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The Obama Messiah Watch — INTRODUCING A PERIODIC FEATURE CONSIDERING EVIDENCE THAT OBAMA IS THE SON OF GOD. — Is Barak Obama—junior U.S. senator from Illinois, best-selling author, Harvard Law Review editor, Men's Vogue cover model, and "exploratory" presidential candidate …
Crunchy Con

Why aren't we ashamed of fawning over Obama? — Slate's Tim Noah has introduced a new regular feature called "The Obama Messiah Watch," devoted to "gratuitously adoring biographical details" about Barack Obama. The first item, from the LA Times, quotes a former classmate of Obama's marveling …

Senators Assert Right to Block Bush on Iraq — Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee began laying the constitutional groundwork today for an effort to block President Bush's plan to send more troops to Iraq and place new limits on the conduct of the war there, perhaps forcing a withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.

Republicans and Congress' war powers — then and now — Russ Feingold today is chairing a Committee hearing in order to demonstrate that Congress has the Constitutional authority to compel the President to withdraw troops from Iraq, a power that is not merely confined to cutting off appropriations.

Beyond Baghdad — Since President Bush announced that he would send more American troops to Iraq, the debate on Iraq policy has reached new levels of stridency. Opponents of the war have rallied against what they see as an unjustified escalation, while the administration has dismissed opposition as defeatism.

Senate clears way for minimum wage vote — WASHINGTON — The Senate cleared the way for an increase in the minimum wage Tuesday, but only with business tax breaks that House Democrats want removed. — Final Senate passage of the legislation is expected later this week …

Senate Multimillionares Vote To Block Minimum Wage Hike

Libby Live: Judy One — Ground rules: not a court reporter. Limit refreshes, but not refreshments. Shameless commerce: buy this. — Fitz in his seersucker-esque taking a drink of water, looking through his notes. — Here she comes. White shirt, big lapels. No glasses.

U.S. missile defense maturing, latest test a success — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Within a year, the U.S. missile defense system should be able to guard against enemy attacks, while testing new technologies, the deputy director of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency said on Monday.
Ace of Spades HQ

Democrats unveil massive spending bill — WASHINGTON - Democrats have unveiled a massive spending bill combining the budgets of 13 Cabinet agencies with increases in aid for lower-income college students, while cutting President Bush's funding requests for foreign aid and closing military bases.

Exclusive: GOP talking points encourage using Lieberman to attack Democrats on war

Lara Logan & al Qaeda: What's the 411, CBS? — First, read this heart-rending appeal from Lara Logan complaining about CBS News refusing to air one of her Haifa Street reports, which highlighted a masked "Haifa Street resident" who "blamed the fighting on the U.S. Here's a screen shot of her source:

FAQ - John Edwards' New House! — 1) Why should I care about John Edwards' new house? — Well, it's quite a house. 28,000 square feet of magnificent splendor located in one of North Carolina's most fashionable counties. This isn't a McMansion we're talking about here. This is the real deal - A Mansion!

Analysis: Najaf battle raises questions — BAGHDAD, Iraq — Accounts of the bloody battle near Najaf have produced more questions than answers, raising doubts about Iraqi security forces' performance and concern over tensions within the majority Shiite community.

Missteps by Iraqi Forces in Battle Raise Questions
Healing Iraq, Washington Post, American Footprints, Michelle Malkin, Gateway Pundit, CNN, Right Wing News, Taylor Marsh, Outside The Beltway, AMERICAblog, Informed Comment, Middle Earth Journal, Daily Kos, The Carpetbagger Report, The Heretik, The Reaction, Los Angeles Times, The American Street and Needlenose

10 years to save the planet — Global Cool ... Pearl Harbor star Josh Hartnett — A NEW worldwide movement backed by celebrities, musicians, politicians and business leaders is aiming to reverse the effects of global warming over the next decade. — Global Cool launched in London …

Hillary Clinton and the Politics of Resenting History — When Abraham Lincoln decided to run for a second term in the midst of the Civil War, he used a homespun analogy that nearly everybody could relate to: "You don't swap horses in the middle of a stream." In 1864, after all, people still rode horses to go places.

Webb to Secretary Rice: Ahem — A couple weeks ago, Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) asked Secretary Condoleeza Rice if the administration thought President Bush had the power to take military action against Iran without permission from Congress. — She deferred an answer, saying …
Unqualified Offerings

How Mitt Romney Avoided Campaign-Finance Rules — Federal law limits how much money individuals can give to presidential candidates — $2,300 per election. But what about Compuware Inc. founder Peter Karmanos? Last year, he gave $250,000 to presidential aspirant and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

Soldier's Death Strengthens Senators' Antiwar Resolve — Kerry, Dodd Demand Stronger Challenge to Bush — Just before Christmas, an Army captain named Brian Freeman cornered Sens. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) and John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) at a Baghdad helicopter landing zone.

GAZE IN THE MILITARY — MCCAIN-CLINTON LOVE-IN AT BASE — WASHINGTON - Looks like things are getting serious in the race for the White House - seriously lovey-dovey, that is. — Judging from this photo, the spirit of bipartisan cooperation appeared to be alive and well yesterday between …
It Shines For All

GOP Right Sees Lemons in White House Race — Contemplating the current field of Republican presidential candidates, Rush Limbaugh sounded like a man with malaise. — "To be honest with you, there's nobody out there that revs me up," he confessed to his audience of several million conservative sympathizers …