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Edwards's Bloggers Cross the Line, Critic Says — Two bloggers hired by John Edwards to reach out to liberals in the online world have landed his presidential campaign in hot water for doing what bloggers do — expressing their opinions in provocative and often crude language.
Outside The Beltway, Hot Air, Michelle Malkin, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Patterico's Pontifications, All Spin Zone, MyDD, culturekitchen, QandO, Shakespeare's Sister, Right Wing Nut House, The Carpetbagger Report, Althouse, Balloon Juice, Booman Tribune, Confederate Yankee, The Daily Background, Personal Democracy Forum blogs, Feministe, Little Green Footballs, Daily Kos, Transterrestrial Musings, Feministing, Vox Popoli, The Political Pit Bull, NewsHog, Decision '08, Overlawyered, A Spork in the Drawer, Beltway Blogroll, Simianbrain, Rising Hegemon, Brainster's Blog and State of the Day

Does John Edwards Condone Hate Speech? — A bit of a tempest is brewing over the strident and profanity-laced writings of John Edwards' official campaign "blogmaster," Amanda Marcotte. She joined the Edwards campaign last week, and she's already gotten a lot of attention.
CorrenteWire, The Carpetbagger Report, The Jawa Report, Suburban Guerrilla, PSoTD, Daily Kos and Crooks and Liars

A look at John McCain's blogger-consultant — (updated below - Update II - Update III) — Apparently, there is a new standard that any blogger who has made controversial or profane remarks in the past is unsuitable to work for a political campaign. That is the premise of these two articles …
The Heretik, Personal Democracy Forum blogs, Taylor Marsh, Ezra Klein, The Sideshow, TAPPED and The Right's Field

Catholics Slam Bloggers Hired by Edwards — WASHINGTON — Two bloggers hired recently by Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards were criticized Tuesday by a Catholic group for posts they had written elsewhere on the Internet. — Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League …
No More Mister Nice Blog

NY Times, AP reported Donohue's criticism of Edwards campaign bloggers — but ignored Donohue's own controversial comments and inconsistent outrage — The New York Times and Associated Press have both reported criticism by Catholic League president Bill Donohue of two bloggers hired …

Baghdad Push Begins, U.S. Military Says — The long-awaited Baghdad security operation has begun, the top United States military spokesman in Iraq said today, also confirming that a transport helicopter had come down near Baghdad. He declined to comment on any casualties.

Iraqi Premier Admits Errors in Introducing Security Plan in Baghdad — Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki acknowledged for the first time on Tuesday that his government had stumbled in its efforts to carry out a new security plan in Baghdad and that the delays and mounting violence were hurting its credibility with the Iraqi people.

Ban Proposed On Walking While Talking, Listening To iPod — Ban Would Apply To MP3 players, Blackberrys — A state senator from Brooklyn said on Tuesday he plans to introduce legislation that would ban people from using an MP3 player, cell phone, Blackberry or any other electronic device …

Bill Banning iPods In Crosswalks Slated For Albany — State Sen. Kruger: Electronic Devices Put Many In Danger — (CBS) NEW YORK First it was cell phones in cars, then trans fats. Now, a new plan is on the table to ban gadget use while crossing city streets.

Matthews drops the F-bomb. — Once again allowing his emotions to get the better of him, Hardball host Chris Matthews told Don Imus this morning that he's "so sick of Southern guys with ranches running this country. I want a guy to run for President who doesn't have a f**king — I'm sorry, a ranch."
Reason Magazine

Many Voices, No Debate, as Senate Is Stifled on War — At a time when even President Bush acknowledges that the war in Iraq is sapping the nation's spirit, the Senate has tied itself up in procedural knots rather than engage in a debate on Iraq policy. — Given the influence that voter frustration …
Redstate, Prairie Weather, A Second Hand Conjecture, PoliBlog (TM), The Huffington Post, Media Blog and Washington Post

Cheney's Son-In-Law Blamed for Delaying Investigations of Homeland Security Department — The Department of Homeland Security refuses to cooperate on oversight activities, according to testimony offered today by GAO Comptroller General David Walker and Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner.

New Takes on the New Deal — When it released its budget proposal Monday, the Bush administration — and its congressional critics — focused anew on the country's giant Social Security program. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has said "significant political differences" …

Giuliani speaking fees draw scrutiny — Firm headed by `America's mayor' challenged in court — WASHINGTON — As Rudolph Giuliani prepares to run for the nation's highest public office based on his image as the heroic take-charge mayor of New York in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks …

Legislation to require White House disclosure of military contracting — Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.), a House Intelligence Committee member, introduced legislation requiring the Bush administration to disclose to what degree it relies on private military contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Iran Considers Gasoline Rationing — Sitting on a mountain of oil, the Iranians move toward gas rationing. — IRANIANS are among the world's biggest consumers of gasoline because the product is kept at an artificially low price through government subsidies.
The Moderate Voice

Black women face dilemma in Democratic primary — Barack Obama is black. Hillary Rodham Clinton is a woman. — So if you're an African-American woman - and therefore, presumably, a Democrat - how do you choose between Senator Obama and Senator Clinton in what could turn out to be a precedent-setting presidential election?