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EMBARGOED UNTIL DELIVERY: ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT TO THE NATION — Good evening. Tonight in Iraq, the Armed Forces of the United States are engaged in a struggle that will determine the direction of the global war on terror - and our safety here at home.
Telegraph, Washington Post, Associated Press, Informed Comment, Guardian, The American Street, Don Surber, PoliBlog (TM), Matthew Yglesias, Outside The Beltway, Redstate, A Blog For All,, The Swamp, Unqualified Offerings, Blogcritics Section, Blue Crab Boulevard, The American Mind, The Democratic Daily, Wizbang, Iowa Voice, Tammy Bruce, Daily Kos, Blogs for Bush, Macsmind, Doug Ross, Left I on the News, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS,, Daily Pundit, Daimnation!, BlueOregon, Reason Magazine and State of the Day

Troop Surge Already Under Way — 90 Advance Troops from 82nd Airborne Arrive in Baghdad — President Bush's speech may be scheduled for tonight, but the troop surge in Iraq is already under way. — ABC News has learned that the "surge" Bush is expected to announce in a prime time speech tonight has already begun.

The President's New Iraq Strategy Is Rooted In Six Fundamental Elements: — Create space for political progress; — Diversify political and economic efforts; and — Iraq Could Not Be Graver - The War On Terror Cannot Be Won If We Fail In Iraq. Our enemies throughout the Middle East are trying to defeat us in Iraq.
Right Wing News, Sister Toldjah, Winds of Change.NET, Democracy Project, QandO, The Reaction, The Huffington Post, CANNONFIRE, Secular Blasphemy, Flopping Aces, Nitpicker, Patrick Ruffini,, Wizbang, The Heretik, Middle Earth Journal, The Carpetbagger Report, One Hand Clapping, Donklephant, The Democratic Daily and Andrew Sullivan

Promising Troops Where They Aren't Really Wanted — As President Bush challenges public opinion at home by committing more American troops, he is confronted by a paradox: an Iraqi government that does not really want them. — The Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki …
Captain's Quarters, The News Blog, Brilliant at Breakfast, Outside The Beltway, The Heretik, Matthew Yglesias, Daily Kos and The RBC

Iraq PM cracks down in Shiite militiamen — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's prime minister has told Shiite militiamen to surrender their weapons or face an all-out assault, part of a commitment U.S. President George W. Bush outlined to bring violence under control with a more aggressive Iraqi Army and 21,500 additional American troops.

A Crisis of Confidence — Bush's way forward may be sensible. But his face showed fear—and that's no way to rally a war-weary nation. — George W. Bush spoke with all the confidence of a perp in a police lineup. I first interviewed the guy in 1987 and began covering his political rise in 1993 …

Intensified Combat on Streets Likely — President Bush's plan to send tens of thousands of U.S. and Iraqi reinforcements to Baghdad to jointly confront Sunni insurgents and Shiite militias is likely to touch off a more dangerous phase of the war, featuring months of fighting in the streets …
The Heretik

Bush takes blame in Iraq, adds troops
Shakespeare's Sister

A Change in Tactics, Not Strategy
Gun Toting Liberal ™, The Mahablog, slacktivist, Liberal Values, Citizens Blogging … and The Democratic Daily

Bush blames failure to secure Baghdad on lack of troops
Dean's World, Blogs of War, Hullabaloo, Big Brass Blog, Harry's Place, the talking dog, The Reaction and Unclaimed Territory

On Patrol in Baghdad; Update: Photos posted at Michelle's site — Michelle and I are embedded with a unit in Baghdad that's responsible for the "standing up" part of the US plan to get Iraq ready to become master of its own destiny. This unit trains Iraqi army and police …

In the slums of Baghdad — My Hot Air colleague Bryan Preston and I have been in Iraq, embedded with an incredibly dedicated Army unit in Baghdad tasked with training Iraqi security forces (both Shia and Sunni) conducting counterinsurgency operations, and carrying out civil affairs work.
Mensa Barbie Welcomes You

Hamas denies Meshal said group would recognize Israel — Hamas denied Wednesday that its Damascus-based political leader Khaled Meshal told Reuters in an interview that his group would consider recognizing Israel once a Palestinian state is established. (Click here for the full interview)

The Glenn and Helen Show: Mitt Romney on the War, the Campaign and the Future — Mitt Romney has officially declared his interest in the 2008 Presidential election. In this interview, he responds to a controversial YouTube video about his positions on abortion and other social issues …
Hot Air, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, ElephantBiz, Power Line, Ace of Spades HQ, BuzzMachine and Captain's Quarters

"Noble and Necessary" — President Bush was at his best tonight: serious, detailed, and above all, resolute. He spoke to many audiences. — To the public weary and grieved by the death of many of the finest Americans, the president spoke of the crucial issue: "For the safety of our people, America must succeed in Iraq."

DLC TAPS HAROLD FORD AS NEXT CHAIR — Young, black, and good-looking, Harold Ford is the kind of comer that the Democratic Party latches onto. But last November, after losing the closest Senate race in Tennessee history to Republican Bob Corker, the 10-year congressman suddenly found himself out of a job.
Daily Kos

Too Casual To Sit on Press Row? — Bloggers' Credentials Boosted With Seats at the Libby Trial — When the trial of Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice opens next week, scores of journalists are expected to throng the federal courtroom …

Olbermann: A Look Backward at the Commander's Credibility — Keith Olberman reviews the lack of credibility that has permeated the Commander in Chief on Iraq. — Download (5770) | Play (4763) Download (2289) | Play (3283) … Transcripts below the fold