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Rep. Rangel will seek to reinstate draft — WASHINGTON - Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft after turning 18 if the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee has his way. — Rep. Charles Rangel (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees …
Scared Monkeys, Gateway Pundit, Sweetness & Light, Blue Crab Boulevard, TalkLeft and The News Blog

Senior Democrat renews call for military draft — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An influential Democratic lawmaker on Sunday called for reinstatement of the draft as a way to boost U.S. troop levels and draw a broader section of the population into the military or public service.

Video: Rangel says he'll introduce a bill to bring back the draft — Say it with me: permanent. Democratic. majority. — He floats this idea periodically when his side needs a little boost. The last time he really pushed it was before the election in 2004, when the left tried …

McCain Flip-Flops, Supports Immediate Reversal of Roe v. Wade — In 1999, the "moderate" version of John McCain said that overturning Roe v. Wade would be dangerous for women and he would not support it, even in "the long term." Here's McCain in the San Francisco Chronicle:
MyDD, Lawyers, Guns and Money, DownWithTyranny!, Preemptive Karma, The Carpetbagger Report, AMERICAblog and Daily Kos

McCain now supports the immediate overturn of Roe v Wade

Kissinger: Iraq Military Win Impossible — LONDON — Military victory is no longer possible in Iraq, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said in a television interview broadcast Sunday. — Kissinger presented a bleak vision of Iraq, saying the U.S. government must enter into dialogue …
Ace of Spades HQ, Daily Kos, The Washington Note, The Carpetbagger Report and Middle Earth Journal

Kissinger says Iraq isn't ripe for democracy — In a critique of Bush administration strategy, the former secretary of State says the focus should be on stability. — NEW YORK — Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, a frequent advisor to President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney …

THE NEXT ACT — A month before the November elections, Vice-President Dick Cheney was sitting in on a national-security discussion at the Executive Office Building. The talk took a political turn: what if the Democrats won both the Senate and the House? How would that affect policy toward Iran …
Balkinization, Once Upon a Time, Ezra Klein, Think Progress, Prairie Weather, NO QUARTER and digg

Assassination-mania in Indonesia — The jihadis are rolling out the welcome mat in Indonesia. (Hat tip: Shawn Wasson, who has more Bush-deranged photos) — Reuters — AP reports: … Cindy Sheehan approves. Assassination chic—it's everywhere. And, of course, we never hear …
Ace of Spades HQ

Send in the Subpoenas — Senate Foreign Relations Committee aides debated last Tuesday whether to call deposed Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to the hearing table for a public flogging. The decision was no — at least for now. Later that day, I bumped into the incoming committee chairman …
The RBC, The American Street, Blue Crab Boulevard, Daily Kos, Middle Earth Journal, Don Surber and Political Animal

Blair hit by Saudi 'bribery' threat — SAUDI ARABIA is threatening to suspend diplomatic ties with Britain unless Downing Street intervenes to block an investigation into a £60m "slush fund" allegedly set up for some members of its royal family. — A senior Saudi diplomat in London …

Muslim leader sent funds to Irving — Islamic activist admits he donated cash to jailed historian who denied the Holocaust — One of Britain's most prominent speakers on Muslim issues is today exposed as a supporter of David Irving, the controversial historian who for years denied the Holocaust took place.

Gonzales Blasts Surveillance Critics — AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. (AP) - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales contended Saturday that some critics of the Bush administration's warrantless surveillance program were defining freedom in a way that poses a "grave threat" to U.S. security.

Al-Qaeda's 'best assets' prime UK timebomb — British Muslims volunteering to fight against coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are being sent back to Britain to become al-Qaeda "sleeper" agents, The Sunday Telegraph has learned. — MI5 agents believe that young Asian men …
Jihad Watch

The Last Man to Die for a Mistake — The talk of exit strategies for Iraq has me wondering. Who was the last man to die for what John Kerry called a mistake? Was it that American soldier whose name is the last name on the last panel of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington D.C.?
The Moderate Voice

Let's hear it for the lunks! — I've been trying for the past four weeks to get the NYT to cancel my subscription. I emailed, I called, and the dead tree rag continues to drop at my driveway every Saturday and Sunday. Like a spurned lover who can't believe it's over, it's not over for them.

Rupe is in soup with troops — O'Reilly rips Murdoch, book, show — Fox News firebrand Bill O'Reilly threatened yesterday to whack Rupert Murdoch in the wallet for promoting O.J. Simpson's how-I-murdered-my-wife book. — Vowing to boycott any company that advertises on Fox's …