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THE PANDAGON PAPERS — [Strong content warning - ed.] — Dear Senator Edwards: — I am f**king delighted to accept your offer of the position of Official Blogger for the Edwards 2008 presidential campaign. Please find attached my f**king W-2 form. — I would like to express …

Waiting To Hear From Edwards — I have a pretty vicious rant and an important action alert lined up, but I am waiting to hear from the Edwards camp about the fate of Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwan before doing anything. The Salon story is not credible and cannot be verified at this time.
Ace of Spades HQ, The Caucus, The Political Pit Bull, Daily Pundit, JustOneMinute and The Supreme Irony of Life

Does John Edwards Condone Hate Speech? — A bit of a tempest is brewing over the strident and profanity-laced writings of John Edwards' official campaign "blogmaster," Amanda Marcotte. She joined the Edwards campaign last week, and she's already gotten a lot of attention.
Jay, Daily Kos, Pajamas Media, CBS News, Silent Running, Dean's World, TPMCafe blogs, Ace of Spades HQ,, Crooks and Liars, Shakespeare's Sister, Liberty Street, Right Wing Nut House, Slog, Balloon Juice, Suburban Guerrilla, Confederate Yankee, The Carpetbagger Report, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, CorrenteWire, BLACKFIVE, Michelle Malkin, Little Green Footballs, Taylor Marsh, The Sundries Shack and PSoTD

NY Times, AP reported Donohue's criticism of Edwards campaign bloggers — but ignored Donohue's own controversial comments and inconsistent outrage — The New York Times and Associated Press have both reported criticism by Catholic League president Bill Donohue of two bloggers hired …

CNN on the Edwards/Blogger Story — I wasn't happy with this report. Why did CNN choose to interview Danny Glover for the piece anyway? Why did CNN give Donohue a nice platform with nobody from the left to add balance to the segment? They must know how controversial he is.

Intemperate allies for me, but not for thee — There's no official word yet on whether John Edwards' presidential campaign has fired Pandagon's Amanda Marcotte and Shakespeare's Sister's Melissa McEwan yet. Salon reported that the dismissal has already happened, but Edwards' spokesperson cautioned Salon …

A look at John McCain's blogger-consultant
Pam's House Blend, The Right's Field, Hullabaloo, The American Street, LiberalOasis, Ezra Klein, The Daily Whim, The Agonist, Right Wing Nut House, Personal Democracy Forum blogs, MyDD, Power Line, Brainster's Blog, Feministe, NewsHog, ePluribus Media Community, The Mahablog, Daily Kos, The Heretik, The Sideshow, QandO and culturekitchen

Libby Live: Tim Russert, Two — More cross-examination by Wells of Tim Russert ... NOTES: (1) This is not an official transcript — just a very loose paraphrase, at best — so don't treat it as one. Even exchanges that look like verbatim dialogue are just the gist of each question and each answer …

Russert contradicts Libby's testimony — WASHINGTON - NBC newsman Tim Russert testified Wednesday he never discussed a CIA operative with vice presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, contradicting Libby's version to a grand jury in the CIA leak investigation.

Libby Live: Tim Russert, One — Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be live-bloggers. Trying to keep up with the tapes of rapid-fire Fitz and soft-spoken Scooter was no fun. But now we're back in the world of live witnesses, who hopefully will pause for breath more often ...

The Libby Trial: Why Did Tim Russert Fight So Hard to Avoid Telling …

Pelosi Catches Nonstop Flights Home — Amid rumblings from conservatives that she is seeking special treatment, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) will receive use of an Air Force jet larger than the one used by her predecessor, Rep. J. Dennis Hastert, so she can fly nonstop to her home in San Francisco.

Baghdad Push Begins, U.S. Military Says — The long-awaited Baghdad security operation has begun, the top United States military spokesman in Iraq said today, also confirming that a transport helicopter had come down near Baghdad. He declined to comment on any casualties.

Operation Baghdad, Day 2. — Last night continued to be quiet …

Mistrial in Watada court-martial — FORT LEWIS — The court-martial of 1st Lt. Ehren Watada ended in a mistrial Wednesday. — The case's just, Lt. Col. John Head, declared the trial over after a day of wrangling over a stipulation of facts that Watada had signed before the trial …

NY Times publisher: Our goal is to manage the transition from print to internet — Despite his personal fortune and impressive lineage, Arthur Sulzberger, owner, chairman and publisher of the most respected newspaper in the world, is a stressed man. — Why would the man behind the New York Times be stressed?
Don Surber

Military: No Gitmo guard abuse evident — SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - An Army officer who investigated possible abuse at Guantanamo Bay after some guards purportedly bragged about beating detainees found no evidence they mistreated the prisoners — although he did not interview any of the alleged victims, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

7 GOP Senators Back War Debate — Lawmakers Had Blocked Action on Troop Resolution — Senate Republicans who earlier this week helped block deliberations on a resolution opposing President Bush's new troop deployments in Iraq changed course yesterday and vowed to use every tactic at their disposal to ensure a full and open debate.

Global Warming and Hot Air — You could be excused for thinking that we'll soon do something serious about global warming. Last Friday, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — an international group of scientists — concluded that, to a 90 percent probability, human activity is warming the Earth.
New York Times, The Volokh Conspiracy, Cafe Hayek, Blue Crab Boulevard, Crunchy Con and Reason Magazine

Air America Fire Sale — Documents: Bankrupt liberal radio network to sell for $4.25 million — Bankrupt and about to lose Al Franken, its marquee star, Air America Radio is set to change hands for the bargain price of $4.25 million, according to new court documents.

Nelson Polsby, 1934-2007 — Nelson Polsby has just passed away. Nelson was a giant of American political science, a leading academic authority on presidential elections, Congress, political party reform, and a host of other topics. His PhD thesis was one of political science's path-altering works …

Pentagon Inspector General to release investigation into secretive pre-war Iraq intelligence group — Former Undersecretary Feith says he hasn't seen report — A long awaited Pentagon Inspector General's report into the Office of Special Plans and its activities surrounding pre-war intelligence …