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Saddam Hussein executed for war crimes — Saddam Hussein, the shotgun-waving dictator who ruled Iraq with a remorseless brutality for a quarter-century and was driven from power by a U.S.-led war that left his country in shambles, was taken to the gallows clutching a Quran and hanged Saturday.
Associated Press,, Jihad Watch, Tennessee Guerilla Women and The Florida Masochist

Dictator Who Ruled Iraq With Violence Is Hanged for Crimes Against Humanity — Saddam Hussein, the dictator who led Iraq through three decades of brutality, war and bombast before American forces chased him from his capital city and captured him in a filthy pit near his hometown …
Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Balloon Juice, driftglass, Polimom Says, The Reaction, Lawyers, Guns and Money and Boing Boing

Saddam Hussein hanged, says Al Hurra TV station — BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S.-backed Iraqi television station Al Hurra said Saddam Hussein had been executed by hanging shortly before 6 a.m. (0300 GMT) on Saturday. — The former Iraqi president ousted in April 2003 by a U.S.- led invasion …
Clarity & Resolve, Shakespeare's Sister, Tammy Bruce, Political Animal, Ezra Klein, Liberty Street and Dr. Sanity

Report: Saddam hanged; Update: Last word — "Muqtada" (Update: Video added) — Word just in from al-Arabiya that Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti is dead. — Sic Semper Tyrannis. Watch this space for more details. — Update (AP): Al-Hurra is reporting it too.
Sky News, Editor and Publisher, A Blog For All, Texas Rainmaker, The Sundries Shack, BizzyBlog and Blue Crab Boulevard

WELL HUNG! Saddam Hung To Prove Bush is BETTER Hung... (Than His Dad) — (Photo of well-hung leader by — We Got Him!!!! Only $354 Billion & 3,000 US Military! — (I'd call that a Bargain. The best we've ever had...) — Some thanks are in order: — 1) To George W. Bush.
Gateway Pundit, Confederate Yankee, Theodore's World, Gun Toting Liberal ™, DownWithTyranny! and Liberty Street

Saddam Hussein executed — Deposed Iraqi dictator hanged for deaths of 148 Shiites in 1982 — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Three years after he was hauled from a hole in the ground by pursuing U.S. forces, Saddam Hussein was hanged Saturday under a sentence imposed by an Iraqi court, an Iraqi official told NBC News.

'I Saw Fear, He Was Afraid' — In a NEWSWEEK exclusive, the man hired to videotape Saddam Hussein's execution recalls the brutal dictator's humble final moments. — Ali Al Massedy was 3 feet away from Saddam Hussein when he died. The 38 year old, normally Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al …

Robert Fisk: A dictator created then destroyed by America — Saddam to the gallows. It was an easy equation. Who could be more deserving of that last walk to the scaffold - that crack of the neck at the end of a rope - than the Beast of Baghdad, the Hitler of the Tigris …

Obituary - Saddam Hussein — Former Iraqi dictator who ruled his country without mercy and struck fear into the heart of millions — Saddam Hussein was a tyrant whose actions brought down unimaginable catastrophe on Iraq and its peoples. From an early age, he had enjoyed inflicted suffering …
New York Times

Iraq: Saddam Hussein Put to Death — Hanging After Flawed Trial Undermines Rule of Law — The execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein following a deeply flawed trial for crimes against humanity marks a significant step away from respect for human rights and the rule of law in Iraq, Human Rights Watch said today.

Report: Saddam is dead — ***1:53am Eastern update...witness Mowaffak al Rubaie describes to FNC the execution scene..."meticulously adhered to Islamic practice and foreigners, no coalition"...body carried to ambulance/helicopter...negotiating with family on burial location...he shouted "Long live jihad!"...

Saddam Hussein hanged: witnesses — BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein was hanged at dawn on Saturday, a dramatic end for a leader who ruled Iraq by fear for three decades before a U.S. invasion toppled him and was then convicted of crimes against humanity.

Some Guy Who's Not Osama Bin Laden Was Hanged Tonight
Bark Bark Woof Woof

Impact of Hussein's death likely to be limited
Prairie Weather

Ousted Iraq Dictator Saddam Hussein Is Executed (News And Blog Opinion Round Up)

Any Man's Death? — Josh Marshall tells it like it is.
Associated Press

There Is No Victory in Saddam's Execution
Global Voices Online

Madrid bombing 'breaks ETA pact' … MADRID, Spain (CNN) — Spain has blamed a powerful car bomb explosion at the country's busiest airport Saturday on Basque separatist group ETA, declaring it a violation of a nine-month cease-fire. — Several people suffered minor injuries in the parking lot blast …

Dec. deadliest month in Iraq for U.S. — BAGHDAD, Iraq - At least 46 Iraqis died in bombings Saturday, including one planted on a minibus that exploded in a fish market in a mostly Shiite town south of Baghdad. — The man blamed for parking the vehicle in Kufa, a Shiite town 100 miles south …

DAs Call for Prosecutor in Duke Lacrosse Case to Step Down — Nifong to Be Tried for Ethics Violations — ABC News Law & Justice Unit — In yet another moral blow to Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong, the North Carolina Conference of District Attorneys called for the prosecutor to step down from the Duke lacrosse case.