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Bush to sign law on terror suspects — WASHINGTON - President Bush is signing into law today new standards expediting interrogation and prosecution of terror suspects, a bill the White House says strengthens his hand in a time of war. — Bush's plan becomes law just six weeks after he acknowledged …

President Bush Signs Military Commissions Act of 2006 — Fact Sheet: The Military Commissions Act of 2006 — THE PRESIDENT: Welcome to the White House on an historic day. It is a rare occasion when a President can sign a bill he knows will save American lives. I have that privilege this morning.
Balkinization, ACLU, SCOTUSblog, Crooks and Liars, Redstate, Majikthise, The Swamp and The Political Pit Bull

Will the Supreme Court shackle new tribunal law? — President Bush's signature Tuesday is likely to set off legal tests. — The terror legislation set to be signed into law Tuesday by President Bush sits atop an ideological fault line that sharply divides the US Supreme Court and highlights …

Bush Meets To Keep Talk Radio Hosts In Line — You have to ask yourself: who ever would have thought 30 years ago that talk radio would evolve into where three hour "shows" would essentially become propaganda strips for political parties — and if the hosts wavered from the party line …

As Talk Radio Wavers, Bush Moves to Firm Up Support — On an overcast Friday morning last month, White House aides ushered an influential group of conservative radio hosts into the Oval Office for a private audience with the president. — For an hour and a half, Mr. Bush discussed his case …

Can You Tell a Sunni From a Shiite? — FOR the past several months, I've been wrapping up lengthy interviews with Washington counterterrorism officials with a fundamental question: "Do you know the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite?" — A "gotcha" question? Perhaps.

Lieberman endorses Bush appointee for U.N. post — NEW YORK - Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman on Monday endorsed controversial Bush appointee John Bolton for a permanent slot at the United Nations - putting him at odds once again with Democrats and his Senate colleague, Chris Dodd.

Iraqis Ask Why U.S. Forces Didn't Intervene in Balad — American military units joined with Iraqi forces on Monday in maintaining a fragile peace between Sunni and Shiite communities in Balad, a rural town north of the capital where an explosion of sectarian violence over the weekend left dozens dead.

N. Korea: Sanctions Are War Declaration — North Korea said Tuesday it considered U.N. sanctions aimed at punishing the country for its nuclear test "a declaration of war," as Japan and South Korea reported the communist nation might be preparing a second explosion.
New York Times, The Adventures of Chester, JunkYardBlog, A Blog For All and Confederate Yankee

March 2001: Iraqi IIS Wants To Attack American Assets — Joseph Shahda has continued his excellent work at the Free Republic forum in translating captured documents from the Iraqi government. He has taken a close look at document CMPC-2003-006758, translating it from the Arabic and revealing …

Lawyer, Facing 30 Years, Gets 28 Months, to Dismay of U.S. — Lynne F. Stewart, the radical defense lawyer, was sentenced yesterday to two years and four months in prison on charges that she smuggled messages from an imprisoned terrorist client to his violent followers in Egypt.

Hamas official: Is violence Palestinian "disease?" — GAZA (Reuters) - A senior figure in Hamas, the Islamist group that heads the Palestinian government, published an article on Tuesday condemning internal violence and questioning whether it had become a "Palestinian disease."

Reuters Cameraman Remanded for Inciting Rock Attacks — On Tuesday, a Reuters cameraman was remanded to prison until trial for his part in rock-throwing attacks on security forces in Bil'in, where the separation fence is a constant target of protesters. — The cameraman, Imad Muhammad Intisar Boghnat …

Cheney Hits Heartland, and He Can Feel the Love — Grace Mosier lives with her mom and dad, goes to birthday parties, takes ballet classes and is just like a lot of other 6-year-old girls. Except that she happens to be obsessed with Dick Cheney. — "I really, really like him," says Grace …
Gawker, The American Scene, The Peking Duck, The Heretik, JustOneMinute and Oliver Willis

53% of Voters Say They Back Va. Same-Sex Marriage Ban — Only Area Against Measure Is N.Va., According to Poll — A majority of Virginians support a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban same-sex marriage and civil unions, although voters split on the measure when presented …
Inactivist, Simianbrain, Outside The Beltway, The Strata-Sphere, Cato-at-liberty, Norwegianity and Penraker

Relatives have 'inside track' in lobbying for tax dollars — Members of Congress and their staffs are barred from using their positions for personal profit. But their spouses and other relatives can — and often do — cash in when lawmakers spend taxpayer dollars.

Look Out for Party Switchers — The morning after the 1994 election, while Democrats were licking their wounds, they got kicked again when Sen. Richard Shelby announced that he was switching his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. Shortly after Shelby's switch, Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell jumped to the GOP side too.

Hillary, Not as in the Mount Everest Guy — For more than a decade, one piece of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's informal biography has been that she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest. The story was even recounted in Bill Clinton's autobiography.

Giant-Killer Lamont Stumbles — Democrat Will Need Republican Help to Unseat Lieberman — Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont and Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.) met here Monday for their first general election debate, and the insurgent candidate did not get one direct question …

U.S. Faces Obstacles To Freeing Detainees — BERLIN — British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett last week issued the latest European demand to close down the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The existence of the prison is "unacceptable" and fuels Islamic radicalism around the world …