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ALLEN'S REVENGE: EXPOSES UNDERAGE SEX SCENES IN OPPONENT'S NOVELS — Sen. George Allen, R-VA, unleashed a press release late Thursday that exposed his rival's fiction writing, which includes graphic underage sex scenes. — The press release, as provided by the Allen Campaign: — WEBB'S WEIRD WORLD
The Huffington Post, The Corner, Washington Post, Blue Crab Boulevard, Flopping Aces, Patterico's Pontifications, A Blog For All, Daily Kos, Riehl World View, Cold Fury, The Agitator, Althouse, Talking Points Memo, Inactivist, The Tradesports Political …, Dinocrat, Daily Pundit, Ezra Klein and Sean Gleeson

Smutgate: Drudge nukes Webb with pedo passage from novel
The Huffington Post

Outrage as Muslim cleric likens women to 'uncovered meat' — A Muslim cleric's claim that women who do not wear the veil are like 'uncovered meat' who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia yesterday. — Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric …
The Australian, this blog is full of crap, Slog, Ace of Spades HQ, Nitpicker, One Hand Clapping, Dinocrat and Andrew Sullivan

"UNCOVERED MEAT IS THE DISASTER" — Sheik Sheik Sheik! — Sheik Sheik Sheik! — Sheik Hilali! — Shiek HiLAli! — KC & The Sunshine Band of Decadent Western Dancing Unpeople Who Must Die — IS IT possible to Sheik and spin at the same time?

Good Morning, Creep — This Michael J. Fox controversy is making me more angry than I can remember being in a long time. There is something wrong with people who think like this: … If Michael J. Fox could still act he would be making millions of dollars acting in paying TV commercials, films or sitcoms.

"Limbaugh's words are just sounds carrying an emotion" — Excellent post from Mannion on Limbaugh's latest bit of wankery. — He's spot-on when he says that Limbaugh "probably doesn't give people with disabilities a thought when he's not using them to stir up the pot on his show."

Voters Increase Support for Stem Cell Research After Viewing Michael J. Fox Ad — Republicans' Support for Republican House Candidates Declines — FLEMINGTON, N.J.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—A new national study revealed that American voters' support for stem cell research increased after they viewed …
Hullabaloo, Taylor Marsh, Inactivist, Sister Toldjah, Iowa Voice, Donklephant, Hit and Run, Hot Air, Balloon Juice and Booman Tribune

What Osama Wants — THE French saying, often attributed to Talleyrand, that "this is worse than a crime, it's a blunder," could easily describe America's invasion of Iraq. But for the United States to pull entirely out of that country right now, as is being demanded by a growing chorus of critics …

Abu Aardvark

KILL MUQTADA NOW — IT WAS wrenching to listen to President Bush's news conference yesterday. He's struggling to do the right thing. But he's getting terrible advice. — He's still counting on a political solution in Iraq. Ain't going to happen. And you can take that to the blood bank.

"Dems Dodge Big Gay Bullet?" — Says ... asks ... Mickey Kaus: … That is, we don't have the instant spectacle of people suddenly going to New Jersey to get married. (Going to New Jersey to get married sounds like the least cutting-edge thing in the world to do, doesn't it?

Rumsfeld Tells Iraq Critics to 'Back Off' — With his chorus of critics expanding deeper into Republican ranks, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld told detractors yesterday to pull back as U.S. and Iraqi officials grapple with the uncertainties of laying out Iraq's course.

Barack Obama Writes Emails [17] — Barack Obama Writes Emails — (Barack Obama sent out an email to his CT list supporting Ned Lamont earlier today - Tim) — Ned Lamont has waged an impressive grassroots campaign to give the people of Connecticut a choice in the November Senate election.

A Match Made In Washington: It's A Quote Off! Round 1... (H/T to Steve Clemons for the pix.) — It's down to the final decisions on the Match Made in Washington Quote Off. But I need your help to determine the winners. Voting begins now, and will continue until tomorrow …

2006: THE BIG PICTURE — We've been through a lot together this election cycle, and now we're headed for the last round-up on November 7th. Your Crystal Ball staff will be tweaking our predictions right up until election eve, taking into account last-minute shifts, scandals, and surprises.

Seven Reasons Why Karl Rove Is Optimistic — Ok, well, actually, we can't break into Rove's head and we don't know why he's personally confident. Many speculate that the veneer of hope masks unalloyed fear. But here are seven reasons cited by people who also read "THE polls" …

Trandahl Names Kolbe as a 'Problem' With Page Program, Source Says — Rhonda Schwartz and John Yang Report: — A source close to former House Clerk Jeff Trandahl told ABC News that Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) was one of a small number of "problem members" …

Presenter: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld — DoD News Briefing with Secretary Rumsfeld from the Pentagon — SEC. RUMSFELD: Good afternoon, folks. In recent days, the Iraqi and coalition leaders have discussed ways to try to accurately gauge and as appropriate accelerate the efforts …

Andrew Sullivan on The Conservative Soul — The Hugh Hewitt Show — HH: Joined now by Andrew Sullivan, author of The Conservative Soul: How We Lost It, How To Get It Back, in bookstores everywhere. I will link it at a little bit later. We've got Andrew for the next hour and a half.