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FOX NEWS POLL: DEMS TOP GOP BY 13 POINTS IN RACE TO CONTROL CONGRESS — NEW YORK — Nearly half of likely voters — 49 percent — favor the Democratic candidate in their House district and 36 percent the Republican, with 15 percent still undecided in a FOX News poll conducted the final weekend before the midterm elections.

News-7 Poll: Webb surges ahead of Allen — Democrat Jim Webb has surged ahead of Republican George Allen in the last poll of the campaign, conducted for News-7 by SurveyUSA. — The survey shows Webb with 52% of the likely voters, with 44% going to Allen.
Rasmussen Reports, Riehl World View, Scared Monkeys, The Hedgehog Report, AMERICAblog and Reason Magazine

Poll: Bush approval rating dips to 35 percent — WASHINGTON (CNN) — President Bush's popularity has dipped to 35 percent, according to a new CNN poll, with 41 percent of likely voters saying their disapproval of his performance will affect their vote in Tuesday's elections for control of Congress.

Poll: Democrats boost advantage in races for Congress — WASHINGTON (CNN) — The percentage of likely voters who plan to vote for Democrats in Tuesday's congressional elections increased in the past week, according to a CNN poll conducted during the weekend.

THAT AWFUL PEW POLL: — John Judis and I have been e-mailing about the alarming Pew poll that came out today. It reflects the same trends captured by that earlier Washington Post/ABC poll, except that the trends are, gulp, even more pronounced. Worse, the folks at Pew have graciously posted …

STRATEGY/POLL MEMOS — Memorandum From RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman To Republican Leadership And Interested Parties — TO: REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP AND INTERESTED PARTIES — FROM: KEN MEHLMAN — RE: MOMENTUM — New polls say our party is heading into Election Day with strong momentum.

A Look Inside That Pew Poll — Pew Research has published its crosstabs for the poll that shows the Republicans tightening up the race, which I linked last night. The internals deliver even more bad news to the Democrats, as significant leads in several demographic categories have been cut drastically or wiped out entirely.
MyDD, Riehl World View, The Strata-Sphere, Hang Right Politics, USA Today, Blue Crab Boulevard, Daily Kos and Hot Air

The Saddam Hussein Verdict — Saddam Hussein's horrendous crimes deserve exemplary punishment. During his own dictatorship, that would have meant a gruesome death, after a staged trial or no trial. — In an Iraq fully liberated from his evil thrall, it might have been something very different …

Soldiers in Iraq Say Pullout Would Have Devastating Results — For the U.S. troops fighting in Iraq, the war is alternately violent and hopeful, sometimes very hot and sometimes very cold. It is dusty and muddy, calm and chaotic, deafeningly loud and eerily quiet.

Underdog Ford Gets a Little Help From His Illinois Friend — NASHVILLE — In his race for U.S. Senate, Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. (D) has been outspent by millions, and his image has been battered by a barrage of negative ads, including the now-infamous spot with a blonde floozy that has been pulled off the air.

A GOP MASSACRE: A BLOODY TUESDAY — THE latest polls portend disaster for the Republican Party tomorrow. The House appears to be gone; the Senate is teetering on the brink. — John Zogby's polling is tracking 15 swing House districts, and he finds Democratic leads in 13.

The Press at War — What ever happened to patriotic reporters? — We are told by careful pollsters that half of the American people believe that American troops should be brought home from Iraq immediately. This news discourages supporters of our efforts there. Not me, though: I am relieved.
The Remedy, Ed, Blue Crab Boulevard, and Hang Right Politics

Do Bush and Cheney Want To Lose? — Is it possible the White House doesn't want Republicans to win the congressional elections on Tuesday? I know this sounds crazy. But consider the evidence. — 1. Last week, George W. Bush vowed to retain Donald Rumsfeld as secretary of defense until the end of his presidency.

Vote Theft, Robocalls, and Terry Nelson — Terry Nelson, an unindicted co-conspirator in the TRMPAC Tom Delay scandal, and the boss of Jim Tobin, the convicted felon in the NH phone-jamming case, is the head of opposition research for the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee.

Hot Air introduces...the Absolute Moral Authority card — Find yourself in a jam? Are your anti-war lies catching up with you? Then use the Absolute Moral Authority card and get right out of trouble free. Once you play the Absolute Moral Authority card, no one can ever question you again, no matter what you say or do!

Sleepwalking into the gathering storm? — The Washington DC Examiner Newspaper, The Examiner — WASHINGTON - "You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival."