Top Items:

Clinton Announces Step Toward '08 Bid — Six years after making history by winning a United States Senate seat as first lady, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton announced this morning that she was taking the first formal step to seek the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008 …

Sen. Clinton Launches 2008 Campaign — New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D) today announced she will establish a presidential exploratory committee, launching a 2008 campaign that could make her the first female president in history and the only former first lady to succeed her husband in the White House.
QandO, Obsidian Wings,, The Heretik, The American Street, Hotline On Call, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Liberal Values and On Deadline

Clinton launches 2008 White House bid — NEW YORK - Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton embarked on a widely anticipated campaign for the White House on Saturday, a former first lady intent on becoming the first female president. "I'm in and I'm in to win," she said on her Web site.

Richardson to Launch Presidential Bid — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson Plans to Take First Step Toward 2008 White House Run — After years of freelancing his diplomatic skills from the unlikely position as governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson is taking the first step toward a bid …

Stop The Presses — Hillary Announces! — In what has to be one of the most anticlimatic campaign announcements since Ronald Reagan in 1979, Hillary Clinton officially announced her candidacy for the 2008 Presidential nomination. The official notice came as a posting on her website:
Blogs of War

The Early Line on '08 — Democrats are poised to retain …
Scared Monkeys

McCain's war stance alienates many
The Carpetbagger Report

Leading Senator Assails President Over Iran Stance — The new chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Friday sharply criticized the Bush administration's increasingly combative stance toward Iran, saying that White House efforts to portray it as a growing threat are uncomfortably reminiscent …

How Arafat Got Away with Murder — The State Department covered up his responsibility for the 1973 slaughter of two American diplomats. — Twenty years before he joined Bill Clinton and Yitzhak Rabin in Washington for that famous handshake—and proceeded to become Clinton's …
Power Line

SCENES FROM A MISCARRIAGE — Thanks to John for his kind words …
US Department of State

National Sanctity of Human Life Day, 2007 — A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America — America was founded on the principle that we are all endowed by our Creator with the right to life and that every individual has dignity and worth.

Let's Go to the Video: When and Where Did Hillary Tape 'I'm In' Announcement? — If the timing came as a bit of surprise, nothing could have been less unexpected than Hillary's "I'm In" announcement of today. — But have a look at the video of her announcement.

HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT?....So Hillary's in. John Podhoretz must be breaking out in a cold sweat right about now. Her decision to make the announcement on her website on a Saturday, rather than at a traditional press event on a weekday, was interesting, wasn't it?

Archives of Spin — SINCE Franklin D. Roosevelt dedicated the first federal presidential library — actually an archive and history museum — in 1941, each president has had a hand in developing his own memorial. The National Archives and Records Administration now oversees 11 presidential libraries …
The Huffington Post

Hezbollah vows 'very big action' ahead — BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah promised Friday that his opposition alliance would intensify its campaign to bring down the government, pledging to mount an "effective" action in the coming days.
Atlas Shrugs

Republicans elect Martinez to party's top post — WASHINGTON — Looking to rebuild after November's stinging midterm election losses, the Republican Party turned Friday to a Cuban-American senator from Florida to carry their message into the 2008 presidential election campaign.

Democrat backlash against US oil industry — The oil industry faces a $14bn (£7.1bn) bill over the next 10 years after the US House of Representatives agreed on measures that would strip the industry of tax breaks and force it to make larger royalty payments.

Cancer study ordered into mobile phones — A mass study of the long-term impact of mobile phones is to be undertaken amid fears that people who have used them for more than ten years are at greater risk from brain cancer. — More than 200,000 volunteers, including long-term users …

Rule by decree passed for Chavez — Venezuela's National Assembly has given initial approval to a bill granting the president the power to bypass congress and rule by decree for 18 months. — President Hugo Chavez says he wants "revolutionary laws" to enact sweeping political, economic and social changes.

Late Nite FDL: We Need Your Picture — I just talked to Jane and she sounds fantastic. Actually, I had snuggled up with Juan Carlos the Wonder Kitty™ about an hour ago and dozed off thinking about what to write about tonight. The phone rang and I grabbed it before I was all the way awake.

Report from the ICU: Jane Hamsher Fights the Very Good Fight

US moves on Sadr Aide — Bombings Wrack Baghdad, Mosul — Baathists Plan Convention in Damascus — US and Iraqi troops arrested Sadr aide Abdul Hadi Darraji in East Baghdad at midnight Iraqi time last night. The Sadr movement maintains he is just a spokesman and is not involved in militia operations.
Political Animal