox News, White House, ArmsControlWonk, Unclaimed Territory, Talking Points Memo, Blog's …, Liberty and Justice, The Real Ugly, The Anonymous Liberal, Power Line, Let Freedom Ring, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, The Duck of Minerva, Pajamas Media, ShrinkWrapped, PunditGuy and LamontBlog

Don't jeer at North Korea's nuke test!
Austin Bay Blog, Pajamas Media, Bill Hobbs, The Irish Trojan's Blog and Blue Crab Boulevard

Analysis: North Korea test a sign of weakness
Daily Kos

At Reuters, a New Book and a Lost Job — On Tuesday, Joe Maguire, one of two editors in charge of markets coverage at Reuters, handed his bosses the galleys of his new book, "Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter." On Wednesday, Mr. Maguire discovered he would have plenty of free …

D'Oh... I swear, idiocy abounds. — Via Tracy at In These Times, I found the following:
Crooks and Liars

Secure Fence Act Has Secure Support — Yesterday I analyzed the possibility that the lack of a presidential signature on the Secure Fence Act (HR 6061) might be an attempt at a pocket veto. President Bush has never given very enthusiastic support to any border solution that didn't include …

Scandals stymie W's momentum — DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF — WASHINGTON - Suddenly, like the fierce "blue northers" that sweep across Texas each autumn, the political winds have turned bleaker for Republicans - and President Bush's private mood has blackened accordingly.

Google snaps up YouTube for $1.65B — SAN FRANCISCO - Google Inc. is snapping up YouTube Inc. for $1.65 billion in a deal that catapults the Internet search leader to a starring role in the online video revolution. — The all-stock deal announced Monday unites one of the Internet's marquee companies …
Blog P.I.

Al-Qaeda affiliate burns coffee shop in Gaza Strip — Al-Qaeda affiliated group takes responsibility for setting internet coffee shop ablaze in Gaza Strip as punishment for what they deem unethical behavior. Group threatens others who don't comply with ethical standards.

G.O.P.'s Baker Hints Iraq Plan Needs Change — James A. Baker III, the Republican co-chairman of a bipartisan panel reassessing Iraq strategy for President Bush, said Sunday that he expected the panel would depart from Mr. Bush's repeated calls to "stay the course," and he strongly suggested …

In N.Y., Sparks Fly Over Israel Criticism — Polish Consulate Says Jewish Groups Called To Oppose Historian — NEW YORK — Two major American Jewish organizations helped block a prominent New York University historian from speaking at the Polish consulate here last week …

Shopping Place Ads Opinion Sitemap — HARRISBURG — With less than a month before Election Day, Gov. Ed Rendell has opened a 21-point lead over Republican Lynn Swann, while Rick Santorum and Bob Casey remain neck and neck in one of the most hotly contested U.S. Senate races in the country …