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Does John Edwards Condone Hate Speech? — A bit of a tempest is brewing over the strident and profanity-laced writings of John Edwards' official campaign "blogmaster," Amanda Marcotte. She joined the Edwards campaign last week, and she's already gotten a lot of attention.

Edwards's Bloggers Cross the Line, Critic Says — Two bloggers hired by John Edwards to reach out to liberals in the online world have landed his presidential campaign in hot water for doing what bloggers do — expressing their opinions in provocative and often crude language.
Captain's Quarters, Hot Air, Associated Press, Michelle Malkin, Feministe, MyDD, TAPPED, CBS News, Right Wing Nut House, Outside The Beltway, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, protein wisdom, Ezra Klein, Dean's World, Booman Tribune, Shakespeare's Sister, the david all group, Off the Kuff, Creative Destruction,, The Carpetbagger Report, Political Animal, QandO, The Fix, Confederate Yankee, The American Street, Liberty Street, All Spin Zone, Patterico's Pontifications, Little Green Footballs, Slog, Balloon Juice, The Right's Field, The Heretik, Washington Wire, culturekitchen, Personal Democracy Forum blogs, NewsHog, The Belmont Club, Daily Kos, Taylor Marsh, Lawyers, Guns and Money, The Daily Background, Vox Popoli, Andrew Olmsted dot com, BLACKFIVE, Liberal Values, Gun Toting Liberal ™, Transterrestrial Musings, Brainster's Blog, Blue Crab Boulevard, Feministing and No More Mister Nice Blog

Edwards campaign fires bloggers — The right-wing blogosphere has gotten its scalps — John Edwards has fired the two controversial bloggers he recently hired to do liberal blogger outreach, Salon has learned. — The bloggers, Amanda Marcotte, formerly of Pandagon, and Melissa McEwan …
Captain's Quarters, The Carpetbagger Report, The Jawa Report, Althouse, Ilyka Damen, Cliff Schecter, Reason Magazine, The Agonist, Political Insider, TerryMoran, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, The Sundries Shack, MyDD, Hotline On Call, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, protein wisdom, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, TAPPED and skippy the bush kangaroo

NY Times, AP reported Donohue's criticism of Edwards campaign bloggers — but ignored Donohue's own controversial comments and inconsistent outrage — The New York Times and Associated Press have both reported criticism by Catholic League president Bill Donohue of two bloggers hired …

Waiting To Hear From Edwards — I have a pretty vicious rant and an important action alert lined up, but I am waiting to hear from the Edwards camp about the fate of Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan before doing anything. The Salon story is not credible and cannot be verified at this time.

A look at John McCain's blogger-consultant — Apparently, there is a new standard that any blogger who has made controversial or profane remarks in the past is unsuitable to work for a political campaign. That is the premise of these two articles — one from The New York Times and another …

McCain and his blogger apparently agree: Chelsea Clinton is "ugly" — In 2004, a poster on the conservative website using the pseudonym "Kerry Crusher" — identified on as blogger Patrick Hynes — characterized Chelsea Clinton as "hideously ugly."

Libby Live: Tim Russert, One — Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be live-bloggers. Trying to keep up with the tapes of rapid-fire Fitz and soft-spoken Scooter was no fun. But now we're back in the world of live witnesses, who hopefully will pause for breath more often ...

Lawmakers Revolt Against Long Hours — Even before Democratic leaders have made good on promises to harness lawmakers five days a week, cross-party opposition is growing, with senators ready to revolt and House members simmering over the new schedule. — The most popular move afoot …

Many Voices, No Debate, as Senate Is Stifled on War
Redstate, Taylor Marsh, The Democratic Daily, A Second Hand Conjecture, Prairie Weather and PoliBlog (TM)

Bill Banning iPods In Crosswalks Slated For Albany — State Sen. Kruger: Electronic Devices Put Many In Danger — (CBS) NEW YORK First it was cell phones in cars, then trans fats. Now, a new plan is on the table to ban gadget use while crossing city streets.

Cheney's Son-In-Law Blamed for Delaying Investigations of Homeland Security Department — The Department of Homeland Security refuses to cooperate on oversight activities, according to testimony offered today by GAO Comptroller General David Walker and Homeland Security Inspector General Richard Skinner.
The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, Political Animal, The Carpetbagger Report and Crooks and Liars

February 7, 2007 - Giuliani, McCain, Clinton In Florida Horse Race, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds; Results Close To Clinton's Razor-Thin Lead In Ohio — In an early look at the 2008 presidential race in Florida, former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani has a razor-thin 47 …

Matthews drops the F-bomb. — Once again allowing his emotions to get the better of him, Hardball host Chris Matthews told Don Imus this morning that he's "so sick of Southern guys with ranches running this country. I want a guy to run for President who doesn't have a f**king — I'm sorry, a ranch."

Mistrial in Watada court-martial — FORT LEWIS — The court-martial of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada ended in a mistrial Wednesday. — The case's just, Lt. Col. John Head, declared the trial over after a day of wrangling over a stipulation of facts that Watada had signed before the trial …
Michelle Malkin

Baghdad Push Begins, U.S. Military Says — The long-awaited Baghdad security operation has begun, the top United States military spokesman in Iraq said today, also confirming that a transport helicopter had come down near Baghdad. He declined to comment on any casualties.

Air America Fire Sale — Documents: Bankrupt liberal radio network to sell for $4.25 million — Bankrupt and about to lose Al Franken, its marquee star, Air America Radio is set to change hands for the bargain price of $4.25 million, according to new court documents.

Pentagon Inspector General to release investigation into secretive pre-war Iraq intelligence group — Former Undersecretary Feith says he hasn't seen report — A long awaited Pentagon Inspector General's report into the Office of Special Plans and its activities surrounding pre-war intelligence …