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Statement on Campaign Bloggers — The tone and the sentiment of some of Amanda Marcotte's and Melissa McEwan's posts personally offended me. It's not how I talk to people, and it's not how I expect the people who work for me to talk to people. Everyone is entitled to their opinion …
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Edwards' Bloggers Regret Critical Posts — WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards said Thursday he was personally offended by the provocative messages two of his campaign bloggers wrote criticizing the Catholic church, but he's not firing them.
Okay, so maybe a few more words on this whole Marcotte dustup. Because Oprah tells me I need closure, and because, well, it dovetails nicely with some of my site themes — Via Bumperstickerist, here is word from the Edwards campaign, which has decided to keep Marcotte and McEwan onboard the Edwards Express:
End of The Standoff and Pointing Our Guns At The Right — We all know the scene from the end of Reservoir Dogs. The main chararcters are holed up in a dingy warehouse, half-dead with guns pointed at each other. Each man is set to do fatal violence to the other and as the scene develops …
GOP makes much ado about the size of Pelosi's plane — The House speaker has had the use of a government jet since the Sept. 11 attacks — (02-08) 04:00 PST Washington — The way Speaker Nancy Pelosi will travel home to San Francisco and on official business is the latest tempest to hit the House of Representatives.
Pentagon limits Pelosi jet size — The Department of Defense yesterday sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that puts limits on the size of the plane she may use to travel across the country and restricts the guests she can bring, The Washington Times has learned.
Pelosi calls for 'mandatory action' to control greenhouse gases, hopes for Energy Independence Day — Republican says plan will cost US jobs — Citing "a growing chorus of voices," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called Thursday for "mandatory action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution …
Pelosi: I'll fly commercial
QandO, Redstate, Pajamas Media, Think Progress, Talking Points Memo and Blue Crab Boulevard
Russert on the Hot Seat in Libby Trial — WASHINGTON (AP) — NBC's Tim Russert got the sort of "Meet the Press" interrogation he usually gives to his guests as attorneys Thursday flashed excerpts of his previous statements on a video monitor and asked him to explain inconsistencies.
Tim Russert, on The Uncomfortable Side of a Question
New York Times
Al Qaeda in Iraq Crumbling: al Masri on the run — Coalition forces in Iraq have delivered a series of stunning blows to al Qaeda in Iraq in the last 48 hours. — A key aide to Abu Ayyub al-Masri, the man who replaced Abu Musab al Zarqawi as the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, has been south of Baghdad.
7 GOP Senators Back War Debate — Lawmakers Had Blocked Action on Troop Resolution — Senate Republicans who earlier this week helped block deliberations on a resolution opposing President Bush's new troop deployments in Iraq changed course yesterday and vowed to use every tactic at their disposal to ensure a full and open debate.
Unclaimed Territory, The Washington Note, Captain's Quarters, PoliBlog (TM), Angry Bear, The Left Coaster, The Carpetbagger Report, Decision '08, Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, DownWithTyranny!, Think Progress, Blue Crab Boulevard, AMERICAblog, The Daily Background, Jules Crittenden, State of the Day, Power Line, Middle Earth Journal and The Heretik
Allied With Democrats, Lieberman Easily Aligns With Republicans
Jonah Goldberg Day! — Two years ago today, Jonah Goldberg threw down the following challenge to Juan Cole: … Since Goldberg enjoys throwing a little smear-job in with his punditry, he also offered this: … Got it. So we have a prediction, along with the insinuation that Professor Cole …
Mormon Candidate Braces for Religion as Issue — As he begins campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, is facing a threshold issue: Will his religion — he is a Mormon — be a big obstacle to winning the White House?
The Hill, DownWithTyranny!, Captain's Quarters, Wonkette, First Read, Article VI Blog and Daily Pundit
Hillary Clinton should ditch the trousers: Versace — BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should tap into her feminine side and wear dresses and skirts instead of trousers, fashion designer Donatella Versace was quoted as saying on Thursday.
Bush Wants Funding Jump for Anti-Drug Ads Rated as Useless — President Bush has proposed a significant jump in funding for an anti-drug advertising campaign that government-funded research shows is at best useless and at worst has increased drug use among some teens.