Top Items:

Did the President Declare "Secret War" Against Syria and Iran? — Washington intelligence, military and foreign policy circles are abuzz today with speculation that the President, yesterday or in recent days, sent a secret Executive Order to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director …
The Agonist, The Reaction, Majikthise, Counterterrorism Blog, Dick Polman's American Debate, Macsmind, toohotfortnr, FP Passport, slacktivist, No More Mister Nice Blog, DownWithTyranny!, Ace of Spades HQ, Taylor Marsh, MyDD, Whiskey Fire, Talking Points Memo, Iowa Voice, Larisa Alexandrovna's …, American Thinker, Hullabaloo, Bring it On!, Tennessee Guerilla Women, Prairie Weather and Reason Magazine

Report: Nuclear Explosion in Iran (UPDATE: 3 explosions) — A major explosion is being reported in the Iranian desert. It said to be a nuclear explosion. In the general area of one of Iran's nuclear testing sitees. — The alternative theory is that a UFO crashed.
Associated Press, Reuters, Gateway Pundit, jules crittenden, Euphoric Reality, American Thinker and Suitably Flip

We're In Trouble — We're in big trouble. — Have a look at The Washington Note, whose latest begins like this: … If this is true, we're in very big trouble. Or, if the rumor was sparked by an order 'only' authorizing clandestine operations (or, worse, bombardment) as a form of provocation, this is serious stuff.

Video: Bombshell charge — "There are Klingons in the White House" — Not just any Klingons, either. Faux Klingons. The worst kind. — Bush. Must. Answer. — Thanks to Martin for the tip. And to Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) for taking the war hella seriously.
Ace of Spades HQ

U.S. Forces Raid Iranian Consulate in Iraq, Detain 5 (Update2) — Jan. 11 (Bloomberg) — U.S. forces in Iraq raided Iran's consulate in the northern city of Arbil and detained five staff members, a state-run Iranian news service said. — The U.S. soldiers disarmed guards and broke open …

U.S. troops raid Iranian consulate in Iraq, traumatize left-wing bloggers
Associated Press, Ynetnews, TigerHawk, Lean Left, It Shines For All, Unfogged and Tammy Bruce

Special Comment on the President's Address
State of the Day

Senate opposition to Bush plan grows — Republican Hagel calls it 'blunder'; Democrats expect to pass resolution — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice defends U.S. policy in Iraq at a Senate hearing on Thursday. — NBC VIDEO — Jan. 11: Congressional reaction to President Bush's Iraq plan …

Lawmakers Demand Answers on New Iraq Plan — Top Bush administration officials, pushing the president's case for sending more than 20,000 additional troops to Iraq, faced tough grilling on Capitol Hill today as both Republican and Democratic lawmakers demanded specific answers on how the new plan will lead to victory in Iraq.

Poll: Americans oppose Iraq troop surge — WASHINGTON - Seventy percent of Americans oppose sending more troops to Iraq, according to a new poll that provides a devastatingly blunt response to President Bush's plan to bolster military forces there. — All sides in the Iraq debate …
Think Progress, ABCNEWS, Democratic Underground,, Argghhh!, The Carpetbagger Report and Donklephant

Iranian officials detained in Iraq, U.S. official says … BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — U.S. forces detained six Iranian officials for questioning in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, seat of the Kurdish regional government, an American official said Thursday. — But the official disputes accounts …

Report: U.S. Troops Raid Iranian Consulate in Iraq
Daily Kos, BBC, Right Wing Nut House, The Political Pit Bull, jules crittenden, The Reaction, The Jawa Report, Right Voices, Riehl World View, The Impolitic, The Belmont Club, The Democratic Daily, TPMCafe blogs, skippy the bush kangaroo, Taylor Marsh, Shakespeare's Sister, Daily Pundit and Polimom Says

Blast hits U.S. Embassy compound in Athens — ATHENS, Greece (CNN) — An explosion shook the U.S. Embassy in Athens, Greece, on Friday morning, an embassy staff member told CNN. No injuries were initially reported. — State-run NET television, quoting police, first reported …

Attackers fire rocket at U.S. embassy in Athens — ATHENS (Reuters) - Attackers fired a rocket at the U.S. embassy in Athens on Friday but no one was hurt, police and the U.S. embassy said. — Greek anti-terrorist officers were on the scene. — "This was a rocket attack launched from a building across the street.
The Jawa Report

Top GOP senator 'will filibuster any Democratic attempt to decrease funding for Bush's new Iraq plan — A top GOP senator said that he "will filibuster" any Democratic attempt to decrease funding for President Bush's new Iraq plan, the Associated Press reports.

At least Bush wants to win
Political Animal, PoliBlog (TM), TAPPED, The Carpetbagger Report, Liberty Street and Liberal Values

The Mess at State — Members of the Senate intelligence committee, Republicans and Democrats alike, were alarmed last week that John Negroponte was leaving as director of national intelligence after less than two years to become deputy secretary of state. By way of explanation …

Condi Gets Grilled on Escalation
Associated Press, The Carpetbagger Report, Los Angeles Times and skippy the bush kangaroo

Kingston: Americans Should 'Marry and Work Longer Hours' To Escape Poverty — Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA) made headlines last month after complaining about Congress' new schedule that requires members to work five days a week: … Yet, last night, Kingston offered this advice to Americans living in poverty: work longer hours.

Oil Prices Fall Below $52 a Barrel — NEW YORK (AP) — Oil plunged below $52 a barrel Thursday to its lowest price since May extending a sharp decline that has been led by dampened heating oil demand, but which could save consumers money on a more widely used fuel: gasoline.

Report: Lies involved in no-knock warrant — An Atlanta police narcotics officer has told federal investigators at least one member of his unit lied about making a drug buy at the home of an elderly woman killed in a subsequent raid, according to a person close to the investigation.

High Political Drama in the Senate — The Senate is boiling with excitement right now. For background, the Senate is proposing very weak earmark reform rules. In contrast, Speaker Pelosi and the House Democrats implemented some very strong earmark rules in the lower chamber last week.
TPMmuckraker,, Redstate, Patrick Ruffini, Ace of Spades HQ and Blue Crab Boulevard