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Soldiers in Iraq Say Pullout Would Have Devastating Results — For the U.S. troops fighting in Iraq, the war is alternately violent and hopeful, sometimes very hot and sometimes very cold. It is dusty and muddy, calm and chaotic, deafeningly loud and eerily quiet.
Patterico's Pontifications, The Political Pit Bull, BLACKFIVE, Blue Crab Boulevard, Iowa Voice, Hyscience and Althouse

Will Saddam verdict affect Tuesday's vote? — Both parties applaud court decision, but talk turns to 'November surprise' — President Bush and politicians from both parties hailed the conviction of Saddam Hussein on Sunday but disagreed on its larger meaning as campaign strategists tried …

Bush Trumpets Hussein Verdict to Rally Support — President Bush on Sunday seized on the conviction of Saddam Hussein as a milestone in Iraq, seeking to rally Republican voters with the issue of national security as some polls suggested that his party might be making gains in the final hours of the campaign.

Parties Crank Up Voter Turnout Efforts — Amid the Last-Minute Blitz, Some Polls Hold Positive Signs for Republicans — Republicans seized on signs of movement in their direction yesterday as they unleashed a massive election-eve voter mobilization operation in an effort …

Polls: Dems' lead shrinking, but still strong — WASHINGTON — A national USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds remarkable parallels between the congressional elections Tuesday and the watershed elections in 1994 that swept Republicans into control of the House and Senate.
Macsmind, Pollster, Daily Kos, Hot Air, TAPPED, Sound Politics, Captain's Quarters, Iowa Voice, The Moderate Voice, small dead animals, MyDD, Joust The Facts,,, Blogs for Bush, Ace of Spades HQ, Legal Fiction, Wizbang Politics, The Hedgehog Report, The New Editor, Say Anything, TKS and Riehl World View

Republicans Cut Democratic Lead in Campaign's Final Days — Democrats Hold 47%-43% Lead Among Likely Voters — Summary of Findings — A nationwide Pew Research Center survey finds voting intentions shifting in the direction of Republican congressional candidates in the final days of the 2006 midterm campaign.

THAT AWFUL PEW POLL: — John Judis and I have been e-mailing about the alarming Pew poll that came out today. It reflects the same trends captured by that earlier Washington Post/ABC poll, except that the trends are, gulp, even more pronounced. Worse, the folks at Pew have graciously posted …

Can the Democrats stay afloat? — Just when partisan Democrats were finally allowing themselves to revel in the expectation that they would sweep the House and maybe win the six seats needed for control of the Senate, two national polls released Sunday seemed to sound the first ominous notes from the theme music from "Jaws."

The Idiocracy Vote — Two recent polls — by the Pew Center …
The Mahablog

Poll: Bush approval rating dips to 35 percent — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush's popularity has dipped to 35 percent, according to a new CNN poll, with 41 percent of likely voters saying their disapproval of his performance will affect their vote in Tuesday's elections for control of Congress.

Soldier dies of wounds from Afghanistan battle — KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) — An American soldier has died from wounds received during fighting in Afghanistan, the U.S. military said Monday. — U.S. Army Specialist Isaiah Calloway, of Jacksonville, Fla., died Oct. 30, the U.S. military said.

Vote Theft, Robocalls, and Terry Nelson — Terry Nelson, an unindicted co-conspirator in the TRMPAC Tom Delay scandal, and the boss of Jim Tobin, the convicted felon in the NH phone-jamming case, is the head of opposition research for the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee.

Hastert May Face Post-Election Unrest — Foley Scandal Just One of Speaker's Problems — House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert's future is in doubt even if the Republicans retain control of the House because of unease among GOP lawmakers about his handling of the Foley page scandal …

ATTACK ON THE FORTRESS OF SNARKITUDE! — Project Valour-IT, a program which has provided over 650 voice-activated laptops to wounded warriors so they can reconnect with family, friends, and the Internet, needs your help! The campaign in Iraq is a war of IEDs, which results in many traumatic amputations …

New Telemarketing Ploy Steers Voters on Republican Path — An automated voice at the other end of the telephone line asks whether you believe that judges who "push homosexual marriage and create new rights like abortion and sodomy" should be controlled. If your reply is "yes," …
Obsidian Wings

DICK CHENEY TO SPEND ELECTION DAY HUNTING — Vice President Dick Cheney is shown while quail hunting in South Dakota. — Vice President Dick Cheney is shown while quail hunting in South Dakota. — WASHINGTON — U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney will spend Election Day Tuesday …