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Tangled Webb — Cognitive dissonance in Virginia. … Yowie. We don't often hear rude talk like that up here in Arlington, Virginia, straight across the river from Washington, D.C. Here the leafy, winding streets are lined with Priuses and Volvos and the bumper stickers say "Visualize World Peace" and "Goddess Power."

Webb: Democrats will provide Iraq remedy — RICHMOND, Va. - The only remedy to a series of Iraq policy failures by President Bush is a Democratic takeover of Congress in the Nov. 7 election, Virginia Senate candidate Jim Webb said Saturday. — The former Republican, who was President …

Allen Blasts Webb Novels For Sex Scenes — Veteran Says Works Reflect Trauma of War — Virginia Sen. George Allen (R) has accused his Democratic opponent, James Webb, of writing inappropriate sex scenes and demeaning descriptions of women in his fictional books, the latest character attack in a close and nasty campaign.

Furor Over Cheney Remark on Tactics for Terror Suspects — The White House found itself fending off questions on Friday about what Vice President Dick Cheney meant when he agreed with a talk-radio host that there was nothing wrong with dunking a terrorism suspect in water if it saved lives.

Letterman vs. O'Reilly...Round Two...Fight! — David Letterman didn't try to hide the fact last night that he just plain doesn't like Bill O'Reilly. He wasted no time bashing FOX News and doing what few people can do — ridiculing O'Reillys ratings (Letterman's audience is more than 2x as large .)
The Reaction

David Letterman v. Bill O'Reilly Part II — Tonight there was a rematch between David (Speedy) Letterman and Bill (The Liar) O'Reilly. — If you missed the first battle between Letterman and O'Reilly, you should go take a look see. It's a good read. — This one was good, too.

Muslim cleric linked with terror groups — ASIO warned authorities 20 years ago that Sheik Taj al-Din Al-hilaly could inflame communal violence in Australia. — Court judgments show ASIO initially believed the controversial mufti posed a risk to the community because of his alleged propensity to cause or promote violence.

Ongoing 'intifada' in France has injured 2,500 police in 2006 — This might have dropped below the radar, but Al Qaida and its allies are literally battling the Crusaders every day in Europe. And so far, Europe isn't doing so well. — "We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists …
A Blog For All

In Clean Politics, Flesh Is Pressed, Then Sanitized — Campaigns are filthy. Not only in terms of last-minute smears and dirty tricks. But also as in germs, parasites and all the bacterial unpleasantness that is spread around through so much glad-handing and flesh-pressing.

Greg Mankiw: For Higher Gas Taxes — Greg Mankiw goes on the offensive against the the letters the Wall Street Journal editorial page chooses to publish: … I think most most muembers of Group 4 believe that Greg Mankiw's Pigovian taxes on gasoline and other carbon emissions would be a good thing …

Al-Qaeda warns Canada — Quit Afghan mission or endure attack like 9/11, threat says — OTTAWA - An al-Qaeda strategist has warned Canada to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan or face terrorist attacks similar to 9/11, Madrid and the London transit bombings.
Hot Air

Exclusive: Former Employee Says Gibbons Knew of Her Illegal Status — Congressman and gubernatorial candidate Jim Gibbons is facing more tough questions on a whole new issue. These questions revolve around an illegal immigrant whom Gibbons and his wife Dawn employed as their housekeeper and babysitter.

Robert Fisk: Mystery of Israel's secret uranium bomb — Alarm over radioactive legacy left by attack on Lebanon — Did Israel use a secret new uranium-based weapon in southern Lebanon this summer in the 34-day assault that cost more than 1,300 Lebanese lives, most of them civilians?

Ethics Report on Foley Not Expected Before Elections — The House ethics committee has all but wrapped up the investigative phase of its probe into the actions of former representative Mark Foley, informing key witnesses that they will not be summoned back for more questioning, lawyers in the case said yesterday.

Clarifying myself on Rush and MJ Fox - UPDATED — Filed under: It's all about me! Me! ME!, The Fourth Estate, Medical, TV/Pop Culture/Music, Election 2006 — Yesterday I wrote this post and crossposted it at Captains Quarters Blog where Ed Morrissey (showing precisely the sort …

Why did Joe use all this cash? — Yesterday readers at My Left Nutmeg dove into the October FEC filings of twenty senate candidates - including politicians who fought a hard primary and won, politicians who lost their primary, and politicians who now face a serious general election challenge, but had no primary challenger.