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Democrats frustrated by Bush's reaction to Iraq report — WASHINGTON - Top Democrats in Congress left a White House meeting with President Bush on Friday frustrated over what they perceived as his reluctance to embrace major recommendations from the bipartisan Iraq Study Group.
Riehl World View, Obsidian Wings, Joust The Facts, BBC, Political Animal, The News Blog, Matthew Yglesias and Booman Tribune

Report on Iraq Exposes Divide Within G.O.P. — The release of the report by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group this week exposed deep fissures among Republicans over how to manage a war that many fear will haunt their party — and the nation — for years to come.

Democrats' New Intelligence Chairman Needs a Crash Course on al Qaeda — Forty years ago, Sgt. Silvestre Reyes was a helicopter crew chief flying dangerous combat missions in South Vietnam from the top of a soaring rocky outcrop near the sea called Marble Mountain.

Tempting Fat — THE COMING CRACKDOWN ON TRANS FATS. — Put your hands in the air, and step away from the cookie. — That's the message from New York City, where the health department has just ordered the city's 25,000 restaurants to purge nearly all trans fats from their menus.

Adopt our values or stay away, says Blair — Your view: what next for "multicultural" Britain? — Full text of Blair's multiculturalism speech — Audio: Andrew Pierce on why Blair isn't facing questions — Tony Blair formally declared Britain's multicultural experiment over yesterday …

Romney's Gay Rights Stance Draws Ire — Gov. Mitt Romney, the Massachusetts Republican who has built a presidential campaign on a broad appeal for conservative support, is drawing sharply increased criticism from conservative activists for his advocacy of gay rights in a 1994 letter.

Iraqis Line Up to Put Hussein in the Noose — One of the most coveted jobs in Iraq does not yet exist: the executioner for Saddam Hussein. The death sentence against Mr. Hussein is still under review by an appeals court, but hundreds of people have already started lobbying the prime minister's office for the position.

Senators to Gather in Closed Meeting — Reid Plan Defended as Effort to 'Establish a Dialogue,' but Some See a Bad Precedent — Senate Democrats, who campaigned on a pledge of more openness in government, will kick off the 110th Congress with a closed meeting of all 100 senators in the Capitol.

Iraqis Near Deal on Distribution of Oil Revenues by Population — Iraqi officials are near agreement on a national oil law that would give the central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to the provinces or regions, based on their population, Iraqi and American officials say.

How George W. Bush has ruined the family franchise. — On the eve of a report that repudiates his son's leadership, former president George H.W. Bush broke down crying when he recalled how his other son, Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, lost an election a dozen years ago and then came back to serve two successful terms.
Big Brass Blog

4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher — BELLMEAD- A four-year-old hugged his teachers aide and was put into in-school suspension, according to the father. But La Vega school administrators have a different story. — Damarcus Blackwell's four-year-old son was lining …

Majority Fact of the Day — SENATOR INHOFE ANNOUNCES PUBLIC RELEASE OF "SKEPTIC'S GUIDE TO DEBUNKING GLOBAL WARMING" — Contact: Marc Morano ( ), Matt Dempsey ( ) — Washington D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) …

Iran Expands Uranium Enrichment Program — TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Iran has begun installing 3,000 centrifuges in an expansion of its uranium enrichment program that brings the Islamic nation significantly closer to large-scale production of nuclear fuel, the president said Saturday.

Black-Market Weapon Prices Surge in Iraq Chaos — The Kurdish security contractor placed the black plastic box on the table. Inside was a new Glock 19, one of the 9-millimeter pistols that the United States issued by the tens of thousands to the Iraqi Army and police.

Jeane Kirkpatrick — Her blunt style and strong defense of liberty will be missed. — Jeane Kirkpatrick, who died yesterday at 80, was that rare thing—a public intellectual and a public figure. She excelled at both. — Ms. Kirkpatrick is known to the public at large because Ronald Reagan …